HomeMy WebLinkAbout073180 Min • PLAA?t?��?G CU•'::ZSSTOPI T'TI1�G JULY 31, 1980 I. Open ing Business Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. I'lember present *sere John Floyd, Bill Henderson, Jean Camfield) Julie ',•icCloch, Larry Dennison, Jim Campbell, and Ifeidi lodeghier. Also present were City Enrfianeer 'roger French, City Attorney Glenn Abraham, and Planning Secretary Ginger Mulkey. Chairman ?'Loyd read letter to the commission from OceanograPhic Commission of :-Iashington. They 111 be having a joint open meeting the 7th of. August concerning clam and mussel industry in the State. Bill I�enderson trill attend the meeting. Chairman Floyd stated the Park Board requested the Commission review the Draft of City Park and Recreation Plan received today. This draft of the City Park and Recreation Plan must be approved by Council at their first meeting of September in order to qualify for IAC Finds. Chairman Floyd assigned t�e Comprehensive Plan GomEnittee to study the draft for the August 14th :Iarcuhon ;'leeting. 4 • Julie IIcCulloch suggests that one of the co=essioners should attend the :lntiach College Possitive �ttwres Conference at Fort F7orden Stade Park in early September. Chairman 7. loyd sugFested that the education Cor-unittee should discuss it and give a recommendation. �3i11 Henderson stated that when a motion eras made., that the commissioner should follow the proper procedure so that the minutes arid the tapes would clearly state the reasons for each motion. 41 Chairman r4loyd explained that he makes up a special report for the council that g ive s the reasons and laws concerning each application passed o r denied. Ar rman F 1 Oyd'i fter a discussion rix. Henderson main s-�ated as an aid to Chai as imll as to the minutes and tapes, each motion should be stated according to proper procedure. The Go-ITUTIISsion fended to agree. II. Application *Number 4005-01, Rezone requested by Jefferson County Hospital District, 9th and Sheridan ' Port Toi-msendy '.•Ta. 98368 This action i,-Tas tabled last meeting. 11r. Den 3on moved that it should be removed from the table. Jean, CamfiLeld seconded the motion and it ijh-o�s approved un-aramouslye iLr,, Dirksen presented the CU,w�ission Frith the covenants that were dram • up by the ho spi'tal district concerning this property. The reasons for these covenants were to assure that only a medi'cal facility was built and it would be of pleasing design to the surroun ng area. It eras staffed plai*nly that the hospital did not want any other ]rind of business being built on that property by both Mro Di-ksen and '`-ir. Abrahame The planning secretary was instructed by the Golmnissa.on to make addi*tional copies of the covenants for the Commissioners and then return the ori* to 11ginalZr. Dirksen (This was done August 10, 3.980}. After"discussion, the Commission- iras assured they could re corunend a s marry conditions as they saw necessary. Dr. Randall Jacobs stated that added cond�.tions would change the conditlons of the sale. Chairman Floyd explained that this tris between the Hospital District and him, as the Planrang COLPIRMLission could not be bound frith covenants. This meeting tris to be a public hearing, but since there iras some doubt whether it was stated as such at the Iasi regular meeting and since it isras not advertized it had to be tabled until next meeting �rhen it tris readvertizedo Jean Canfield moved to table Application No. $005-01 until the August 2$, ].980 regular meeting at 7&0 30 p.m. Larry Seconded the oration and it passed unanimously. TTS. Application Number 800b-O4, Variance requested by lilluriel Valley 7 34 11padi s on • Pont Toimsendl Ta 9$368 After briefly going over the applaxation, Cha2",rman Floyd opened the me eting to public imput. Mtrs. Valley presented sketches of her proposed garage. She stated that they needed room dor their cars and etc. She stated that talking i-a"th nea.ghbors about the proposed garage met with their approval. Comrassioners were concerned that the neighbors needed to have amput into meetx'ng to be able to reach a fair recommendatione Commission was concerned what future neighbors might want to do and thus block more area between houses. Roger ?French stated you cannot derby the variance on the premse of :ghat could happen in the future. Chairman Floyd closed the meeting to pub lic :unput. B1'11 Henderson moved that we, continue this consideration on August 28, 3980, and that co=, ssion Secretary notify neighbors lasted or Attachment 1 of application. Jim Campbell seconded it and all were in favor. N. lilind Energy Study Proj*ect . LeV601Ros s invi ted Commissioners to visit Sunday (August 3, 1880) to see a • _2_ clemonstration. He explained that there was a time factor and the 1-plind . Energy Study Project needed to be approved by the end of August. After discussion, Chairman Floyd stated that the Commission would deal Trith it at their August 14 meeting. Chairman Floyd announced the agenda for the meeting of August 1]�, X9$0. A. Draft City Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan B. 11ind Energy �emonstrat�.on Project V. Adiouxnrnent Jean Camfield moved to adjourn. Bill Henderson seconded it and all Frere i.n favor. Chairman Floyd adjourned the meeting at �Q:00 P.M. This meeting was taped. Giger MulkeyTanmng C ounission Secretary --3- PORT TOWNSEND. WASHINGTON 483&8 Port Townsend Planning Coznitniosion • Fiat CITY OF PORT T13WNSEND } ATq,L%i":1NTI0N ALL CITY PLANNING GOI4j4ZSSTQNERS0 RE: 1-9-I0RKSIiOP I�TING SCHEDULER FOR SEPITE'i•iBER ].l, x.980, at 7:30 Palle Please review Port Toimsend's Urban Waterfront Plan and be ready imrith questions for Mr. Kaspras:Ln. J0, Floyd I�� Chairman • •