HomeMy WebLinkAbout062680 Min • Planning ComisaononMeeting June 26,1980 X. Opening Business Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order ar 7:30 p.m. Members present were John Floyd., Jean Camfield, Heidi Rodeghiers Jim Campbe��� Ju7.ie Mc Culloch, and Larry Dennison. Also prese0 nt were City Engineer', Roger French, and Planning Secre,,ary, Ginger Mulkey. �I. Application Number 80Q6-01, Variance requested by Jm* Frawken (Box 674, Port Townsend, Ila. ) Members discussed Frith Mr. Fravrken the small octogon room to be built on dap of his house exceeding height allowance by b f t. The Cormssion decided this would be allowed with one condition, that Varaance could be for e�stin� bullcling permit only. • Jim Campbell moved that iATe recommend that Application Pio. 8006-01 be approved wa'.th the recommended condition for approval (variance for e:Na' sti*.ng building permit). Heidi Rodeghier seconded the motion and upon a vote passed unana*mously- Applacation Number 80Q5-02, Street Vacation requested by Christopher Africa {16].2 Rosewood St. P.T. ) The portion of Rosewood Street concerned is ].orated between Q and division line of Cherry Park and Pettygrove 2nd Addition. This business was tabled last meeting so Jean Camfield moved to take it off the table and Ji.,m Campbell seconded five m o�i.on and all present approved. Chairman noyd explained the Mr. Africa only wanted enough street vacated so that Puget Power could bring in a mini-pad transformer. Chairman 14loyd suggested we deny application and gran- an easement for this pad. Larry Dennison made the motion that Street Vacation Application No. 8005=wO2 be denied and that we recommend an. easement for Puget Poorer to build the�.r mini-pad transformer. Jean Camfield seconded the motion and with a vote it carried unanimously. IV. Application Number 8006-03, Rezone requested by 1I. Sather & E. Hansen • (29 Lumi* Key,' Bellevue, wa.) Located between Sheridan and Grant and 8th and 9th Streets. In Eisenbels Addition , block 209 andlots 1-8. Application i1ras referred to City Counei'l for action on Environmental CheckW lispP reviously, Members decided they wanted to hear from City Council before they moved upon the application. Jean Camfie].d moved that we table the Application No. 8 00 6-0 3 Unt 1 we receive something back from the City Council. Julie Mc C loch seconded the motion and ]*.t was carried unanimously. V. APplication Number $Offs-Ole Rezone requested by Jefferson Co un-�y I�iospital Nblic Hearing (9th and Sheridan, PortToimsend) Property located at 9th and Sheridan. In Eisenbeis Addition, block 193 and,lots 1-8. Chairman Floyd stated that because the hospital hadn't sent a represent- iLmpos sib ir pub 1i c atIve to Public Hearing, it would be hearing. Jim Campbell moved that Application No. 8005-01 be tabled since no one vias here to represent Jefferson General Hospital, Jean Camfield seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. • VY. AppliscationumberAI800? -02, P.U.Q. requested by Dean Chaussee Public Hearing (2869 152nd N.E. Redmond, Iola* ) Chairman Floyd Excused Julie McCulloh as she requested, due to conf�.icting interests to this applicAtion. Chairman Floyd explained that this Planned Unit Development, to be called Bay View Manor, •�.s a 24 unit housing project for the low income elderly. The chosen location being the block facing Sheridan surround(ad--&by 9th, 10th and Grant Streets. Mr. Chaussee told. Members and audienceo� the Proposed project. Keith Burrell opposed the project as he said it tris the dumping ground for elderly., takes away the view of many homes, leaving a parking lot a s the new view, presents a safety hazard as a.t would bring more traffic to the area and the parking lot would lure neighborhood kids to play in it. David McCuoch objected to the development as it would ruin the view from his parents home. Will iam Sorby ;,Tondered hoar Drell it i-%rould be kept up. Mr. Fr ench stated that a P.U.A. is under very strict rules and owners wouJ.d always be answerable to the City. 0 J. Hayden expressed concern that property could end up ien a few years as apartments for anyone, not just the low income elderly. Xr. Chaussee explained with the government sub sid ies-this:.�roiy];d not happen unless our government folded. • doe Walterscheiodt stated that tha"S development was norPr-4C,r,, ground for the elderly, but a much needed complex designed especially dor them. Commission members discussed the problems they saw, such as the parking and traffic situations. ChairrrFan Floyd suggested to members because of the lateness of the hour and the many details yet to be resolved vm postpone the final discussions until the evening of July 10. Jean Camfl*'eld moved that we continued la"th this application at a special meeting on July 10� 198 0. Larry Denna.son seconded the motion 0 and it passed unanimously. VII. Chairman Floyd adjourned the meeting at ].Q;45 p.m. This meeting has been taped. Gi er lolu ey Pianna*,ng CO ission Secreta ry • •