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Port Townsend Planning Co losio
IhE 41
1: OEM qWP
% lip JM
I. Opening Business
Chairman Menefee called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.m.
Members present were Nancy Menefee, Nancy Slaters Jay Gibson, Jim Campbell,
and Bob Gram.
fancy Slater moved that the minutes be approved as written. Bob Grimm seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous. (Minutes of October 25, 1984).
The Chai an passed out copies of the letter that had been sent to Mayor and the
City cpuneil concerning enforcement of City Ordinances.
II. Application leo. 98h-02 Mr. & Mss. H. G. Herrington
VaraLance 660 Mt,, Fury Circle S.W.
Issaquah, Wh. 98027
• Mr. Herrington stated that when he requested a permit to put in a new basement
Mx'. Strictlin stated he'd need a variance for setback requirements for a
remodell"rig of this degree. He said that the house was built in 1398. They
planned on making it their home. fey had Architect Jack Smith design a veranda
to wrap around the house and tial:111111ce111111111111the lace of the porch. They needed a variance
on the Taylor and Franklin Street sides. The out buil ngs on the side that
resemble shacks woulc3 be retnaved. �`he planned remodeling would enhance the,neigh-
Paul Li*chtor stated that -the plans showed a fine add3*.tion to the neighborhood.
He wante d t o point out to Mr. Herrington of the terrible underground water
problems the area had and would be a problem for a basement.
Jim Campbell said the committee looked at the property a couple of times.
With the rercoval of the sheds the new veranda would cover less of the lot
than dans now With the sheds. The committee felt it was a -reasonable request.
They would recommend anproves]. to the City Council with the removal of the sheds.
Jim Campbell moved to recommend to the City Council Variance ica ion No.
98�.-02 for Mr. & Mrs e rrington be approved as 2"t mets criteria in Zoning Ordinance
6].0 A i,2,3,�16,7, &8 ande� iremoved. Jay Gibson seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous. (JIM Campbell would do the report for the
City Council).
IIZ. Application No. 684-01 Richard & Susan Thompson
• Variance 744 Clay Street
Port Townsend, Iola. 98368
Mr. Thompson said that the new plan drawn up has 13 spacas for Parkix19.
• Mr. Gi'bson said that he was concerned by traffic generated. Hoer many cars have
been parked. far the staurantr last month?
1w. Thomps on said that f ewe r than 10 cars and that for Fr iffiday Saturday. and Sunday
business. This drops to even fewer in the inanter, Twenty cars are the absolute
maximum because of seating and that only on Saturday ragbt,
Mr. Gibson said that the people on h165 Northwest side have m*dened street for
parking space and had Mr. Thompson given this any consideration for hi's problem.
Mr. Thompson said that th3.s might be possible, but �.t also might injure the
cherry trees. 14r, Thoillpson said that the area liven dor each parking space
was within the Plan's speca.fi,catian according to Mr. Strxctlin.
Chairman 1-4enefee said that for slant in parking it does meet the requirement,,
but driveway on the side was 10 feet instead of the allowed 12 feet. He
would need another variance for this unless he widened it to 12 feet.
Thompson said that he was agreeable to i%abdening drive to 12 feet on the side as
well. He said driveway would be sloping toward the center away from house and
property line. Held like to curtain drain it 14f affordable. He would make
lighting to ifiethin the code.
Leasing or buying has not been affordable or possible.
• The ctamnissian did not want a temporary fix, but a solution to the years long
problem. They felt that the maximum parking •spaces P o sb le was the on1.Y gray
to do it. They also granted the lighting and drainage 'taken care of vnLthin code
along frith have 10 foot drive on the SaLde made ].2 foot and that all requirements
be cultipleted within }�5 days of the counc:L7.'s approval.
Nancy Slater moved to recommend to the City Council the granting of Variance
Applicat:'L'on No. 684,wol Drova*,ding 11 slant parki'ng spaces :back of house,, 3
parallel parkiria spaces on Adams Street and 2 parallel parking spaces on Clay
saving cherry tremas•as •it meets the criteria of Ordinance 1.6 2 5 Section 6.10
1,x,5,6,7, & $; also iAa"Fden 10 foot driveway to 12 feet, and provide adequate
lighting and drainage-provided so that I'Lt does not drain on the neighborsew
project be canpleted ipiithin 45 day of the City Council's approval, othenwi*se
request the enforcement of Ordinance 1625 Section 6:x.6. Jim Campbell seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimouso 1,;rs# plater ir-rould prepare the report for
the city counci3.
IV. Election of Chairman
Chairman Menefee stated that she would not accept a second term as a eLmili-urtissioner
and her term was up in December. she said that she would delegr if finding a
commissioner to replace her took longer., but did not wish to da so. qhs wanted
everyone to be thinking of a replacement for her as well as iirfto would be the next
• V. Adj#ournment
Chairman Yanefee adjourned the meeting at 8:15 P.M.
C/ � 40
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V3. inia Mulkey, Secretary