HomeMy WebLinkAbout032885 Min Packet PORT TOW SE D• WASHINGTON 98368 Port Tow se ani x CoCam 9 i GIT O PORT TOI 18E D TNUT F MARG14 28 :L985 1, Openlr�g Business Chairman 61ater called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. Members present were Alan Carman, Jim Campbell, Dori Hoglund, Jim Tavernak .s and Nancy Mater. Minutes of February 28, 1985 were approved as written. Chairman plater stated there was a copy of buget expense sent to the cam ,lssioan, also two conferences n Planing Annual Spring Planning onferenca in Olympia and Association of Washington Cities 'n pok ne . Anyone interested In attending can get the information from the Commuhication fie. A letter was sent to the Mayor from Steven L. Olsen, representing Mickey DeLeo concerning a Cottage Industry Amendment to the Conditional Use Ordinance. They were in favor of this proposed amendment, I. Application No. 185,,02 Service Act* 'ties Inc. Street Vacation (Gaines St. ) Port Townsend., Wa. 98368 Mr. Campbell and Mr. Carman met with Mrs btricklin , but separately. They both were told essentially the sane thing: that the city was better off to vacate because it should never be pushed through. Mr. Carman called the State Highway division and they said they could not forsee any relocation of SR20 in that location& Mr. Campbell said that he was usually against street vacations because once gone they were gore., and down the road they could be needed. He said that knowing this was a dangerous area, city could want It for something else. Mr. Carman said that he came to the same conclusion as he had stated at the last meeting In February. He stated it should be vacated with utility easements, perpetual pedestrian access and only one access shared by applicant and adjoining property owner onto Sims Way. Jim Tavernakis was against vacating as a city planer. He could see that eventually this street might be needed to relieve the busiest streets in town. He said that he still felt that thes street visually abutts water, This intersection a real problem and since he lives near by is very familiar with it. Traffic flow a major problem there. Heavy trucks going up Washington z4reet to avoid ferry traffic a danger to the bluffs because of vibration. Mr. Carman moved to vacate street with conditions already mentioned, but it died for lack of a second. Keith Harper, City Attorney, said that according to the ordinance and statutes this street does not abutt water, If this is reasoning for denying street vacation, it would not hold, If this were so, few streets ,in Port Townsend could be vacated. With the facts presented, looking at all criteria, do not see how this could ever be used as street. Mr. Campbell said that he had trouble With it because state cannot give wW plan or city either and it might be needed d m the road. Mr. Needham., Then asked ghat pians were for the mote., said that there were plans to add addition and second story was originally proposed, but street vacation is not essenial to this. He said that he had arrays talked through an intermediary and not to the neighbors directly, when asked about this. Mr. Carman moved to recommend Application No. 185-,02 a street vacation for Service Activities Inc. be approved as it meets the established criteria of the City of Port Townsend Municipal Cade Chapter 12 a Ms OC Ordinance Numbers 1802 and 1992) as set forth in Chapter 12.20.060 (Ordinance Number 1802, Section 5.20); and should, i .th the followin conditions, 1. the applicant and the adjoining property owners shall have prepared a restrictive covenant biting direct access along situs Way to no more than i Joint Use access point, 2. the applicant shall have all existing utilities located and identified, with properly drain easements of sufficient width as would allow for the proper maintenance and replacement of those ut*lities . the applicant shall have drawn an'easement for a pedestrian tra.,i , corridor over and across the subect area, ing into consideration the tak possibility of future grade revision in the vicinity of the vacation, and providing for continuous pedestrian access across the site these conditions should be submitted to the City Attorney and Public forks Director for their review and approval and simultaneously be recorded at the time of fii2ing the Record of Vacation. Mrs. Slater seconded the motion and the vote was 2 for and 3 against (Slater and Carman for, Campbell,, Hoglund and Tavernakis against),, After discussing the pr6blems they saw, Mr. Ta ernakis moved to reco wend denial t the city council of Application No. 1 � 2 as it does not comply Trith Ordinance 1802 and 1992, items 2.3,4,5 and numbers 1 and 6 not h v'ng been really resolved. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the vote was 3 for and 2 against CaTapbell. Hoglund, and Tavernakis for, and Carman and Slater against). The motion carries. III's Nei-,r Business Application No. 385#01, a variance request for Richard Atkinson to be heard on April 25 and prereviewed by committee of Ori and Tavernakise 0 Election of Officers Jim Campbell nominated Nancy dater for Chairman and Jim Tavernakis for Vice Chairman. Carman seconded the motion and the vote was unamo ous. All duly reelected. Mrs. slater nominated Don Hoglund for Treasurer and Mr. Carman seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous* . Miscellaneous Keith Harper., the city attorney, explained to Mr. Carman the process of bringing an ordinance revision into being by the Com. ion. He said that the commission formed a committee to work on itl receive imput from the city attorney in this case he had some aids have a draft made to shoe; the city council, thea there would be hearings in both b dies kPla ning Commission and City Council meetings .� � It was important to drag it rip consistent and fair. At the April 11 workshop plans are to update the applications and May workshop meeting start working on ordinance changes. Mr. Harper said that the subdivision ordinance needs to be charged and soon. He saald that the county ordinance was in line with the state plan, but the city was not in line 1- "th thea at all. The purpose of the state statute was to give a guideline for counties and cities around the state. Chairman Slater asked Mr. Harper to get the commission information to help develop policy for the April workshop. VI* Adjournment Chairman zolater adjourned the meeting at :45 P- IOOA Virginia Mulkey, Secretary (phis meeting was tape recorded) �f moo 4 a: s 44-f, t� i . .t Port Townsent Aoril � , Chairman. Planning Commissior Ci v Hall Port Townsend Dear Chairman and Commission: I wish to share with you an article T recentiv came across in the Pacific NorthwestMagazines I think it crimes the closest have seen to e ;o ai n i na the benefits 4 of nnina in a concrete and recoonizable fashion, The Doint is that good a a n n i n❑. once it is ad oD ed and aoolied. is a benefit to all in the cvmr uni v whether their oolitical leaninas are oro-environmentalist or oro- devel OD ent Good olanning is in fact the ooint where these seemingly disoarate viewooints meet. I h x n�=: even our small, ra ni cl am i v can bene+it from the exDer i ence of our n i ahbori nc state. as we strive to err otect the aualitv o life we e cer i ince here which includes the economic wel ar^e of the citizens. Si ncerel . /1�a �� Julianne h c ul l cr Memo from Chairman of the Planning Commi