Chairman Marsh called the meeting to order. Members present: Smith,
Campbell, harsh, Wightr a . Minutes of the July 28, 1977 meeting
were corrected as follows: Application No. 149. Sentence wording
changed From - tabled until September 29 meeting to - continued until
September 29 meeting and more information is forthcoming. Applica-
tions Nos. 137 and 147B - A. Ozols - Marsh requested sentence changed
to indicate the two applications are one and the same and therefore
second registration fee is not required to be paid and that a Public
Hearing on the original application be held at the October 27, 1977
regular meeting. There was an unanimous decision - Yes -- to correct
the minutes.
Copies of the Estimated 1978 Budget were distributed to the members.
Chairman Marsh noted that an increase requested is for salaries and
office supplies. salaries are for clerical. help. On a motion by
Smith and by unanimous decision the budget was accepted.
Chairman Marsh read a letter from Charles D. Freitas regarding plans
for San Juan Estates. It was decided to forward the letter to the
City Clem for a reply.
City Engineer Roger French explained a change in the application
numbering system. Example: No. '7'702-22 represents the year, the
month and numerical standing during the month. This is the sane
system that is used for Bu" lding Permits.
APPLICATION NO* 149 - William L. short, Jr.
1158 Van Ness
PUBLIC HEARING. Request rezone from P-I to C-II property located
at Railroad subdivision, Blocks 36 and 7 north of highway) , q1l
lots section 11, 30 N Range 1W. At the end of the public hearing
a discussion was held on potential. use , future traffic problems,
coordination with state Highway Department and possible deletion
of portion of Block 7 . Chairman Marsh stated that his vote might
be considered in conflict of interest but that since a quorum was
required he must vote .
Smith moved that the request be recommended to City Council for
approval by virtue of the fact that the area is surrounded by coin,-
r a - development, and providing, with the compliance of Nor. short,
that the portion of Block north of highway be deleted.
VOTE: Unanimous c i sin Yes
APPLICATION NO. 7708-Xl - Re A. sheffel
225 - Adams street
A ' arance request for parking requirements due to a change in
community business from an Antique Shop to Cantonese Restaurant,
Smite moved that a recommendation to the City L'ouncil be made t
approve the request because of the absence of parking in the arca
during business hours of the restaurant and because of Reasons
Continued to Rage 2
Page 2
3 thru 8, Section 6.10 - D, variance code. VOTE: Unanimous
Decision Yes
APPLICATION NO* 7709-0 Jehovah' s WitnessCongregation
2nd and Logan streets
Request to vacate 2nd street, between Logan and Rosecrans. Reason
for request is that 2nd Street dead ends at a deep canyon within
arse-,half block. A discussion involved the Fact that both ends of
street go ,into deep ravines. street Superintendent Hawley and
City Engineer French found no objection to the vacation.
motion was wade by Campbell to recommend approval for the
vacation, VOTE: Unanimous Decision Yes
APPLICATION NO. 7709-02 - Wallace P. Franz
907 - Taft
Request to vacate 2nd street between Rosecrans and McClellan
Streets. Reasons are that the draw that runs from kms way to the
City Limits is extremely deep. This makes this street too steep
to use. Other streets in this area 4th St. ) have been vacated
for this reason. As concerns the previous application a motion
was made by Campbell to recommend approval for the vacation.
VOTE: Unanimous Decision Yes
APPLICATION ISO. 7707-22 - Willard P. Molly or
816 -- Discovery Road
Request to vacate Gise street between Discovery Road and 21st
Street. After a discussion and with the recommendation of street
Superintendent Hawley it was decided to recommend to the City
Council vacation to avoid a less than 900 intersection on a dead-
end road. The motion was made by Campbell.
VOTE:: Unanimous Decision Ye
APPLICATION AVO. 7707-03 -- Walter Addie
Hancock and Corona Streets
Request by Street Superintendent Hawley to vacate Sherman street
West to termination. A discussion followed and .included the rea-
sons that the property owner owns all the property involved and
that a master plan is being made for all str ets that would b
logical for vacation and this is one probable vacation on that
plan. There was no objection from the City Engineer.
Campbell recommended approval by City Council as Mr.. Addie owns
all adjacent property and there would be no advantage to the city
to maintain the street. VOTE: Unanimous Decision Yes
Page 3
Chairman Marsh announced that the short Subdivision Ordinance
discussion planned for this meeting will be held at a Workshop
Session, October 13, 7630 PSI. Then a discussion will be held at
the October 27 regular meeting and a Public Hearing set at that
Smith requested that a steering Committee Chairman be appointed
to replace K. Wilson. There was a discussion involving filling
future appointments and Chairman Marsh agreed to become the
Steering Committee Chairman and to contact K. Wilson regarding
her position on the Commission.
R. French requested that a letter be written to Mayor Steve and
the City Council before their meeting of October 4., 1977 recom-
mending concurring with petitions submitted by Jefferson County
to vacate Hill Street;between 49th and 43rd ( one block West o
the Fairgrounds and 47th and 45th, between Hili. and Jackman
Streets. A motion was made by Unanimous Decision and the secre-
tary was instructed to write such a letter.
City Engineer French requested that the minutes of this meeting
be handed to him for the October 18 City Council meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:1 PM.
Lois Jean Zander
Temporary Secretary