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Townsend Planning Commission
11INU S OF AUGUST 28, ].98D
I. Opening Business
Meeting tress called to order at 7030P.11 by Chairman Floyd.
Members present were Jean Canfield, im", Campbell, Larry Dennison, John Floyd.,
Bill Henderson, Julie 14cCulloch and Heidi. Rodeghier. Chairrian Floyd declared
it a quorum. Also present iaere City Engineer Roger French and Planning Com-
0 Secretary Ginger 1�Iulkey, 1
After brief discussion of minutes, Larxy Dennison moved that they be approved
as written. im Campbell seconded the motion and all approved*
Chairman Floyd shotmd copies of The Small Taira Journal and told Commssion
that the City has a subscription to this magazine and they could ,borrow them
t o read.
Chairman Floyd also showed a copy of the Department of the Array Core of Engineers'
Recreational Small 1-13oat I,toorage Stu He stated anyone could read it, if they
• II0 Application Plumber Sao6-a!� Muriel P. Valley {Lund)
Variance, &38 ITadison Street
Toi-%msend, '.Ia.
Request is for variance too. ].. deduce required set--back on South to 3 feet,
and 2. Reduce required set--back of building front to 18 feet. The purpose
is to construct a double garage large enough for recreation equipment and auto-
ChairmmLagmn Floyd reminded Comm.ission khat it was fabled fast meeting until Mrs,. Lunde
neighbors could be nota-f ie d by maid. and t heir opinions heard.
Jean Camfield staved that Applica tion No. 8006-04 be removed from the table.
Bill fIenderson seconded the motion and all members iqere in favor.
Chairman Floyd said he received letters from Mrs. John DeLeo, I and Mrs.
Herb SiTansorl and 1pirs. Ethel Adams I"nfo.1ml the Cuimussion that they had no
objections to the proposed garage of llrsa Lund's. (These letters are on file
frith the Planning Commission Secretary.)
A guest,, Mr. Richard Hausmann stated that he had no objections to this proosedp
garage and another neighbor asked halm to tell the comonission that she had no
objections, this lady being lirse lerlosley*
Bill Henderson moved than after hearing publi'c comment on Applicati*on No.
8006�mo4 registering no objection, bas ed on letters received and testimony
heard at public meeting, and in comp liance irith Section 610 A, Mems 1, 23
43 5, 6, and 7 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance that we recommend this
variance be granted. Jean Camfi.eld seconded the motion and the vote bras
ISI. Application Number 8005-0�. Jefferson County Hospital District
Rezone 9th and Sheridan
Pub I i c Hearing Port T oirm s e n d, :•1a. 9$36S
This rezone requested to change R3. zone to Rl,,PIII to allow medical offices to be
built next to hospital.
Chairman Floyd stated this had been tabled last meeting in order to properly
advertise the public hearing.
Bill Henderson moved t o remove this application from the table. Jean Camf ield
seconded the motion and a13. were in favor.
Dr. R. Jacobs was asked to give the reasons for this medical f acill"ty. ?-fie
stated the reasons being to consolidate resources as medical equipment iTas
expensive,, to utilise labratory and x-ray facl*l'ties
With no duplication
meaning less expense dor the patient. Since there is no in-hospital physician,
with a medical office adjacent, a doctor would be availablein an emergency.
These facalities would mean more comprehensive health care for the public.
• Rev. W. Trulot, a hospital commissioner, sald his concerns ifere the same as
Dr. Jacobs and Dr. Ge c r1of s. He added that 50p of people needing lab wo rk or
x-rays come t o the ho sp ital now for them, s o traffic hazard not an appreciable
difference. He didn't know of any hospital that didn't have adjacent medical
For. V. Da'.rks en said there was two parcels o f Land for sale and Dr. Jacobs and
Dr. Ge e r1of s was buying only one. (This parcel consisting of lots 1, 2, 71 8,
at the corner of 10th and Sheridan.)
The Comm:Lssaon was told by Tltr, Dirksen that Jacobs and Geerlof s attorney brought
suggested changes to covenants, to insure, if the need were to arrive, that i�
could be used for professional. office space if the hospital were to relocate.
