• Chairman Marsh called the meetingto order. Memberspresent: Smith
Marsh, Campbell, Wilson, and W1*(gJhtman. Jim Wilson, City Councilman,
was also present. The minutes of October 27 were corrected.
The Commi"ssion wi* 1l hold a meeting on January 5, 1.97$, at which time
the following public hearings will take place:
{1} Application No. 771I-dl, request submitted by a group of aPPli-
cants, namely: Harold Lewis, James Brooks, Dwayne Freeby, Floyd Howe,
H. Pollard, Robert DeWeese, Leo Fi* tterer, Kri*stie Deweese, fora rezone
from R-III to RambI of property located at "that portion of Estate
Addition from Gaines Street to Walker Street, and from Lawrence Street
to Garfield" . Blocks 1.76, 1']7, 179 and 1.53 acres referred to as Tax 1
in Estate Addition. Reason for application: object to proposed
construction of apartment bui' ldi'ng at this site.
{2} Application 7711-03, PUD proposal submitted bY Charles and Judith
Landau, 2030 Monroe for property located west of intersection of
Tyler Street and Foster Street; Pettygrove' s First Addition, Block 16,
Lots 2-8, Tax No. 32, 2+ acres. Proposed Use: residential.
(3) Application No. 7711--05, PUD proposal submitted by the Port of
Port Townsend for property bounded by Sims Way, Kai Tai Lagoon, Dectur
Street,, and the alley between Kuhn and Haines Streets, all within the
• SE 3; of theNE hof Section 10; and theS hof theNwh of Section 11;
wi' thi'n Township 30 North, Range 1 West Willamette Meridian, Jefferson
County. Proposed Use: to develop a park and site for commercial
operations on approximately 23 acres of land.
(4) Application 7711w=06, request of Louise C. Fi' schback, 1598 N W 143,
Portland OR 97208 (represented by Nick Papri'Ltz) for a Subdivision o f
5 acres o f High Bluff view property, (Galleon View Estates) located
south of the intersection of 3rd and Cleveland Streets. Parcel 1:
that portion of Section 10, Township 30 North, Range 1 West, W. M. ,
Parcel 2,: that portion of Sections 10 and 15 of Township 30 North,
Range 1 West, W. M. Proposed Use: 18 single family dwellings.
In addition to the meeting of January 5, the Planning will
hold another meeting on January 26 . At this meeting the Commission
plans to map out top priority City planning projects which Mr. Dave
Goldsmith W1,911 work on. Mr. Goldsmith is with the County Planning
Department and, as of January 1, X978, his services wi be available
to the City Planning Commission for five man months.
APPLICATION NO. 7710=o02 - Charles W. Hansen & Alexander Von Reutter
4315 San Juan Avenue
Request to vacate west U Street: Block D-3,6,16 ,18 and Block 2a-
2, 5,17,19, which is an abandoned car dine track. That portion of west
• U Street between San Juan and McNeill Streets has already been vacated.
Smith/Wilson moved rqgnmmend to tht City C,*o 'Vil the request be
tabled until such time as a Master Street Vacation Plan has been
approved. VOTE: yes 4 no 0
The secretary has been instructed to make a 11* stof all such tabled
street vacation requests. When the Master Plan has been completed,
all the applicants listed will be so notified and their requests
APPLICATION N0. 7710-d3 - Jeanne Willis
7I5 Benton Street
Variance request to add 12 x 14 room behind beauty shop to meet
requirements of the State Health Department. Would also like to
construct living quarters over the shop. After lengthy discussion,
Wilson/Campbell moved to recommend to the City Council the granting
of a variance to build a minimum-sized storage room (size determined
by the City Counclul) which meets the conditions of items 2-3-a-6-7-8,
Section 610A of the City Zoning Ordinance. The recommendation does
not include the construction of living quarters over the shop.
VOTE : yes 4 no 0
APPLICATION NO. 7711-02 - Kathleen Huber
2100 Lincoln Street
Request to vacate Lincoln Street between Gaines and Kearney. Ms.
Hubei was not present. Smith/Wilson moved tow recxuawmmdty
Com this request be tabled until. such time as a Master Street
Vacation Plan has been approved. VOTE: yes 4 no 0
APPLICATION NO. 7711-04 - Robert J*
Such and Eleanor Such
X080 Umatilla Avenue
Request to vacate Cross Street between Umatilla and Woodland Aves.
Mr. & Mrs. Such were present. Wilson/Wlghtman moved to recommend
to the City Council the street be vacated, due to the unusual hard�
owners find themselves in; the residence sets on approximately
80$ of the street. VOTE: yes 4 no 0
The secretary was instructed to write a letter to Glenn Abraham, City
Attorney, requesting a written guideline with regard to the length
of time the City Planning commission is required to keep the tapes
of public hearings in their files.
Wi*ghtman/Smi" th moved the secretary be instructed to send a copy of
the Commission' s f inal draft of the proposed Short Subdivision Ordinance Ili*
to the C ty Council for theiriapproval and adoption, together with a
cover letter. VOTE: yes 4 no 0
MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 28, 1977 Page Three
The term of Floyd Wl"ghtman on the Couanission will explore as of
December 31, 1977; he will move from the Port Townsend area some
time in 1978. Kay Wilson will resign from the Commission in
approximately one or two months. They will be missed.
The meeting was adjourned.
Evelyn Charkow