Port Townsend Plannm*
1. Opening Business
Chairman Carman called the meeting to order at 700 P.M.
Members present were Bou Cosec, Bob Grimm, Jim Campbell, Nancy Slater, Jim
Tavernakis, and Alan Carman.
Mrs. S .aer mored that the minutes be approved as written for the April 24, 1986
meeting. Jim Campbell seconded the motion and the vote was unan m us.
The Association of Washington Cities was having a conference titled "Charting
City's Course" on June 24-27, 1986.
There were three communications concerning the building permit of ,hack Q4een
to build a hotel inn on property on the corner of Clay and Quincy in a 8-I
zone. All three letters were in opposition to this type of building. The
letters were from James Baker, representing Mark Wilcox, the Jefferson County
Historical Society, and the Office of Archaelogyand Historic Preservation.
Mr. Wilcox stated at the meeting that the city never considered this kind of
4k proposal as it has never been raised before. He suggested. amending the ordinance.
He wanted to pay the $25 that was required to start ;the legal process that might
eke this mind of development in a historical district illegal.
The commission pointed out to Mr. Wilcox that -.change in the ordinance now
would not effect this building permit as it wd-be grandfathered.
Mr. Wilcox said the building permit was for a single family dwelling not
hotel/inn. Mr. Wilcox would be given a form to fill out as he wished.
II,* Revised Short Plat ordinance
Chairman Carman stated that the previous ordinance had been skirting violations
of state lair. The chanes were taking in the recent state laws. The chanes
to the draft are: 1. Addition of Appendix A which is a preliminary checklist;
2. renumbering of Appendix A to B with Appendix A on pages 24 & and Appendix
B = pages 26 & 2710 3o A contour snap on Appendix A. 4. An addition to page 40 end of
first ph"a,nd the survey shall be certified" deleted`'and the preliminary short
plat shall be prepared in accordance with AppendLx-,A of this document!' shall- be
added l 5. Cin page 10, under item 1. of easements "along" is deleted and"on each.
side f" is added to the sentences 6. On page 22, first line, "before such plat
or map has been approved by the City of port Townsend and" shall be deleteds 7.
and all typigraphical errors corrected.
Cha rm n Carman opened the meeting to public testimony.
Framk Fischer wanted the ordinance to require more than water and sewer lines
and felt that a contour map was a good idea. His primary concern was to Insure
that land owners not be restricted when they own more than 5 acres. With the
incon- of a preliminary checklist the draft was a good-..one.
Doug Franz was concerned that a developer would have to pave the roads into lots
and it would make it prohibitively expensive because of road costs.
Mr. Ca=an explained that part was put in so that the city does not have to
pay the cost for paving.
John Sudow asked if a lot has city water, but no sewer, what are the dimensions
required for septic system?
Chairman Carman stated that 7200 square feet is required by state law for septic
systems. This has to go through the Health Department and is bound by the
Washington Administrative Code.
Chairman Carman closed the meeting to public testimony.
Chairman Carman told the commission that there had not been any imput Brom
Keith Harper or Ted Stricklin, but they had been sent copes to review.
After discussion, Jim Campbell pointed out that this draft protects the city more
than old one does.
Bob Grim felt it was important to have some assurance from the Public Works Dept.
and the City Attorney that they have reviewed the draft and receive their opinions.
Jim T vernakis suggest having the motion include their check off list for the
Council meeting.
Nancy Slater moved to recommend approval of Devised Ordinance Number 1806
with the changes of all typigraphical errors corrected, addition of Appendix A
which is a preliminary checklist, renumbering of previous Appendix A to B with
Appendix A on pages 24 and 25 and Appendix B on pages 26 and 27, a contour map
on Appendix A. an addition to page 4. end of first paragraph 'sand the preliminary
short plat shall be prepared in accordance with Appendix A of this document" with
"and the surrey shall be certified" deleted, on page 10 under easements item 1.
"along" is deleted and "on each side of" Is added to the sentence, on page 22, first
line, "before such plat or map has been approved by the City of port Townsend and"
shall be deleted. Also in the report' to'the City ureal there will be a checklist
from the City,Officers and' the-City Attorney. Jim Tavernakis seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous.
lila Miscellaneous
Mrs. Slater askew to be excused from Application No. 586-01
Application 286-01 Service Activities Corporation review June 26 with the
committee of Carman, Hoglund (Campbell in case Hoglund will not serge on .
Application 586-01 Time Oil Corporation with a committee of Kosec and Grimm
to be heardat June 26 meeting. Mr. Grp will do the report.
lv. Adjournment
Chairman Garman adjourned the meeting at 9t15 Pame
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