Another hospital cullulMassioner, Anthony DeLeol stated that to his knowledge, the
hospital Will not be moved.
Dr. Jacobs said the bankers were a little reluctant to ].end Money ifith the
pos0 sibility that the hospital could be moved someday and these new covenants
would assure that the medial offices would always have a use.
After more discussion, and realizing how unsatisfactory the new covenants were
to the Comms sion and the City gineer, Dr. Jacobs ,ranted to know a-f there was
a recourse that Geerlofs and he could take if the hospital were to move. Then
after he understood that they could request a rezone later if the hospital Frere
• to relocate, he once again agreed to the or'a.ga,nal covenants.
Bill Henderson moved that i,,m recommend to -the City Council that rezone Appliocation
8005-01, after hold46 ing public hearing August 28, 1980, is in public interest
to improve health care and should be approved with the original covenants and
with thePz�operty returning to R#.A&lif not sold. Heicli Radeghier seconded the
motion. the motion passed unanimously.
tilr. DeLeo asked if there was at'*ame limit on the rezone. He Eras instructedstructed
that a*,t won=t be zoned as R-IZI until sold, so rvr�.11 remaR-I unta"'l then.
N. AP1pica�a.an Ntunber 8008-01. David i•Ioxley
Rezone P.O. Box 117 .
Auburn, lAlashington 98002
Request fora rezone from C-2 and Rom3.A �o C-3, Blocks !�, 53 6, and. M-1 Block 7.
Since a portion of this property i*s already zoned C-II, it is felt by I•;r. Norley
that upgrading the zoning uraill allow development of property to complement the
needs of Port Toimsend, Located National City Addition No. 1, Blacks 4,5,b,7.
Chairman Floyd stated it has not come back from Council 11ith the environmental
rry Dennison moved that this a1'cat'ppon be tabled until it comps back from
the City Council. Bill Henderson seconded the motion and all were in favor.
s V. Application Number 8008-04 Darold DeJong
Rezone 820 ?dater St.
Port Townsend'. Isla* 983b8
Rezone re que st from R-IIT t o C-II for property located at the corner of Si"ms flay
anal Sheridan of Eisenbeis Addition'. Block 27d, Lots 1 and 2. Mr. DeJong feels
a real. estate office located here would be more accessible to the general public
and provide dor adequate parking dor customers.
Chairmn Floyd stated it iiasn't back as yet from Council 1T*.th the environmental
Jean Gamf ideld moved to table the application until the coroassaon hears from the
Council,. Ja.m Campbell seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.
VI. ApplicatIf
ion Number 8008.,P,,=03 PhyllaLs Hopeck
Street Vacation P.O. Box 484
Pert Townsend.1 Wa. 983b$
The street vacation request of Landes 8t., south of 19th fit. Located in the
Eisenbeis Addition, Blocks 27-28, 23--22, Tots lmw8 and 1P=P32, Ms, Hopeck reason
is to avoid using this street as a main commercial access to the shopping center
construction an Kah Tai Lagoon.
Chairman Floyd said -khat the department heads of: Engineer' s, Street, Sewer,
Water, Police,, Faxe and Emergency Medical Off ices stated that this vacation
should not be granted.
MMW 3-
� Chairman Floyd Said the commission received a letter August 28, x.980 from
Evan and Ruth Hickenbottom :•rhich he instructed the Planning Comnassion Secretary
Oilto copy and pend to all commissioners.
The Ilickenbottoms axid the Brookes discussed frith the Commssion ho6r,,,j they could
find out for certain what was doing to happen to Landes Street concerning the
constructing and opening of the neer Safei,,ray store. The Hickenbottoms were
interested in what stand they could take to keep Landes St. from becoming a
mai n access for the Safeway store.
Since Pl�pyllis Hopeck iras not present, Jin Campbell moved that Application No. 8008-03
be tabled until the next regular meeting. HeiRodeghi*er seconded the motion
and a17, trete in favor.
VI I. Adjaurnment
Jean Canfield moved that the mee t ing b e adjourned andOBiZ3 Henderson seconded
the motion. It passed unanimously.
Chairman Floyd adjourned the meeting at x:30 P.m.
This meeting has been gaped.
Planning ommission Secretary