• Chairman Smith called the meeting to order. Members present: Ki 1h
Campbell, Smith, Henderson. Members absentee Marsh, Dudley, Scott.
Also present: Roger French, City Engineer. The minutes of September 28
were read and corrected.
Re; Application No. 7808-02 - James L. Weymouth, option owner; William
R. Miller, authorized representative. The secretary was inistructed to
write a Letter to Mr. Miller requesting a written agreement asking the
Port Townsend Planning Commission to hold action for six months on this
Application. If a letter to this effect i& s not received i*n 15 days,
the Commission will take action on this proposal at their next regular
meeting, November 30.
CORRESPONDENCE Two letters were read by, Chairman Smith.
1. From Dept. of Ecology, State of Washington; subject Coastal Zone
Management Program.
2. From Oregon State University; subject, Workshop for Secretaries in
Speedwriting and Proof Reading to be held at Everett, Wash.
SUBDIVISION APPLICATION NO. 7711-06 - Louise C. Flaschback
1598 N.W. 143
Portland OR 97208
Final Plat Approval, Galleon View Estates. Public notice published i*n
The Leader prior to this meeting. After a discussion about sidewalks,
Ki' lham/Henderson moved to recommend to the City Council final approval
of the Galleon View Estates application.
VOTE: yes 4 no 0 (Chairman Smith voted to make quorum.)
A public hearing for November 30 was set for the following:
PUD APPLICATION NO. 7809-01, Landura Corp. of the Northwest.
REZONE REQUEST N0. 981p-02, Warren Murdock.
REZONE REQUEST N0, 7810-OS, Grant C. Allen.
STREET VACATION APPLICATION N0. 7810-01 - Port of Port Townsend
2539 Washington St.
Request to vacate Kuhn Street and alley between Kuhn Street and Landes
Street. Agreements between Fort and various Department heads.
City Street Department: Bort to provide access roads thru property.
City Sewer Department ft All sewer construction to City of Port
Townsend specs.
Cloty Water Department: Proviesi*ons should be made to extend the water
main from Tenth to Eighth Street,.
Campbell/Kilhazn moved to recommend to the City Council approval of
the application as I* t complies with IS 5.20 of Ordinance No. 1802,
Items 1-2-3-4-5-5.
VOTE: yes 4 no 0 (Chaa.rsnan Smith voted to make quorum. )
APPLICATION N0. 7810-04 - Ross Waggoner, Port Townsend Lumber Co.
2219 Swims Way
Permit to construct a building materials center., Length of Condi-
tional Use to be determined by City Council. Mr. Waggoner was
present to discuss appli9 cation with the Commission. Traffic
problems came into discussion.
Henderson/Ki' lham moved to recommend to the City Council approval
of the Application, with the provision that proper department heads
approve conditional use criteria of Section 6.08 0f the City Zoning
Ordinance. VOTE: yes 4 no 0 (Chairman Smith voted to make quorum. )
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to the working draft of the
City-Wide Opinion Survey. Discussion included Dave Goldsmith, Planner,
the Commissioners, have Cunningham, and members of the audience, and
a few revisions were made,,
The meeting was adjourned.
Evelyn Charkow, Secretary