HomeMy WebLinkAbout022885 Min Packet PORT TOWNSE lD• WASHIPSIGT13ISI 98368 0 Port TownsendCommssion i CITY OF PORT TO SEND MINUTES of RUARY 28., 1985 I, Opening Business Chai an Mater called the meeting to order at :30 P-M- Members present were Nancy 61ater, Don Hoglund, Alan Carman, Jim Tavernakis., Bob Grimm, and Jim Campbell. Jim Tavernakis moved that the minutes be approved as written. Bob Grimm seconded the motion and the vote was-unanimous. A letter was received from a Mr. Gieser which was read into the meeting. Mr. Gieser was concerned that there should be an industrial development plan and that the land south of 6ims Way on down to the mill be designated industrial development area. Bob Grimm agreed to be the Commission's representative concerning the Bu ardin Planned Unit Development during the Council's review of it. It was decided by the city attorney that the old ordinance stood for the street vacation part of this development. Also it was discovered that developer presents the contract to the city, then the city goes through and changes if need be. He Application No. 18 am01 Peter Alb e ht 502 Reed Street Fort Tavmsend The applicant told the commission that this proposed eight Foot fence would restore the privacy that was lost when the foliage in the adjoining lot was destroyed. The style would be in keeping with Victorian home. Mr. John Beard said that he obie cted to an eight foot fence as he felt the height would tend to overpo er his property since his hose would have to be much closer to the fence than Mr. Albrecht t . The vegetation that he removed on the side he shares with Mr. Albrecht did not include any trees and iMroved the appearance of the property. ' Mr. Albrecht said that when lie had talked with Mr. Beard the previous week he said that he was in favor of the fence and liked the style of it. Mr. Beard stated that at the time of their conversation he had not been aware of what an impact an 8 foot fence would make on his property. Mr. V. Keehn said that he was in favor of the fence. The eight foot weight was fine with h . He could not see ghat difference between 8 and 6 feet would b since the top portion of fence was to be lattice. Commissioner Hoglund said that as a corod Chai m an Slater-viewed the property and had the same problem with vacant lot giving a tunnel view With fence that height. The applicant shcwed the commission sketch of what the fence would look like. The A .brechts did not want to reduce the height of the fence as it would not give the privacy the had enjoyed with the noxi gone foliagee 111r. Campbell said that foliage can not be equated Tdth a board fence. Mr. Carmen said that a 6 foot fence Mould be equally pleasing and within the ordinance. Mr. Tavernakis expo.aine d the reasoning b e hin the variance ord inanc to appli c ant. He said that he would be more sympathetic if the Albrecht's home was closer to the ].i e. Don Hoglund moved to recc r end to the City Council that variance Application No. 185-01 be denied as it does not comply with Ordinance 1625, liection 6.10. JIM Tavernakis seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Don Hoglund agreed to write the report for the Council. III. Application leo. 185-02 Service Activities Corp. Street Vacation 938 Hater St. Pt. Townsend Chairman Slater read into the meeting a letter from Leona. and Cella Brown and. Dorothy E. Calla'. They were in opposition to this vacation because 1. public access and use is lost, 2. open space view area is lost, 3e street vacation can decrease property values., and4. the streets belong to the citizens of Fort Townsend* Mr. Needham had Mrs. 61ater read the letter from Ranier Bank which concurs with his request for the street vacation. Mr. Needham said that right away was used exclusively by the motel. Having it vacated would benefit the city considerably by the sale, tax and if property i expanded. The property would never be used as a street and the vacation would have no negative effect. J.J. Ki,rcher said that he was a 48 year resident and was against the vacation and in agreement with the letter from Browns and Ms. Callaway. Ranier Bark is only interested in money. Penny Saver side is a mess with litter and if area vacated ,t would be even a bigger mess. Port Tavmsend I'lotel is already overbuilt* btreet is not in, but i part of my access. The streets belong to the people. Do not want streets vacated. Mr. Kircher said that she was in opposition as well. bhe said that you can't tell what the future might bring and the street