HomeMy WebLinkAbout022681 Min. PORT TOWNSEND, WASHIMSTON 98368
Port Townsend Planning CommissioONEMEMWn
Members present wererry Dennison, Jim Campbell Jean Camfields
Bi11 Hendearson� and Ju].fe Mc Gu�.loch. Gle�sn Abraham, City Attorney
was present also.
Minutes wex,e-approved as written.
I�. Application No. 2$1-01 Fort• Angeles Savings & Loan
Rezone P.4. Box ].5(}
Port Townsend., Wa.
Stan-l-ey J,Taylor requested tYtat the 'public- Lhearing for this rezone be
set -up as, soon as -ps-i-ble SCe-,this rezone--p%was first anplied for
in June of 1977 and Po Angeles Savings and Loan was anxious to
proce -Vitfr their-plans if approved by -Comc�:l;
Mr. 'De- is stated the evil isslan cou.1d not have a hearing without
the env�.ranmairtal statement back fr the Councorder-to
speed the process ups Bill Henderson mavmd• that� the public hearing
for Applicatoxx -No-.9 2$3:-01 be -set up im-for the--A'-qreg1r1ardbLMa=kr (26th)
meeting Orthe- con ti cm that- the• Ga�ar�cil tra�s -made a Minding of
non"significarxce, in time for -the
pubi�.c Imax�g notice to be publishedin
the March 11� 1981 edition o£ the Leader. Jean C ield seconded
the -mcrbi- and it- passed unanimously.
IIS. Application Na. 1180-Q1 Jackson St-ho- Associates
C ondomina�vm Pernait 316 Second Ave. S.
Seattle., Wa.
Mr. Dennison stated that Jackson St. Assoel'ates requested that public
he continue to the regalar• Apri-IL meeting;
Mr; Dennison opened the��meetiag to pnbli� fniput� but -no -oixe was present
far or aga�.nst except �Jaakson St. Associatestd, entat - Bob ttle.
Mr. Little•-st�at�ed� there" Jilill;ms no way for them to have all -required
information antil the Apr meeting. It was the eng er report
t I #1%
Jim, C7:ic• he�ring�•lre continued on April 30� 1981
aS-�regnested by•the Jackson St. Associates# representative. Jean
&=field seconded-,the mot-ion and it passed-unan3mously,
• The secretary was instructed to advertise 3.n the A r 29th Leader.,
for this continuation of the public hearing for Jackson St, Associates
• IV. Amendment Request-
�im�san��revi.�e�+ed a' letter- frrnn Gorge Uante].s and Dan FerrariI?
stating they vished to open aTl a11 restaurant �at� 1312 Ifater, St*�
I- fa=d- th-s-7- cau3d not under present zoning. They requested an
amendment to the Ordinance No. 1625 to allaw for restaurants under
then • Uses in Pl zones.
Mr. Daniels was present at meeting and stated that al]. kinds of
otl6her+things were allowed, -so why not W. WTI_ a SO, lie
Mr: Abraham said it did not make -much sense to restrict this serf
of thing. He suggested tY�at a hearing on March 26, 1981 to consider
amending the ord3i,ance.
The legislative coi ittee was instructed to have their study
ready ,by March 26:
Jean Cwdield moved that a public hearing be set for March 2b, 19$1
fog the purpose of considering the amendment of Ordinance No. 162 5
to Permit restaurants as con11:utional uses in P-1 zones. Julie
McCulloch- sr-econded the motion and i*t was unanimous.
Q. Mi-zuell-ane6ous
• Mr. Abraham wished-.-to advise -CVImd-ssi-cmo- of the "appe rpance to
fairness" rule as all City acts rust be supportable legally.
All. any issue has to dq is to appear imfair for it to came under
this rui- 11%9
Mr, Abraham and the Cumnission discussed further cases when
appearance to fa3.rness has been a problem.
JUttrrnQe�r�t .1
VI. Ad
ing was adjourned at 9:00P.M*
r PrP F J00,
1f." Alp
Vi rg,inia Mulkey,, Planning Cu-mnission Secretary
This meeting was taped recorded