HomeMy WebLinkAbout010578 Min MINUTES OF THE PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION OF JANUARY 51 197$ • Chairman Marsh called the meeting to order. All members were present. Also present: Mayor Joe Steve and members of the CjLty Council, including Wilsons Parker, and Smith. The minutes of November 28 were corrected. The Commission welcomed new member Steven Schmitz. Chairman Marsh announced that the contract dor the services of Dave Goldsmith, City Planner, is in the hands of the Legislative Committee of the City Council and will be acted upon at the next regular meet- ing of that body. Following approval, Mr. Goldsmith would endeavor to set up a Master Street Vacation Plan i"n about two weeks, enabling the Commission to hear requests which were tabled pending completion of the Plan. Other top priorities in Mr. Goldsmi' th' s endeavors will be to update the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. matter of conflict of interest came up next on 4w- Thehe agenda. City Attorney Glenn Abraham provided Chairman Marsh with an article from the Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington entitled "Appearance of Fairness Doctrine" . The secretary was instructed to make copies for each member of the Commission. Several times in the past, due to absenteeism and lack of a quorum, the Chairman was required to vote. It was ascertained that better attendance would mini mize any conflicts of interest. It was suggested a policy might be formulated requiring (1) that members of the Commission attend a certain number of meetings during the year (2) resignation of members not fulfi' 111'ng this requirement. • Due tl:) a heavy agenda, the election of officers dor 1978 was postam to the next regular meetibng, January 26 . Dudley/Smioth moved that last year' s officers serve pro tem at this meeting. VOTE: yes 6 no 0 The Steeriong Committee was asked to provide a list of nominations for the meeting of Jan. 26 . PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION N0,8 7711-0]. -- Harold Lewis Floyd Howe Kri" sti"e DeWeese James Brooks H. Pollard Leo F 1* tterer Dwayne Freeby Robt. DeWeese Request to rezone from R-III to R-I property located at "that portion of Estate Addition from Gaines Street to Walker Street, and from Lawrence Street to Garfield" ; Blocks 176, 177, 179 and 1. 53 acres referred to as Tax 1 ien Estate Addition. Reason for application: objection to proposed construction of apartment building The hearing was taped. The Chairman read a letter from the above-named asking that further action on their request be tabled pending resolution of litigation. Also read, was a letter from the apartment building contractor asking the hearing be postponed since he could not attend this evening . MINUTES OF THE PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE TWO January 5, 1976 Rk • Members of the audience wished to be heard so the hearing continued. Del Graham and Kevin Green opposed this rezone. Questions and comments from Ray McGowan, Tony Rodighierf and dale Amell were aimed at the rights of property vwnex�s and "rezone of someone else' s property" . To provide more complete information, the secretary was instructed to transcribe the tape of the public hearing, dated October 27, 1975, on Appli' cation No. 72, when the Pacific Northwest Evangelical Free Church Homes, Lawrence and Kearney requested, and were granted, a rezone of this property from R-1 to R-III. A copy will be furnished to each Commissioner. Wilson/Dudley moved the heari*ng be continued at the next regular session, January 26. VOTE: yes 6 no 0 PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION NO. 7711-06 -- Louise C. Fiscliback 1598 N W 143, Portland OR 97208 Represented by, Nick Paprl' tz Request fora Subdivision of 5 acres of High Bluff view property, (Galleon View Estates) , located south of the intersection of 3rd and Cleveland Streets. Parcel 1s. that portion of Section 10, Town- ship 30 North, Range 1 West, W. M. Parcel 2.n that portion of Sections 10 and 15 of Township 30 North, Range 1 West, W. M. • Proposed Use: 18 single family dwellings. The hearing was taped. Mr. Papritz read the Covenant; then he proceeded to provide information and replied to questions from the Commission and the audience. The primary objections of surrounding property owners present was the two story dwellings which would block their view. They requested the dwellings not exceed one story. During a recess, Mr. Paprl' tz placed a call to Mrs. F1' schback. She was agreeable to the proposal that all dwellings not exceed one story . Number (4) an the Proposed Deed Restrictions should be crossed out, as per Mr . Papri* tz . Campbell/Dudley moved to recommend to the City Council the request be approved, for these reasons: {1} in best interests of City (2) falls in with the Comprehensive Plan (3) will enhance surrounding area. VOTE: yes 5 no 0 Commissioner Frank Smith, Jr. vacated his chair for this hearing; he did not participate or vote. PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION NO. 7711-05 - PUD PROPOSAL Port of Port Townsend Property bounded by Sims Way, Kali Tali Lagoon, Decatur Street, and the alley between Kuhn and Haines Streets, all within the SE If of theNE of Section I4; and theS of theNWhof Section 11; within Township 30 North, Range 1 West Willamette Meridian, Jeffer- son County. Proposed Use,: to develop a park and site dor commercial • operations on approximately 23 acres of land. MEETING OF January 5, 1978 PAGE THREE The hearing was taped. Three letters were receved iy and read b Chairman Marsh: (1) letter of approval from the City Chamber of Commerce (2) fetter from Earth Care Organization requesting an EIS. (3) letter from Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hayden recommending SEPA guidelines stri' Ctly adhered to and pointing out possible detrimental effects on the City and the downtown area., The following appeared to provide information and answer questions of Commission and audience: George Randolph, Manager of the Port of Port Townsend; Port Commissioner Dave Douglas; Architect Steve Johnson; Engineer Don Vogel. The project has been planned over a seven year per i*od. The Port would develop and maintain a park around the Kai Tai Lagoon, but would deed it over to the City of Port Townsend. From the audience: Dale Amello. what types of business would be allowed? Along list was read off. Some comments and questions from unnamed members of the audience, pro and con. The hearing was lengthy, i' nformatxve, and aimed at satisfying all questions. • Chai"rman Marsh relinquished his chair to Vice Chairperson Wilson for the purpose of making a motion, after other motions appeared inadequate. MOTIQN: to recommend to the City Council approval of this Appll'mpw for the following reasan �:0 The Port Townsend Planning Commission has satisfied itself that the intent of Items 1 and 2 under Findings of Fact under Section 405, o, 3r*w� General Requirements Planned Unit Development, Subsection C--1 & 2, have been adhered to. Jim Campbell seconded the motion. VOTE: yes 5 no 0 ]. abstention (new member Steven Schmitz) The meeti*ng was adjourned. jjilll Evelyn Charkow Secretary NOTE: Application No. 7711-d3 {Charles & Judith Landau} scheduled for a public hearing this evening, has been withdrawn. • 0