HomeMy WebLinkAbout011085 Min PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINMTON 9836S Port Townsend Planning Commiss• CITY OF PORT TOWN13EN = " iINITFrz) OF JANUARY 10 198 5 . Opening Business Vice Chairman Gibson called the meeting to order at 7:30 -M e Members present were Jay Gibson, Bob Grimm, Nancy Slater, J:*Ln Campbell., Don Hoglund and Jim Taver akis. Mayor 6hirley joined the cannission also. Minutes of November 29, 1984 were approved with the corrections of a replacement page for page 3 and on page 1 last paragraph should be mill smoke instead of maid. smoke. Vice Chai man Gibson stated there were two letters to the Commission. One from Du j ardin Development Company requesting that Application No. 283-01 and 283-02 be reopened as they washed to proceed at this tine. The second one was fram George Geiser in opposition to the Lakeside/Jefferson County proposal. He Application No. 782-01 Lakeside Industries/Jefferson County Rezone Request from Rr-1A t -ol F.O. Dox 1379 Bellevue Wa. 98009 Mr. Lee stated that the reasons they wanted this rezone has been stated previously a. number of times. Tice Chi mann Gibson stated there was additional area needed to be zoned M--1, but that there were a number of questions unresolved and a rezone in this area would constitute, spat zoning. Under the core Decision this property would not qualify. Mr. Gibson read the Comprehensive Plan section concerning this -without a Planned Unit Development. Mr. Lee stated again his company's willingness to have covenants attached to lana title on property c enc a ming access, drainage,, and buffering,, Mr. Grum pointed out that the C z pr h nsive Plan requires that a thorough environmental and social analysis be required for this. Inas this been rade? The answer was no. Vice Charman Gibson told the commission that not all spat zoning was illegal, but it had to show adequate public advantage sufficient changed circumstances, to provide adequatestl.fication. This proposal is the cart before the horse. 'Where needs to be a planned industrial park that addresses all the problems in advance. Mrs. Mater said that the covenants were an admirable idea, but there was nothing in writting and it was not the commissions responsibility to provide them for is the property. _l_ The commission was concerned that the project was too open ended to be recommended for approval. There were too many unanswered questions.} Nancy Mater roved that the Commission recomends to the City Council denial. of Application No. 782-01 as it does not meet standards of City Ordinance'1625 and does not meet the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plant but that this commission further recommends suggesting a planned industrial park be considered. Bob Grimm seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. ern Tavernakis did not participate in this review or vote). 111. Application No. 1084-01 Stanley Dick 6hort Subdlvi'sion 926 M Street Fort Townsend a. 98 368 Mr. Dick stated that he planned to build a house on lots 1 and 2 and his son, a contractor would build a house on each of the lots 3 and 4. There would be off street turnaround parking for the lots accessing onto Admiralty. Mr. Hoglund stated that the only problem the committee bad with this Application tion was the possibility of cans backing onto Adthiralty, but the turnaround would take cane of that. Don Hoglund moved to give prepnary approval. to Application No. 1084 01 as it complies with bubdivision Ordiance 1.8.06. Nancy slater seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Don Hoglund would do the report for the City council.. Iv. Vew Business Application To. 283--01 and 283-*02 Dujardin be assigned to the committee of Grimm and Tavernakis. Ir. Gibson said that he would be absent for two to three months because of hip surgery. Mayor hirl,ey told the commission that he appreciated them. He said that he was securing the services of David Gold ''3 th to give the assistance that the commission ametimes needed. Hopefully by May or Junehe would e available in the evenings@ Mayor zahirley briefly discussed ways in which Mr. Goldsmith would be helpful. He said haat he could see burnout in commissioners job as well as flustration for the applicants. Mayor Shirley taped briefly ori the Main 6treet program, He said that it was a nuts and bolts of marketing_window displays and signing included. It will be a non-profit corporation separate from other things, V. Election of Chairman Jim Campbell nominated Nancy dater for chairman until regular election 'in March. Jim Tavernakis agreed to be vice chairman. The vote was unanimous. Virginia Mulkey, becretax7 ..2_