HomeMy WebLinkAbout022378 Min MINUTES OF THE PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION OF FEBRUARY 23, 1978 • Chairman Smith called the meeting to order. Members present: Marsh, Campbell, Snu' th, Dudley, Schmitz. The minutes of January 26 were approved as mailed. CORRESPONDENCE: Chairman Smith read a letter from Gary Novak. The content pertained to filling a Planning Commission vacancy with a conservationist. APPLICATION NO. 7802-21 - Richard E. Hoskins & Joseph Mi' ni' sh 2962 Alder Street Request to vacate an alley, one block 16n length, running from Alder Street to Haines Street. They believe the alley should be vacated because it Iffis too steep and rough for vehicles, I* t has not been used for some 40 years, alley ends at the school for retarded children who may not be responsive to vehicles. Marsh/Schmitz moved this be tabled unti' l the Master Street Vacation Plan is adopted. VOTE: yes 4 no 0 CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION NO. 7'711-01 - Harold Lewis KriLstie DeWeese James Brooks Robert DeWeese Floyd Howe Leo F I* tterer H. Pollard Dwayne Freeby Request to rezone from Rm*III to R=wI property located at "that • portion of Estate Addi' ti'on from Gaines Street to Walker Street, and from Lawrence Street to Garfield"; Blocks 176, 177, 179 and 1.53 acres referred to as Tax 1 in Estate Addition. Reason: objection to construction of apartment building. After the first phase of the public hearing on January 5, 1978, the applicants sent the Commission a letter stating they wish to withdraw the appli' cati'on. The Commission consulted City Attorney Glenn Abraham as to proper disposal of Application No. 7711-01. They were advised to follow I* t to some sort of conclusion and to present the City Council with a recommendation. Bill Massey, member of the audience was heard in opposition to the request iffin Application No. 7711w,&,01. He has an apartment building under construction and stated the area is designated i"n the Compre� Plan as high density residential. After lengthy deliberation, Marsh/Campbell moved to make the following recommendation to the City Council: • 1) Whereas this rezone request is not in compliance with the goals and policies of the City Comprehensive Plan; 2) whereas this rezone request i* s not ion the public interest; 3) whereas a fi' nal declara- tion of nonsignificance estimation pursuant to the City Ordinance under 1759 R.C.W. 43.01C; 4) whereas public hearings were held on January 5, January 26, and February 23; 5) and whereas the applicants have expressed their desire that no action be taken on • this application, now therefore be i* t resolved the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that Application No. 7711-p1, a request for rezone from Ft-II to R-I be disapproved. VOTE: yes 4 no 0 MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 23, 1978 Page Two • APPLICATION NO. 7802-22 - Lee Homes, Inc. & Floyd C. & Rosalie M. Reno Request to vacate Corona Street from Copper to Sherman because part of road was paved on private property. City of Port Townsend wishes to relocate Corona Street, part of which rests on property of applicants. Platted portion of street would be vacated in conjunction with receiving deed to land owned by applicants to a right-of-way width of 60 feet. Marsh/Dudley moved to recommend to the City Council the street vacation be approved, on the condi' ti'on that the City of Port Townsend i* s able to obtain all the needed deeds of land to legally relocate Corona Street to 60 feet, prior to final passage of the application. VOTE.* yes 4 no 1 (vote of Chairman Smith made quorum) APPLICATION NQ. 7802-14 - Port of Port Townsend 2539 Washington Request to vacate: 1. 10th Street from the east side of Kuhn to Sims Way. 2. Kuhn Street from the south side of Sims way to the north side of Lot 6, Block 18, and the alley in Block 18 . 3. Landes Avenue from the south side of Sims Way to the north side of Lot 15, Block 32 , and the alley in Block 32 . • It is necessary for these streets to be vacated because the present plat is residential whereas the Port' s mission is to promote iidevelopment. The zoning is M-1 which is industraln conflict with the plat. Campbell/Dudley moved this be tabled until the Master Street Vacation Plan i*s adopted. VOTE: yes 4 no 0 APPLICATION N0. 7$01-30 - Leslie E. Strong Box 565 Request for Conditional Use of property located at 224 and 230 Quincy Street. Exiesting uses apartments. Applicant wishes to use part of property for a boutique and office space; the rest would be apartment use. Changes remove buildings from grandfather clause; this would require buildings to be brought up to Code. Dudley/Campbell moved to recommend to the City Council the request be granted with the proviso it be inspected at least annually by fire inspector prior to any extension of condi' ti'onal use by the CI"ty Council . VOTE: yes 4 no Q APPLICATION NO. 7802-02 - Dean C. Mook P. O. Box 478 Variance request to set up a shop handcrafting and selling hand- forged wrought-ironware; property located at 244 Monroe Street. Marsh/Dudley moved to recommend to the City Council approval of MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 23, 1978 Page Three • APPLICATION N0. 7802-02 {continued} the appli' cati'on for the following reasons: The request substan� ti' ally meets all the criteria set under 6.610 of City Ordinance 1625, except for items 3 and 4 , which we feel are not materially detrimental to the appli'cati'on or the public welfare of the City of Port Townsend. VOTE: yes 4 no 0 Dave Goldsmith, City Planner, distributed a draft of a Street Vacation Ordinance he has been working on, which he has also d istributed to other City officials. A lengthy discussion and exchange of ideas followed. There was a short discussion of persons who nu* ght be recommended to the Mayor, who wi' ll be selecting two new members of the Planning Commission, replacing Kay Wilson who has resigned, and Olen Sonny R ice who is submitting his resignation. A Workshop Meeting will be held on March 2. It was suggested that Attorney Tom Mahan be scheduled to meet with the Coimnissa�on at that time. The meeting was adjourned. CIA A 0OLWWWW14 1111110W41,0�/ 40110MOL "NPF%iiiiiiiiiillllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlliiiiiiiiilllllllllI iiillllllllll11111111111ol 4�11111111 Evelyn Charkowl Secretary •