HomeMy WebLinkAbout083178 Min MINUTES OF THE PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING CONIlKISSION OF AUGUST 3I, 1978 • Chairman Smith called the meeting to order. Members present: Smith, Dudley, Campbell, Marsh, K1* 1l�m. Members absent: Scott, Henderson. The minutes of July 27 were read and approved. Chairman Smith announced receipt of a registration form from Oregon State University regarding a course to be given in Renton on "Improving Communication Skills" , for anyone who would be interested. APPLICATION N0. 7807-01 - Fisher Construction, Inc. 7�,..., �.�..-��-✓�•--���--•-�-• San Juan Estates Subdivision Rt. 1, Box 75A, Sequi*m WA 98382 Final Plat Approval; public no tice published i*n Leader prior to this meeting. In discussions with Ed Hawley, of the City Street Department, Mr. Fisher agreed to put in dry wells should a problem of drainage arise,, He stated so 16n a letter to Mr. Hawley. Neither this letter, or a copy, was furnished to the Commission. However, Roger French, City Engineer, confirmed this letter was in his office. Having ascer- tained that Mr. Flusher has compll' ed with ail requi' rements under J,su3A'�`5�o�y�..��►^�cE Marsh/Campbell moved to recommend to the City Council final approval of the San Juan Estates application, with incorporated changes between the Street Department and Mr. Fisher. VOTE.* yes 4 no 0 The secretary was instructed to deliver the letter addressed to Mayor . and City Council to Roger French's office by Friday noon (Sept. 1) , incorporating recommendations made at this meeting. APPLICATION NO. 7808-dl - Barbara F.M. and J. Leslie Donovan 3000 Dundee Circle Birmingham, Alabama represented by Tony S troeder Agent Application for Short Plat Subdivision of property located at Tax 2, Section 34, Township 31, Range 1W. PARCEL 1 The West 100 feet of that portion of Section 39 , Township 31 North, Range 1 West, W.M. ,descri'bed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Ruel Ross Donation Claim in said Section and Township; thence South along the boundary line between the Donation Claims of Rued Ross and Benjamin Ross, 429 feet (26 rods) ; thence East 429 feet (26 rods) ; thence North 429 feet (2b rods) more or less, to intersect the Government- meander line on the beach; thence Southwesterly along said meander line of the beach to the place of beginning. PARCEL 2 - Lot 3 i*,n Block 45 of the California Addi' ti'on to the City of Port Townsend, as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, on page 99, records of Jefferson County; All situate in the City of PDrt Townsend, County of Jefferson, State of Washington. The Commission set a pubic hearing for September 28. • MINUTES OF AUGUST 31, 1978 Page Two APPLICATION N0. 7808-02 - James L. Weymouth (Option Owner) PUD PROPOSAL 2511 Sahalee Drive West Redmond WA 98452 Authorized Rep: William R. Miller Property i*s located at that portion of Government Lot 2, Section 3 in Township 30 North, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Government Lot 2: thence West along the North dine of said Government Lot 2 a distance of 596 feet; thence South on a line parallel to the West line of said Government Lot 2, a distance of 635 feet, more or less, to the center Line of Hastings Avenue len Hastings Third Addi' ti' on to the City of Port Townsend; thence East along the said center line a distance of 596 feet to the east line of said Government Lot 2; thence Northerly along the East line of said Government Lot 2 a distance of 635 feet more or less, to the point of beginning; said tract being the Easterly 596 feet of said Government Lot 2 lying North of the center line of said Hastings Avenue; EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Easterly 236 feet of said Tract, ANS that portion of said premises included i*n said Hastings Avenue, and being designated on the County Assessor' s Plat and Description Book as Tax No. 43 3*Ln said Section 3. Proposed Use: a 112-unit apartment-condominium project consisting of two clusters of one and two-bedroom apartments (88 units) and one • cluster of two and three-bedroom condominiums (24 units) . The Commission set a public hearing for September 28. APPLICATION NO. 7807-03 - Harold P. Faust 1430 Hendricks Request to vacate 15th Street, which has already been vacated from Hancock St. to Hendricks. Request is based on a continuance of this vacation to Grant St. Campbell/Kiollam moved to recommend to the City Council approval of this street vacation, as it complies with Items 2 thru 6, Section 5.20 of Ordinance No. 1802. VOTE: yes 4 no 0 APPLICATION NO. 7805-01 - PUD PROPOSAL (Cloisters) PUBLIC HEARING Thomas N. Bruneau & A.A. von Reutter 808 Benton St. Tract of land known as Tax No. 6 ivn Section 34, Township 31 North, Range Z West, W.M. Proposed use: development of 27 lots for single family dwellings and several clusters to accommodate a total of 85 multi' fami' ly units. The hearing was taped. No one appeared i' n oppos1tion to this PUD proposal. Mr. Bruneau and Mr. von Reutter described and discussed the plan with the Commission. Desire of applicants was to first complete the single family dwelling portion of the PUD, with the multifamily dwellings portion to be approved and built ata later date. Since no plans were submitted for the second portion, the Commission could not make a recommendalt]Lon on Application No. 7805-01. Kilham/Marsh MINUTES OF AUGUST 31, 1978 Page Three • moved the public hearing be continued to the meeting of Sept. 28, so that applicants can amend the application to include only the single family dwelling portion of the PUD for which plans are available. and to get proper engineering specs. VOTE: yes 4 no 0 APPLICATION NO. 7807-02 - John Pickett PUBLIC HEARING 3030 Judkins Rd. , Eugene OR 97403 Application for Short Plat Subdivision of property located at Petty- grove Addition, Section 2, Township 30 N, Range 1 W, Tax Number 44, vicinity of Cosgrove and Madison Streets. The hearing was taped. No one appeared in opposition to the appli' cati'on. Mr. Pickett was present with an assistant, who described and discussed the request withthe Commission. Motion b y, Marsh/Dudley: Whereas, this proposed plat j0L s in compliance with the goals and policies of the City Comprehensive Plan, and whereas the proposed short plat i*s in comp liance with Ordinance 1808, and whereas a Final Declaration of Non-Significance is not required, and whereas a public hearing was held an August 3i, 1978, now therefore, be it resolved that the City Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that Appli9c. No. 7807-02 be approved. VOTE: yes 4 no 0 APPLICATION NO. 7805=w02 - James O. Daubenberger • 313 Walker This Variance Request was withdrawn and settled 3'.n the City Attorney's office, as per Roger French. The secretary was instructed to phone Dave Goldsmith's office requesting that the Public Notice re City Planning Co�nission Workshop scheduled for Sept. 7 which appeared i*n the Want Ads o f The Leader on Aug. 3 1, be placed in next Thursday' s paper {dept. 7} i*n the Community Calendar section of the paper. The meeting was adjourned. Evelyn Charkow, Secretary •