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Port Townsend Planning Cornmxesion
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(Ve 0 ng Business
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.P . by Chairman Floyd.
Members present were Jean Canf]*Leld Jim Campbell, Julie Mc Cull oc h He:'Lcli
Rodeghier and John Floyd. Also present were City Engineer Roger French
0 and Piannang Comiss�.on Secretary finger Mu ey,
After a brief discussion of the minutes, it was moved that they be approved
by Jean Camf ield, He�.di. Rodegliier seconded the motion and all approved.
iis Application No. 8008P*01 David ?%Iorley
Rezone P.O. Bax 1174
Auburn, 11fae 98002,
Request for a rezone from C--2 and RftftIA to C3, Blocks 4, 51 b, and MawwI Block 7.
Located on the National G�ty Addition No. 1, Blocks 1 ,5,6,&7. Since a
portion of this property is already zoned C�II, it i s felt by Mr. 19orley
• that upgrading the zoIf
ning will allow development of property to complement
the needs of Port Townsend,
Ch Orrnan Floyd stated this application was back from Council. With non-significance
statement and sed the public hearing for October 30, 1980.
III. APPicalta.on No. 8008wlo04 Harold DeJong
Rezone 8 20 Water St.
Port Townsend,, Via. 98368
Rezone request from R-IIT to CIS dor property located at the corner of Slams Way
and Sheridan of Ei*senbeios Addition, Block 27b, Lots 1 & 2. Mr. DeJong feels
a real estate office located here would be more accessible to the general
public and prova"de dor adequate parking for customers.
chairman Floyd stated this application was back from, Council with a non-
statement and set the public he ar�.ng for October 30, 1980.
Chairman Floyd shored a peta"'tion that was signed by 35 residents of this
area. He also read a letter stating the error of the addition of Judy Kay
&aith I s name from Judy Kay &ith She sated she !mTaS '-not a representative
f or the Vision Cii-nic. (Note: After a close comparison between 14rs. Sm*th�s
sa,grnature aid the signature on the or:Lginal petiti.on� MrS,.��S�nith• had signed it,
but by request, it .can be' considered deleted.)
'here was also several letters of protest agai'nst this project From 14r, and Mrs.
Snook, lhr. and rLrs J o W. Johnson, Ms. �&I* B. Wiley, Mr. and lyhrs. Peer Schuck,
and K. C. Whitney. 'There eras a letter from Mr. DeJong stating he would not
be opposed to covenants that would restrict building for office or residence
Chairman Floyd staffed that the October 30, 1980 meeting should be restricted
to the two public hearings.
IV ,Application No. 8Q48-Q3 Phyllis Flopock
Street Vacation (Landes St. from 19th to P.O. Box 484
Kai Tai Lagoon area) Pont Tovmsends Irlae 9$3b8
Julie McCulloch made the motion to remove this appl cati'on frau the table.
Jim Campbell seconded the motion and all were i*n favor.
Phyllls Hopeck stated that this section of Landes St, uas narroiAy and a quaet
street, paved on]ypart why. She stressed that this neighborhood did not
want Landes St. used as an access to the new Safeway stare.
John Toyne stated that the cars and motor cycles are already speeng dorm
the stre et.
Susan Toyne said there eras already an 'increase in traffic.
David Romtvedt stated the Institute of Traffic Engineers 1976 f J..ndings for
• this hype o f development eras Z25 t r�,.Ps per day per 1.000 sq. fest and Landes
St., if used as an access taking 50% of these trips, would mean 2500 cars
going by per day. This would he a ra cal alteration of a neighborhood.
Michael Neub arek stated it would be a drastic change.
After a lengthy scussion betiezeen the guests, the commassion and Yir. French,
it was learned that Landes St. Vacati*on could not be approved as all city
departments filed negative statements and, at the present,, there was no plans
to make Landes 5t. an access to the Safeway stare.
Jim Campbell moved to deny street vacation applJCRtion no* 8008vn03 as all
the City Departments filed negative statements &.it does not comply with City
Ord*.na.nce ].802, Sec�xon 5, but would request Street and Police Departments
to take necessary actions to lessen the speeding problems. Heidi Rodeghier
seconded the motion and. it passed unanimously.
V. Application No. 8009-01 114abei M. Bell
Street Vacation 713 McPherson St.
Porgy To�msend
Unused piece of Eighth St. betiqeen TricPherson St, and unplatted acreage.
Mrs. Bell stated a house a.s sitting an a porti"on of this platted street.
She iTishes to fix this house up and rent it or move into it herself.
After a discussion betweenMrs, Be11Roder French aid the corrrnission, the
cornmission being assured that adjacent property oinmers would have a chance
the voice any concerns
that they may have at the Counei3Es public hearing,
He . Rodeghier movEd that this app�.iidication be approved as I*t folloiis Section
5.20 0f City Ordinance 1802. Jim Campbell seconded the motion and it passed
VI. Application No. 8009-02 Richard & Susan Thompson
Conditional. Use Permit F.O. Box 817
Port Toimsend :la.
The Thonp sons Irish to operate a bed and breakfast establi.slment arid. a
restaurant at 7 Clay St. (The Starrett House).
Mr. Thompson explained his projected parking for 5off�street parking spaces.
lie said they would be open 4 days a week. The restaurant :,rould be primarily
to serve their bid and breakfast customers. fir. Thompson stated Farther that
they haven't resolved all the problems yet si'nce they don't take possession
of the house until January 5, 1981.
Jim Campbell moved to recommend that application no. 80b9-02, conditional. use
permit, be approved as it is in agreement with Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
1625, Section b.08 A B C, and D ldta*th the conditions that it meets the criteria
of Stade and City Health and Social Serva.ces and the State Fire Marsha].. Heidi
Rodeghi*er seconded the motion and it gasses unanimously.
VZI. Application No. 8 00 9-04 Port of Por- Toimsend
Conditional Use Permit for City of Porgy ToTvmsend ( %iiayor,
City 11all, Port Toi4msend
This project is to erect a Wind Electric Generator.
The Commission briefly discussed this pr o�ec� :•ra.th Lev Ross. Since this
project had been already approved for a different location, but iras still
a good project, Julie McCulloch moved that this application dor a conditional
use p erm�.t be approved as it conforms to the Comprehensive zoning Orclinance
1605, Section 608 A-De Jim Campb el 1 seconded the motion and all Frere in favor.
VIII. Application Na. 8008--03 Port of Port Townsend
Variance for City of Port Townsend (Mayor
City iia11, Port Tosendtm
Variance requested in order to install mind electric generator as the combined.
he ight of tourer and generator stand 68 feet 3 inches.
Since this variance had also been approved, but the location changed Jim Campbell.
moves} that this be approved as this variance application complies frith 1625,
Section 610 A, 1.2,4,,5,6,,7,&8 of the City Or nance. Jean Camfield seconded
the motion and all were a.n favor.
ZX. Additional Business and Adjournment
The commission i1ras offered by the Jefferson County Planning Department,
the Urban lklaterfront Study 11plorkb-ook at $2.00 per copy.
• 35m Campbell. moved to purchase50 (fifty) c opies 'ram the Jefferson County
Plann:gLng Dept. Heidi Rodeghier seconded the motion and all were a*,n favor.
Chairman Floyd adjourned the meeting at 9:30 P91*1*
This meeting has been taped.
Planning C orr�ni.ssion Secretary