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• Port Townsend Planning Commission
t z S
M s OF APRIL 3a, 1981
I. Opening Business
Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M.
Members present were Larry De i",son,, Jean -Camfield,,- Jim Campbell,, Heidi
Rodeghier, Julie McCulloch, 131"11 Henderson and John Floyd. Roger FJeench,
City'Engineer and*�Secreta Vi I*nia Mu]Lkey were also.-p sent,*
Jean CCieldmfmoved that the minutes be approved as written. harry
De isonsea ded-thee MotilonI q 4and it passed unanimaus %'
Chai.rtnan Floyd scheduled, with the commissions' approval, Public Hearing
for Rezone Application No. 38�.-Ol, and Pub],io Hear�i.ng for Rezone Application
No. 2$1-01 an May 28, 1987..
1I. Application No. 4&1-Q1. Clark' & Associates for
Variance John- Pickett
315 East 8th- St.
Port Angeles., Wa. 98362
A variance requested to construct a seven foot wLde sidewallc rat
her than the
• required 12 foot sidewalk. Applleant feels that since' Port Townsend Playa
does not conform- with-usIta� denrelamanlu,� � •tixat• a narrower sidewalk
would be acceptable since it wbud improve the situation for pedestrians
walking through thells dowmtown L-areaalang�•Water Street.
After a brief discussion; J Campbe]Ll moved to recommend thatr. Application
No. 4811W01 a vcar3.ance request, be approved as it meets City Ordinance 1b25,
Section 6.1041111112 letter Item 1,,,2,,,,4,,5,,6,,7, and 8. Larry Dennison seconded the
motion and it- pas-sed an o u si,y.
III* Applicat ion No. 4$1-02 Robert H. Vold & Elizabeth
Street Vacati"on M. Pomie roym
77th Ave S
Seattle, Wash. 98172
Proposed vacat-*1 of 10th Strut between-'Block E and F of Elsenbeis Addition.
App3.iaant wants the vacation to increaze s & her property value, increase
length of property for builpurposest thus hy their upkeep of property
Wil.I improve that area- of vacated-road- greatly,
Larry' Detmi:son moved' to table Stmets Vacation- Application Na. 481ew02 pending
committees rcVIr�nendati.on until the June 25, 1961 mee ean Canfieldlk
seconded the? m on and -it 'passed unanimous3LYil'
Chairman Floyd instructed the C rehensive Plan C I'ttee to review this
• IV* Application No, ],1.$4-0]. Jackson Street• Associates
Condominium Pemit X16 2nd Ave. S.
Se,att-le-,, Wa.
Cond-aminiim Permit- requested to construct a condomirti. at Jackson and
Fr *1 Streets consist3*.ng of sig individua:Lly owned townhouses in
conjunction w3.th an-Feio.sting 1hance:
ChairmanF:Loyd-caZled attention to the Roots Engineer3.ng* letter and that
ali previously asked c ondit3.ans had been met-. The cummission cliscussed�
with Mr. Isley -the draiinnagpe plan, the soil conditi'cn and examined the
prepared maps and plans of site to assure themselves that all previous
questions had been s�m red.
BiII Henderson md to recommend approval in th--at the Fina]. Plat meets ,
the criteria set forth in Section 9.01 and 9.02 of City Ordinance 1671 and is
in- keeping with the cumpreliunsive plan •of development for the City of Port
T ovmsend, subject to Council a p.'L--oval of the vacation of the existing plat
and substitution the fore ct the plat shown on page R-1 of the Final Plat.
Jim Campbell seconded the moti and it passed unanimously.
V. Adjournment
Chairmarr Floyd- djourmd the tmeeting at' 9:04 P.M.
This meeti"ng has been tape recorded.
Virginia Mulkey Secretar7