belonged to the people. . Carman presented the co=ittee report to the commission and it is included entirely on the next 3 pages. CITY OP BORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION-COMMITTEE REPORT APPLICATION N 1 BER_ 185-02 COMMISSION MEMBERS CAMPBELL AND CARMAN MET' AND INSPECTED H SITE OBIT THE 27TH OF FEBRUARY � 1985. APPLICANT: SERVICE ACTIVITIES CORPO RA ION TYPE OF APPLICATION: ARIGHT- F-WAY VACATION LOCATION F 1R P SA = AT THE INTERSECTION OF Sims WAY, GAINES STREET AND WASHINGTON STREET'S THE PROPERTY IN ES I N ETES BETWEEN THE PORT TWNS END MOTEL AND THE PEN-N-Y SAVER MARKET PROPERTIES, LEGAL DES RTP T ..7 GA I TLS' _ST._AI ._TO 1 -8 BLOCK(S)68 SUBDIVISION L. B. HASTINGS ADDITION SECTION 11 , T"WD. 30 N. p RANGE I WEST, WILLAMETTE TE MERIDIAN. CORRESPONDENCE ]R N V A LETTER FROM H.D. 01NEIL, .B. f. , ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT,, RAINIER NATIONAL BANK-SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE OF THE ADJACENT BLOCK 69 , N FAVOR OF THIS PROPOSED VACATION (ALONG WITH MR. ROBERT B. F F EDRF E D -OWNER) . THERE WAS NO MENTION OF AN INTEREST TO BAY COMPENSATION FOR THE APPROXIMATELY 1 6 SQUARE FEET (0.33 ACRES) OF LAND THAT WOULD BE ANNEXED TO EACH OF THE ADJACENT BLOCKS,f AS WELL AS NO INFORMATION THAT MR. OPNEIL OR MR. PORTERFIELD HAD BEEN INFORMED OF THIS ITY'S REQUIREMENT F O R COMPENSATION. PINDXNGS of FACT: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER(S) : 12.20. 000 AND [ (ORDINANCE NUMBER 802 AND 1992 APPLY(S)I . COMMENTS FROM CITY DEPARTMENTS: PUBLIC WORKS S DI'I E E FAVORABLE X NO CITY STREET DEFT. FAVORABLE X N CITY SEWER DEFT. FAVORABLE X N CITY WATER DEPT, FAVORABLE X N CITY POLICE DEET , FAVORABLE X NO CITY FIFE DEPT,, FAVORABLE X N EMEF. MED. SERV. FAVORABLE X N COMMENTS ROM PRIVATE UTILITY PURVEYORS:(NOT REQUIRED BY STATUTE): PUGET POWER FAVORABLE N PACIFIC NW BELL FAVORABLE N F. T, T'E E AB E FAVORABLE N NOTE: THESE COMPANIES ETES WENN NOT CONTACTED FOR INPU p BUT BAVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS WITH THE CXTY OF PORT T WNSEND AND E T TTN UTILITIES IES AR APPARENT WITHIN VIEW ON THE SITE OF THE PROPOSED VACATIONS 5 EXISTING SITE ZONING. USES OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND COMPLIANCE WITH EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATIONS: 01 BLOCK 68-PORT TO TNSEND MOT EL, A NON-CONFORMING GRANDFATHERED ACTIVITY (MOTELS ARE CONSIDERED'D A CONDITIONAL DISE IN THE -II ONE) AND BLOCK 69-THE PENNY SAVER-IS A CONFORMING USE WITHIN THE ZONE,, AS WAS AS THE FORMER INSURANCE OFFICE ON BLOCK 69 , APPLICABLE AREAS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMERCIAL: X HOUSING AND RE'SIDENT'IAL DEVELOPMENT: TRANSPORTATION : x INDUSTRIAL: y SHORELINES: CRITICAL AREAS . _ OPEN SPACE. RE: i� I ark and recreation areas buffer zones , drainage protection zones ENERGY; GOVER NMEN T';��.�� • CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 1 2.2 0.0 6 0 REVIEW CRITERIA (CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND ORDINANCE 1802 , SECTION 5.20. DOES REQUEST CONFORM TO "'GOALS AND POLICIES"' OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN? The request generally conforms to the Goals and Policies as set forth in the .City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Pian a regards the sections on Commercial Development and Transportation. However, the policies portions of the above referenced sections , raise concerns for further congestion that may be brought about by the possible proliferation of uncontrolled commercial access to Sims Way (State Road 2 a this location without adequate controls either by covenant or some other acceptable remedy. 7., IS THE AREA NE'E'D BY THE CITY FOR PRESENT OR PROJECTED OVERALL CIRCULATION? The area surrounding this proposed vacation is already congested at peak traffic periods; caused primari'lly by the intersection of Sims Wag (Mate Road 2 , Washington Street, and Gaines Street (constructed to the Southwest) converging within the same small area. Without major relocation of Sims Way (which is highly unlikely), -Tt would be unw-ise to attempt to interdict any major increase in traffic volume at this location. In light of this information , the right of way would not appear to compliment , nor would it appear to be necessary for anticipated circulation needs. t 1. WILL THE LOSS OF THE AREA TO THE CITY AFFECT THE DELIVERY OF FIRE, .SAW ENFORCE ?ENTe MEDICAL OR OTHER EMERGENCY SERV `CES No S THE PROPERTY NEEDED AS A UTILITY CORRIDOR The Public Works s Director indicates