Chairman Smith called the meeting to order. Members present: Smith-
Also Present,: Roger French,
City Engineer; Liz Smith, City Councilwoman; and Jim Wilson, city
Councilman. The minutes o€ October 2116 were read and approved.
A letter of resignation was received from Commissioner June Scott. The
secretary was instructed to write a letter to Mayor Joe Steve, enclosing
a copy of the resignation letter.
A brochure entitled Shoreline Erosion was received with a letter from
the Army Corps o f Engineers, Seattle, Washington.
A letter was received from the Office of the Mayor pertaining to the
1979 budget.
APPLICATION N0. 781 -01 - Tom and Traci Jilkwock,, et al
2343 Hendricks Street
Request to vacate alley iffin Block 2 and reduce Sherman Street r/w to
60 . As part of the staff review of this application, Street Super-
intendant Ed Hawley expressed reservation in granting the vacating of
Sherman Street between 23rd and 25th Streets . Concurring with Mr,,
Hawley, Mr. Amock submitted a letter to the Commission requesting
that that portion of the application be withdrawn. In sum, the
• application for vacation isthus only for the alley in Block 2 of
the subject Plat, between 23rd and 25th Streets . The Commission voted
unanimously' to recommend to the City Council. approval of the request
as amended November 28, 1978, as a.t complies with items 2 through 6,
of Section 5.20 of Ordinance No. Y802 . Motion by Marsh/Henderson.
VOTE: yes 5 no 0
APPLICATION NO. 7811-02 - William A Monroe, Jr, and
Frank L. Moore
P. O. Box 1145
Request to vacate Willow street between O and P Streets . Willow St.
between O and P Streets is not open and beyond P Street is already
vacated. Campbell/Marsh moved to recommend to the City Council the
request be approved as it complies with Items 2 through 6 , Section
5.20 of Ordinances No. 2802, and supervisors all approved of the appli'cati'on.
VOTE: yes 5 no 0
APPLICATION NO. 7811-03 - P. Gary Kvionsland
1808 Maple Street
Request to vacate R Street from Fir to Maple Streets and Maple St.
from R to S Streets, to allow for construction of two car garage,
replacing existing two story eyesore and also retain pasture lands
and trees. Henderson/Ki' lham moved to recommend to the City Council
the request be approved as it complies with Items 2 through 6. Section
5.20 of Ordinance No. X802, and supervisors all approved of the
• application.
VOTE: yes 5 no 0
• APPLxCATION N0. 7$10-05 - Grant C. Allen
Request to rezone from P-I to R--III property located at southwest
corner of San Juan Avenue and Discovery Road. Proposed Use: 15-16
townhouse type apartments. On November 30, 1978, Mr. Allen wrote a
letter to the Planning Commission, as follows,:
"I hereby request to have my rezone application for the property
located at San Juan Avenue and F Street dropped. "
Upon the advice of City Attorney Glenn Abraham, this request can be
accepted, since the application has been withdrawn prior to a public
APPLICATION N0. 7809-Q1 - Landura Corporation of the Northwest
PUBLIC HEARING-PUD 9370 SW Greenberg Rd.
Tigard OR 97223
PUD of property located at intersection of San Juan Avenue and
Admiralty Avenue, San Juan Estates Lots 11 2, and 39, Section 2,
Township 30 N. Range 1W; other - partly in 525, T 31 N, R1W. Proposed
Uses. 48 unit apartment complex; one and two-bedroom units, two and
half story structures.
To date applicant has been uncooperative and has not responded to
. correspondence fromthe City. The City of Port Townsend received a
copy of a letter sent bY FhHA, District Office II, Mount Vernon WA
98273 to Landura Corporation, dated November 24, 1978, as follows:
"In reviewing your proposed app lication with the Town of Port Townsend,
it was determined you had not complied with the town's requests or
responded to their inquiries.
It iffis important that our applicants retain a good working relati'onshi' p
with the communities in which a proposed project is planned.
Therefore, we are advising our State Office in Wenatchee by copy of
this letter that we are taking no further action on this project and
recommend they withdraw the application from the active funding dist."
Robert D. Wiley, District Director II
The public hearing was taped; no one appeared to speak for or against
the Application.
