HomeMy WebLinkAbout052881 Min. PORT TOWNSENDs WASHINGTON 98368
. Port Townsend Planning Commission
T. r:ening Business
Chal*r�►an F:Loyd- called the meeting to order�at 7:30 P.M.
Members present-pwere Ju:La"Le McCulloch,, Larry Dennison, Jim Campbells B3"L11
Henderson, Jean Camfi*eld� midi. Rode hi*er, and John F:Loyd City Engineer
Roger French, and City Attorney Glenn Abraham wire also rpre sent:
B1'11 Henderson moved that the minutes be approved as written. Larry
Dennison seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
II. Application Number 281-02 Linc oln Rogers
Street Vacation 11128 9th Street
Port Townsend, Wa.
The applicant proposes that Sherman Street be vacated between 9th and 10th
Streets as no need exists for this street to ever be opened and i*t iOs a mess
• now in s opinion.
After question about utility easements, Mr. French stated there was an
autuma-ljic retention 'of easemea an vacated streets-,
Joe Higlon stated he wanted all streets in the area deft as is.
W.W. Higlon stated his abjection to this vacation. Skated he liked to be
able to run hits tractor through this unopened stmet and generally did not
want the street" vacated.
A. Zamperin stated that 3Lf city does not maintain a street and the public
wants it, why not.
The cuiwassi0 an discussed the application- x�stat-01n� 'that thelt city did riot land
dock amyone that if �g�.v3.ng this vacation would have any effect on reducing
traffic on Sims Way, that it might be a good moveim= but this section of Sheraan
was too far away to help the traffic on Soms Way. Public object3*Lon was also
a considerations
After a discussions Julie McCulloch moved that this Application Nmber-- 281-02
be recommended for denial because it did not- meet criteria of Street Vacatx"on
Ordinance 5.2, 1802., Item 2 & 5. Jean Camfa.eld seconded the motion and b approved
and Chair. did not. Chairman Floyd stated he would work with lega-slative
C ttee i.n preparation for the Council Report.
III10 App cation Number 3$1-01 Lowell & Barbara Bogart
Rezone }.238 Washington St.
Port Townsend,,- Wadi
A rezone request from R III to R II to allow appla.cants to renovate the
carriage house/imter tower.
• Mr. Bogart stated to the cuinmission that they wished to withdraw the
application as the James House was said and they were no larger 3'.nterested
in a: zone,
N. Application Number 281-01 Pill! x-G Angeles Savings & Loan
Rezone P.O. Bax 7.$0
Port- Angeles., Wa.
Applicant wishes to rezone this property from P 1 to C 11 to permit
construction of a new banking facility. The applicant-, states that- this
-develaent of an attractive and well landscaped banking facility an the
proposed property will be consistent with the use and development of the
surrounding area. 0
Due to the"appearance to fa2"-rness11ru:Le camissioners J. Floyd, J. McCulloch,
Ha Rodeghier; and"L: Son Mwithc�ew from'�th�e• hearing; PA
The reiiiaining-dco�mmissianers��d1d not canstitute a quote:
.F OW1411b.
Brooke Taylor- rupre ftnting Port .Angeles Savings & Loan, stated 1tkrat,this
appla:cation had,-started 4 years ago nothing vasm chan d%&-1 justl-lp updated.
e brview+�d� .thei.��x�v�lems wlth.. nappearance to •fa3.�ess" enteri..ng-
H1@-ef1y-i-1_Vin to disquaIify�appl�.c�ti.-on�`- staXtiig ..o�a�r.yet again. H� stated that the
pre-sent facility eras outdated and d3:d not have adequate park�.ngo He felt
the~new-facifiity mild be an•'asset to 'the c otrmiuni:ty.
• Ruth Short gave -the history of properly that the Savings & Loan had bought
from b her son.
Hamer Smith Stafied that in t=e s pasty Port Angeles Savings an
I Loan was the
Ordy stitution that •'gave-financing-to the aa:
H. J. Carroll stated this Savings & Loan gave 95$ of the financandng all
the other financing institutions have off street paarrking and I*t was a shame
that this was- left -to, wait- so R°lcmg.
M. Norwood staffed that she agreed with the application for all the reasons
previously stated-"..
DrAll PILut� stated he was- a� !�6 year re sident of Port Townsend and had watched city
graw.w He could see no reason why Port Angeles Saim" "s & Loan rezonecati"appon
should-o-not go through,0
Robert eese•..raad a��:�ter�rarn h3m� and �his��wife��for�denia].* of this.
rez MVIe"•for•the•fall, ..reasons:A- there-PI is e 44ar qy availably for
this kind of business, More parker is going to be available, very 1ittle
left all' theMICt'P zameW�� in��the Yu�ure may re,gret•..thi.s rezune:
Stevie Hayden said tYrat over 30 acres of b-vacant cow*ercial propelwiu,_ was
availL..e#4 h-.1I
bIvb �of•space Vras available dormtown. 7.'here were no covenants
and could be sold -tomo ow for a host of things. Kearney and Sims Way was
the worst•inte AV Z5 e c tic on-m:Ln t awn:
J. en stated her opposition to this ,rezone.- There was no' usti-ficati�on .
that this was in the p'ublic's interest. re was already a surplus of
Crcro erty. This rezone, she felts would have far reaching consequences*
• Mrs,; E. Butler- told cunurmssion that a driver up banking facility was important-','
David Gooding, member of board of directors of Port Angeles Savings & Loan��
statedarkp ir�g�was a problem for customers and empl-es 'as well.
Steve Hayden asked I*f this was private gain or public gain? Why didn't they
bV cV=jje.L`V 11.a I property to begin with. .
Brooke Taylor said that 3*.f other property was coned c rcial then wrong
property had- that zoning.
After muchscussion the remaining com i's s ion decided since there was no
qUU1W1 to present unbiasedf di
ng of fact.
Findi* q of Fact
1. -Determa.natxon of the character of the area,- surrounddmg the site*
The cum-mission,-asked Mr. French to draw up a map shaving what is
currontly the ch&racter.,of the surrounding area.
2. Determimtion- 'of the nature of the-site- specified xn the application.
Would be shaven an map thdt% Mr. French would prepare.
3. Detenn2mtqian of the natum of the specific use proposed for the s!Lte
• named in the appl:Lcation.
Mr. Taylor states it i*s to be a bmiking facility, but the cumm-ssion
feels, itis--a non"Proi e rez6one'.',
Deterrnination of the probable positive and/or negative impacts of the
proposed uBage--on uurj:-"Vimding properties.
Posi*tiveawFor the surrounding property it would be more attractive and
�- enhane-e -business-.intere-st:
Negative-Increased traffic at the •intersect3.oniof Kearney and Sims Way.
5. Determinatiou� of-1 -vi impart under•the provisioxis of SEPA.
Err9tromnental Impact Statement% dealt with this.
Jean Camf i'eld was asked to prepare ts finding of fact for the City Council.
and- she agreed.
Adju ou.L--jl unent
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M.
Virginia Mulkey secretary
This meeting was partially taped recorded (the r�zone applicati'Lon was taped)_