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Port Tow ns anni Commission
I. Opening Business
Chairman Carman called the meeting to order at 7:30 PeMe
Members present were Don Hoglund, Bob Grimm, Alan Carmanio Jim Tavernakis,
Jim Campbell., Ron Kosec, and Nancy Slater. The minutes of August 28, 1986 were
approved as written.
Chairman Carman reviewed the correspondence for te. commision. He stated that
Dick Shipman,, Chairman of the Jefferson County Planning Commission wanted to hold
Joint Workshop Session with this commission to discuss local concerns. This
would not take place until about February, 1987.
Chairman Carman stated there was information from the American Planning Association
inviting the commission to join. The commission discussed the -cast of joining
(Approximately $300 as a body) and the benefits there would be if commission
decided to ,loin. It was decided to discuss this at the workshop meeting.
1 . Application o. ?86-01 Kah Tai Care Center
Garfield Street vacation Port Townsend
The Care Center had not contacted the commission on what it had decided to do.
Chairman Cyan had tried to reach Mr. Avis,, but haat never succeeded.
Bob Grimm moved to recommend denial of Appliea ion No. 786-oi, :Garfield Street
Vacation request, unless the commission receives a response From the applicant
before the -November 13, +1986 heeting packets were prepared. Nancy Slater seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous.
HIS Application 986-01 F mnk Moore
4th Street vacation Request P. #Box 1346
Port Townsend, Wa.
Mr. Moore passed out a revised drawing of his property and the proposed request.
He stated that he wanted to remodel, house. Right now the house was non-conforming
but with the vacation it would conform. Fourth Street has been vacated up and
down the area except for this little piece.
.Tim Tavernakis asked if he could re n on the commission since his property was
the size of a city block away and felt no conflict of interest. Everyone agreed
that he should stay on.
Mr. Frank Norwood spoke in favor of the vacation. He also asked why he had not
received a card explaining the vacation request. Legally it is not required and
the applicant did not provide the, -names-and addresses of surrounding property owners.
but the commission agreed that it was preferable to have neighbors notified.
Chairman Carman said he would check with engineer's office and see if it could be
set up as it had in the past.
It was pointed out that lots 8 and 1 were landlocked. Chairman Carman said lots
1,2,3,&4 had never had any access.
The applicant stated that he had planned to give an easement to the landlocked
lots of his through lot 7 off of Cleveland.
Mr* Grp felt that the application was not complete, but the problems he had
with it had been minimized since the vacation would only cause one lot to be
The commissioO wanted an easement of not less than 20 feet or more than 60 feet.
Nor. Tavernakis was concerned that there be no access onto Sims Way* That there
be no structure or growth within 20 feet of Sims Way. That no structure exceed
20 feet in height. inhibited structure within 4th Street. A safety barrier
from Sims Way. That the gaffe be removed and not graxuifathered,
There was not total agreement with the legality of all of the conditions.Mr.
Tavernak .s suggested.
Nancy Slater moved to recommend to the City Council the approval of Street Vacation
Application No. 986-01 as it leets the iteria`of ordinance -1802 with the Conditions
that there be a minimum of.a 20 foot easement into the landlocked lot, that there
be no access onto Sims Way, that there be no structure or growth within 2 feet o
Sims wao that the garage be removed and that there be kept utility easements.
If the City Council approves this application that the easements be recorded with
final recordation. Jim Campbell seconded the motion and the Grote was unanimous.
IV. Application No. 986-C
pp 3 Gaither Baker
Short Subdivision 2740 Peary Ave.
Fort Townsend, Ufa.
r. Baker stated that the 1T11 acre piece was too large to sell. Where wasin-
adequate surer and grater lines to the property so he had already brought in 600 feet
of sewer and 300 feet of grater lines* He wanted to divide the property Into three
lots. Each lot would be large. The short plat would blend well with the su gourd .ng
Jean Van Valenburg wanted to know about storm drainage as storm water comes
down off of the hill onto her property. She did not want it to be any worse.
Mr. Baker said that the soil report he had made by an engineer shored that
there was no evidence of seasonal high water. They had dug 6 holes 40 to 55 inches
deeptin order to do the report.
The dommittee all agreed that the short'plat wat well planned and they found no
problem with i .
Mrs. Slater pointed out that the building permits, when applied for would address
storm water run-off.
Jim Tavernakis moved to recommend Preliminary Approval for Short Subdivision No.
986--03 as it meets the criteria in the Short plat Ordinance. Jim Campbell seconded
the motion and the vote was unanaous O
ve Application No. 6-02 Michael Beers
Short Subdivision 2420 Ivy
Port Townsend, ala.
*Correction to this sentence "That no structure exceed 20 feet ifil
height in the 20 foot buffer zone along Sims Way."
Chairman Carman excused himself from the review because of conflict of interest.
Vice-Chairman Tavernakis presided over this section of the meeting.
.dim Pearson presented the application for Mr. Bee=, He stated that the house
was on the North-east corner of the property and the rest was covered with
young second growth trees. Mr. Beers wanted to divide the parcel into one acne
with the existing dwelling and the remaining 4 acres into another lot for a single
f am .ly residence. The larger parcel (lot 2) had been approved for a septic tank
and drainfiel.d. There was currently no plans for a building. A building permit
would answer questions concerning storm water run-off 6 . The land is zoned 10W A.
Mr. Beers pointed out that the 1-5 acre parcels are consistent with the surround-
ng area
The committee of Tavernakis and Kosec had no problem with the proposal.
Jim Tavernakis pointed out that the short plat was consistent with the area.
Non Kosec moved to recommend preliminary approval to Short Subdivision Application
Na. 986-02 as it meets the criteria for a short plat. Don Hoglund seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous.
1. Adjournment
Chairman Carman returned to adjourn the Meeting at 9115 Pomo
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Virginia Mulkey, Secretary
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Guest List
Do you wish to
NAME (please printl ADDRESS present testimony?
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