Motion by Mars h/Campbel 1:
Whereas this rezone request would be spot zoning, and,,
Whereas applicant has been uncooperative in furnishing information on
environmental issues, and;
Whereas, this rezone request i* s not in compliance with the goals and
policies of the City Comprehensive Plan, and;
Whereas, this rezone request is not in the public interest, and;
Whereas, a public hearing was held November 30, 1978 , and;
Whereas the Planning Commission has not . recei*ved a negative declaratilon
. of environmental impact
MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 30, 1978 Page Three
APPLICATION 7809-01 (continued)
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends
to the City Council that Appli'cati'on No. 7809-01 for a Planned Unit
Development be deni'ed-
yes 5 no d
APPLICATION N0. 7810-02 - Warren Murdock
PUBLIC HEARING ].6821 Livorno Dr.
Pacific Palisades, Cali.
Request to rezone from R-I to R-III property located at Beech and B
Streets, Webster's Addition. Proposed Use: approximately 24 units of
attached, owner-occupied two-bedroom residences - four six-unit
Mr. Murdock was present to outline hies plans, aided by Mr. Cunningham
and Mr. Watson. Memo s,.of audience against Application who were
heard.: Kris DeWeese-TbM and Janeen Hayden. They spoke for contract
zoning or a PUD "so people will know what they will get" when property
is rezoned. Applicant was cooperative, but didn' t feel a PUD would
meet his needs.
Marsh/Campbell moved to table the Application until the next regular
meeting December 28, so that City Attorney Glenn Abraham may be
consulted prior to a decision on the request.
VOTE: yes S no 0
APPLICATION NO. 7810-06 - Charles and Judith Landau
• 2034 Monroe St.
Conditional Use Permit to operate a guest house having no more than
3 rooms. Campbell/Henderson moved to recommend to the City Council
approval of the request, on condition it meets criteria of Section
6.08 of City Zoning Ordinance, subheadings A-B-C-D.
VOTE: yes 5 no 0
APPLICATION NO. 7808-02 - James L. Weymouth
PUD PROPOSAL 2511 Sahalee Drive West
Redmond WA 98052
Authorized Rep!. Wi' lli'am R. Miller
A letter was received from Mx. Miller stating that his client, James
Weymouth, has decided to not proceed with his proposed development
plan for the Hastings Avenue Apartments. Marsh/Ki*,1ham moved this be
taken from table. VOTE: yes 5 no 0
Motion by Marsh/Ki* lhame.
Whereas, applicant requests appli' cati'on be withdrawn, and;
Whereas, this rezone request is not in compliance with the goals
and policies of the City Comprehensive Plan, and;
Whereas, this rezone request is not i*n the public interest, and;
Whereas, a Final Declaration of Non--Significance has been 'issued
pursuant to City ordinance No. 1759 and R.C.W. 43.21C, and;
Whereas, a public hearing was held September 28, 1978 .
MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 30, •1978 Page Four
SAPPLICATION NO. 7808-02 (cont2'.nued)
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Comi" ssion recommends
to the C14ty Council that Application No. 7808-02 for a Planned Unit
Development be denied.
VOTE: yes S no d
APPLICATION NO. 7810-03 - Warren Murdock
16821 Livorno Dr.
Pacific Palisades, CA
Request to vacate following streets.
That portion of B St. from the west right-of--way line of Cherry St.
westerly to the west boundary of the plat of "Webster's Addition at
the southwest corner of Block 25; and
That portion of Beech St. from the south right-of-way line of C St.
southerly to the west boundary of the plat of "Webster' s Addition" at
the southwest corner of Block 25; and
That portion of C Street from the west right-of-way line of Beech St.
westerly to the west boundary of the plat of "Webster's Addition" at
the southwest corner of Block 23.
Henderson/K1* 1ham moved this be tabled until the December 28 meeting,,
after a recommendation has been made on Mr. Murdock's Application No.
7810-02. VOTE: yes 4 no I
A public hearing was set for December 28, 1978.
The secretary was requested to write a letter to Dave Goldsmith, Planner,
to inform him of the December 14 workshop.
The meeting was adjourned.
Evelyn Charkow, Secretary
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