Chairman Smi' th called the meeting to order. Members present: smith, Dudley,
Campbell, Marsh, Kiqlljam, Henderson. Members absent: June Scott. Also
present: Roger French,, City EngEngineer. The minutes of August 31 were read
and corrected.
NEW BUSINESS: Letter from David Goldsmith re Appli' cati' on for Open Space
Taxation Classification, Helen V. Cotton. The secretary was instructed
to phone Mike Schade and invite him to the October 12 Workshop Meeting,.
The Commission invI� lie audience to engage in a discussion of City
P lanning. Mr. r. too too many streets in Port Townsend - ratio
wrong for development and for maintenance. The Commission said City
Planner Dave Goldsmith didn' t have time to draw up a Master Street Vaca-
10 11
Plan; beingnvolved with the Comprehensive Plan Update took up
most of his time. He did provide some guidelines; a Master Street
Vacation Plan will be drawn up in the future.
PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED Thomas N. Bruneau & A. A. von Reutter
808 Benton St.
Both applicants were present and submitted their amended application,
and proposed use for tract of land known as Tax No. 6 in Section 34 ,
Township 31 North, Range 1 West, W.M. They now seek approval for the
development of 8 lots for two-family dwellings. The Commission and
audience discussed sewers and drainage, size of area, and number of
people 'it would accommodate. Mrs. Albert told of her pet* t'on to the
City Council with signatures of those in favor. The audience viewed
favorably the open space and low densi' ty -
by Marsh/Killiam.
whereas, this rezone request is in compliance with the goads and
policies of the City ComPrehensive Plan, and; whereas, this rezone
request iOs in the public interest, and; whereas, a Final Declaration
of Nonmm&Significar►ce has been issued pursuant to City Ordinance No. 1759
and R.C.W. 43.21C, and; whereas, this rezone request is in compliance
with Secti"on 4 .05C1 and 2 of City Ordinance 1625, and; whereas, a
public hearing was held September 28, 1978; now, therefore, be it
resolved that the Planning commiassion recommends to the City Council
that Application No. 7805-01 fora Planned Unit Development be approved
subject to the following conditions:
1. That the City does not accept responsibility for maintenance of any
of the open area so mentioned in the PUD.
2 . That the City will accept dedi' cati'on of 43rd Street after all the
improvements are made in compliance with existing city streets, under
other development ordinances.
3. That the petitioners be required to place with the City a performance
bond to be determined by the City Engineer and City Council.
4 . And that the street 11' ghti*ng in the PUD as shown actually be stated
as yard lighting and prior approval of such lighting be obtained from
the appropriate City Department before fi'nal approval of the City Council.
VOTE: yes 5 no 0
APPLICATION NO. 7808-01 - Barbara F.M. and J. Leslie Donovan
PUBLIC HEARING Birmingham, Alabama
represented by Tony Stroeder, Agent
Property located at Tax 2, Section 34, Township 31, Range 1W. Mr.
Stroeder was present to discuss the application with the Commission
and the audience. No one spoke against the request.
Motion by Marsh/Henderson:
The Commission finds that..
1. The proposed plat i* s in compliance with the goads and policies of
the City Comprehensive Plan.
2. The proposed plat 10s in compliance with Ordinance X608, except
Section 1.207 and conditional upon all department heads within the City
of Port Townsend reviewing and approving this application prior to lets
being taken up ata regular City Council meeting.
3. A public hearing was held September 28, 1978.
4. A Final Declaration of Non-Significance is not required.
TIE Commission, by formal motion, recommends that the City Council grant
preliminary plat approval to Application No. 7808-01.
VOTE: yes 5 No 0
APPLICATION NO. 78Q8-02 - James L. Weymouth (Option Owner)
PUD PROPOSAL 2511 Sahalee Drive West
Authorized Rep: William R. Miller
• Property located at that portion of Government Lot 2, Section 3 in '
Township 30 North, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian. Proposed
Use: a 112-unit apartment-condoma�nium project consisting of two clusters
of one and two-bedroom apartments (88 units) and one cluster of two and
three-bedroom condominiums (24 units) .
William Miller (representative) gave an outline of the PUD. Letters were
read by Chairman Smith from the following: Tom Aumock, 2303 Hendricks;
Kristine DeWeese, 1919 Lawrence; Kathleen and Chet Harper, 2710 Thomas;
Members of audience against: all were in opposition.
Harold Rohri'ng-property owner i'pn vicinity.
Chuck Wallin: agrees with the letters which were read.
Carl Swanson: table until Comprehensive Plan updated.
D. Holzer: should not be in a farming community.
Mrs. Gamages. cost of new roads, etc. to taxpayer.
There were several others opposed who failed to state their names.
Members of audience in favor of application: none
Mr. M iller ( ti
w' -- - He Stated t4here:.is a need for
- amy dwellings in Port Townsend. Motion by CaMPbell/Marsh: Table
application for 6 months (meeting of March 1979) at which time a logical
conclusion will be reached. VOTE: yes 5 no 0
The meeting was adjourned.
Evelyn Charkow, Secretary