that there -i's n existing sewer main contained within this right of way, z!1though a 6" diameter water main appears to be located th in , as well as Power, (possibly) Telephone, and Cable r. V. Because of the lacer off accurate knowledge on the locations the utilities, the standard 12' easement, ,located 6' on each side of the platted centerline would i f undoubtedly prove of dubious value. With this in mind, i Mr. Needham said there was serer, poorer and cable limes, but no water lines, Mr. Tavern kis said that all easements were .important. He was concerned that doi�m the road a traffic change would be needed and so would this street. He felt that abutting water could be visual as inmll as factual. Through the easements citizens can enjoy the view. With the traffic now coring off of Washington •street onto bims Warr with no solutions bother him. He was not willing to give up city street when down the road it may be needed. Where were potential changes and street should not be given up. Jim Campbell stated that maybe commission should hold off until the city gets some goals and policies for traffic. In 25 years might be tr in to buy it back. Mr. Cannan said that it was not high enough priority with the city administration to get a traffic is la ,, Mr. Grimm asked Mro Carman how he addressed the buffer zone. Mr. Carman said that inasmuch as it is going to be 2 pieces., the a fisting access on one side could attempt to require more, but it could make more of a traffic hazard* i Jim CamDball roved to continue Application No. 185--*02 until some information on futiir& tr ffi -c ,rcul .t .on 71an could be obtained d reviewed again on Larch , 1985. Alan Carman seconded the motion and the vote was 4 for and 2 against (Tavernakisand SlaterY, Tim Tavernakis said that the com=ssion should move on it and get it off the books. Mr. Canaan would check With Public 1,Jorks Director. ITo Application No,, 285-01 Jack Fields Variance 636' Garfield St. Port Townsend Mr. Fields said that he wanted a woodworking shop because he liked to build toys for his grandchildren. He said that he had built the house 27 years ago when under the impression it had a 66 Foot street easement x.,Then it '.s a 73 foot street easement. Lot in back could be left '.n lawn and fit trees. Jia Tavernakis said that the committee warted to be sure it i-ras personal shop and not commercial. Drainage could be taken care of by roof gutter and dry well. Jim Tavex akis moved to reco=end approval. of Application No. 285-01 as it meets all conditions of city ordinance..hint that consideration for a dry well so shop does not drain on neighbors property. Bob Grp seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous, Alan Carman would do the report for the City Council. v. Nei-,r Bus e s s Workshop meeting would look over Alan's checklist. . Adjourrment Chairman plater adjourned the meeting t 9:15 . . _ le4,4� � � Application No. 185-o2 Street vacation for Service Act. Corp. Game S t. between Washington and Jefferson. Port Townsend, February, 18 . 1985 TO ALL PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING MMI SSI ON MEMBERS Application No. 185-o2 for street vacation of Gaines Street between F { • .. Washington and Jefferson should be denied for the reasons following: . 1. Public access and use is lost. For example , Walken street from Washington to the edge of the bluff is vacated. During special events, for example the fire- }. works display this choice viewpoint is restricted from public use by signs and barriers. This former public land is now reserved for private usage . Sadly this is not an isolated instance of choice public land vacated to private use and Lost to the general public , 2 . Open space view area is lost. Port Townsend' s open space and "View Areas, are pluses and features in the attraction we have for tourists 3 . Street vacation can decrease property values. The assurance of open space and/or a view is negated when a, street is vacated. Land value could be reduced. The possibility for a tax loss could be greaten than any gain generated by private ownership of a street, . It should be kept in rind that the streets belong to the citizens of pont Townsend. Vacation of any street should benefit Port Townsend Citizens not an individual or a corporation. That anyone . other than the applicant would benefit by the vacation f Gaines Street seems extremely questionable . Application No 185-02 should be denied else again Port Townsend Citizens will be the losers, Respectfully Yours, k 100 I