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I. opening Business
hai m n Carman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Members present were Ron Kosec Jim Tavernakis, Alan Cin, Jim Campbell, and
Don Hoglund.
Jim Tavernakis moved that the minutes of May 29, 1986 be approved as written.
Rory Kosec seconded the notion and the vote was unanimous.
The Association of Washington Cities sent comments to the city concerning
Hone Occupation Ordinance. The Council would like the commission to comment
on their A.W.C. suggestions by the August 5, 1986 meeting,
The secretary requested approval of purchasing a small file to keep the old
applications in. The commission wished to have a list of several different
files with thein prices before approving the expenditure.
IIv Application 386-01 T.F. & Claudia Belgard
Amended Street Vacation Request 2322 Washington St.
Port Townsend, Wa. 98368
There was a letter submitted to the commission from Mr. Stricklin stating he
had no objection to the vacation and including the City Attorney's opinion that
there would nothing legally wrong with the amended application. The letter was
to Mr. Relgard.
Mr. Relgard stated that Carroll Realty declined to have the easterly half of
Thayer Street.' Mr. belgard referred to the letter from Mr. Stricklin giving
approval to the vacation of 15 feet on one side of the street leaving 58 feet
for the width of the refining street.
Mr. Canaan asked if there were any testimony in favor or against reducing the width
Thayer Street?
Mr. Centioli stated his approval of the 15 foot strip of Thayer Street beim
vacated. Mr. Centioli is one of the petitioners.
Mrs Tavernakis stated he had looked at the property. It is zoned C-Il. Mr.
Tavernakis asked the applicant that in the future if the street was requested
completely vacated would they go along with the vacation? They answered yes.
It was explained that Mr. White did not want to go along with the vacation as he
could not expand his mini storage into a C-II zone, It is grandfathered now.
Mr. Belgard stated that Mr. Stricklin had stated to him that a 45 foot street was
aide enough for parking on both sides. This street would be 58 feet.
Chairman Carman asked if he could reduce it to 13 feet since it is not consistent
with other rulings that require a 60 foot width for a street.
Jim Campbell stated that with a 58 font street it was still adequate and with
agreement to purchase the rest -of the half, if approached later, he saw n
Jim Taverna is recommended approval to this 15 foot wide vacation -of' Thayer St.,
Amended Application No. 386-01 to the City Council as it meets the conditions in
the ordina mce and is a reasonable request. Ron o ec ,sec hded.t ie'�motion'ai d the
vote fias 1.un n ou . ' , a ' ' s '- . . . ,• ' . ' . .
Ron Koseq as he seconded the motion stated that he felt the vacation should be for
13 feet instead of a 15 foot vacation so the street would be left at 60 Feet.
Bob Gruen was assigned the report for the City Council.
III. Application No. 586- 1 Time Oil Comfy
alley vacation 2737 West Commodore Way
Seattle, Wa. 98199
Richard Gordon, an attorney representing Time Oil Co., said they owned property
gest of Honda Shop. The alley runs at an angle to highway 20. He said that when
they bought the property they were lead to believe that the alley had already been
vacated, but they have been unable to find any record of it. The alley would
serve no purpose and there would be no difference in its use. The alley is 25 feet
wide and the watrm,ain mown through it has been abandoned. They were agreeable
for the city to retain utility easements, The alley bisects the property. There
would be parking bn t' ccording to building plans and traffic crossing back and
There was no public testimony.
Mr. cosec was told that It was a 30 foot gide alley. The proponent stated that
thein engineering people had told him that it was 25 feet. The committee had
problem with vacating just the portion requested and not the whale alley.
Sr. Gordon said that Dave Pratt of the Honda Shop did not want to do it, even
though his building sits right on its He did not want to buy his portion, because
of the cost.
The co=fission agreed that they wanted the whole alley vacated.
Mr. Gordon Felt that It was unfair to require them to purchase the whole alley.
He also said that he could not say if Time Oil would be willing to purchase the
rest of the alley.
Jim Tavernais mowed to recommend approval of Street vacation Request N . 586-01
as it meets the conditions in the ordinance with the added conditions of 1. That
they grant the city equivalent utility easement rights, 2. That no structureon
the property come within 25 feet of the property lime, 3. That they follow the
,rules of the City Ordinance applying to Street vacations, 4. That the entire
alley be vacated (the whole block), 5. That the matter be resolves in a 12 month
period after the City Council takes action. Jim Campbell seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous,
Rory Kosec will write the report for the City Council,
Iv. Application 28601 Service Activities Corp.
onditional. Use Permit
Alan Carman excused himself and left the meeting due to appearance to fairness.
Jim Tavernakis stated he was listed as an adjacent property owner, but that no
longer is true. Mr. Tavernakis became the chairman for this application,
Bill Needham explained the planned addition to the Tides Inn Motel* He stated
that two buildings would be removed and a three story structure* The motel is
located in a -11 zone where a 50 foot height is allowed, but they planned to
stay below 35 -foot height. There would be 36 new unite each have a sm 11 deck
facing the water. They_ had found that people stay there because of the water
and there was not Bauch property in which could be given back to the City, The
had proposed the Walker Street Park with an access to the beach. There would b
an unlimited beach access with a $250000 improvement to'.Walker Street and the
Park they u :d build and maintain. t%
There was a letter from George and Helen stating their opposition to the expansion
s it would ruin a historical city's entry into the old downtown area. It would
evenually cause the creation of a one--way street.
The Cottons also were present and voiced the concerns addressed in the letter.
.dim Campbell read the criteria in the Zoning�Ordinance 16. for a Conditional
Use pe mit6 He stated the application was pretty straight forward.
Mr. Needham said that the city would be responsible for the insurance for the park,
but that the mote, would maintain it. The City Council and Mayor wanted thePa r .
There would be unlimited beach access below the rip rap. Where was a traffic
study done that indicates there would not be a problem with traffic because of the
motel addition . if at a Bauch later date there was a problem, then the study
showed some suggestions: for eliminating them.
Mr. Campbell stated that the commission had to deal with the criteria and
concerns are not legal binding criteria.
.dim Campbell moved to recommend to the City Council approval of Conditional Use
Permit Request No. 286-01 as it meets the criteria in the Zoning Ordinance 16.08
Items . . . . Don Hoglund seconded the motion and the vote was three for and
one against (Tavernakis).
When asked why he voted.-against the motion, Mr. Tavernakis stated that building
a structural corridor was not a benefit to the community,
Mr. Hoglund would. write the report for the City Council,
Miscellaneous . ..
Mr,@ t resumed the chair.
Application No. 686 Larson Subdivision assigned to the committee of Tavernakis and
osec• .1 .f,X. ti r 1 -
Wilcox request of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance assigned to Hoglund and
doth f these appca ions would be heard the 31st of .duly.
via Adjournment
Chairman Caxman adjourned the meeting at 900 P.M.
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