HomeMy WebLinkAbout041378 Min WORKSHOP MEETING - April 11F31 1978
SUBJECT: To Determine a Strategy for the Revision of
the City Comprehensive Plan.
Dui to a sizeable audience, the meeting was held in the City
Council Chambers of City Hall,,
Chairman Smith called the meeting to order. Members present.,
Smith, Marsh, Dudley, Campbell, Schmitz, Scott. Members absent:
Olen Rice. Also presents. David Cunningham of the Jefferson
County Planning Department and David Goldsmith, Contract Planner.
City Councilman Richard Shaneyfelt: of the City Council's
Legislative Committee, requested time to clarify some questions
which arose during the deliberations on the proposed
Short Subdivision Ordinance. Areas of discussion were roads and
access, water, and sewers. Mr.. Shaneyfelt recommended including
in the Ord inance: "limited to four lots or less" .
WORKSHOP (tentative agenda)
I. Introduction o f Planning Commission Members by Davi' d
II . Description of Roles of Participants i.n Planning Process
(D. Cunningham/D. Goldsmith)
A. Jefferson County Planning Department/Contract Planner
B. Planning Commission
Co City Council
Do Citizens
SII . Strategy for Comprehensive Plan Revi' si'on (Cunningham/Goldsmith)
IV. Public Discussion (D. Cunningham, D. Goldsmith, City
Planning Commission)
ITEMS I1. AND III. (Cunningham/Goldsmith)
1. Original Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1968; after 10 years,
its update overdue.
2. Citizens should be involved i'n the process of updating the
Comprehensive Plan. This meeting is the first step in
obtaining public input.
3. The Comprehensive Plan wl"11 be the guideline for new ordinances
and to change old ordinances.
4. It was emphasized that, in order to function for all the
people, Mr. Goldsmith must remain neutral and should not be
expected to take sides in any areas of differences.
WORKSHOP MEETING - April 13, 1978
• 5 . Conflicts and differences are expected to arise, but compromise
is eventually required to efficiently bring about the update.
The Comprehensive Pian should be a living document; there is a
lot of work to be done. but it can' t all be done this first
ti"me around.
6. Mr. Goldsmith' s seryices extend to six man hour months; xt
is uncertain if an update can be accompli' shed in that length
of time. Further procedure would be determined by the Cl" ty
7. Slides were shown of maps indicating such areas as sewers,
septic tanks, ponding and flooding areas, geologic waste
disposal, slope stability, woodland suitability, etc. Also
shown were several aerial photographs of the City of Port
The audience received a map showing the tentative neighborhood
delineations in the City of Port Townsend.
The revision process wi11 include a survey of public opinion,
neighborhood meetings in each of the seven {or more) proposed
areas, and background i' nformation. There will then be a draft
plan and Environmental Impact Statement, a city-wide public hearing,
and adoption of the final plan.
1. Nonproperty owners will be included i*n the survey.
2 . Socio-economic statistics can be provided on the survey.
3. The City Planning Commission will work on survey questions
at their workshop meetings on the second Thursday of each
month. The Public is invited to attend. Citizens wishing
to submit questions they would Tike to see on the survey
may bring them to the County Planning Office at the Courthouse.
4 . Suggestion made the City should be divided into more than
just seven neighborhood areas.
5. Suggestion made the updated Comprehensi' ve Plan be put on a
ballot for voter approval .
6. Suggestions made that all interested ci* ti' zens should be
able to read the Comprehensive Paan. Perhaps an outline of
the Plan could be made and distributed at the neighborhood
meetings. Or perhaps copies of the Plan could be printed
and sold to interested citizens.
7 . Suggestion of Randy Tyler that perhaps neighborhood meetings
should be held before the ci' tywi' de survey, rather than after.
8. Planning Commission (City) to attend neighborhood meetings.
WORKSHOP MEETING - April 13 , 197$
• $. Several comments were made regarding the validity of the
philosophies in the present Comprehensive Plan, some saying
it was beautifully written. Comment of Councilman Cipr1ott1* ,,
"let' s keep what we have and make jl'Lt better" seemed to
reflect the general feeling.
9 . Councilman cipriotti4.1 After the City Zoning Ordinance came
from the Planning Commission the City Council made some
changes in it before 1"t was printed. This resulted 'in
differences between the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning
Ordinance. Plans are to eventually match the Zoning Ordinance
with the Comprehensive Plan.
A motion for adjournment was made by Mr. Marsh and seconded by
Mr. Dudley.
Evelyn Charkow? Secretary