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Port Townsend Pla-Immg Commission
{ -3
MINUTvS 4F OCTOBER 25., 19$4
Z. Opening business
Chairman Menefee called the meeting to order at 7:30 P41#10
Members present were Nancy Skater, Bob Grirr¢n, Jim Tavernakis, Nancy
Menefeelunand new member Don Ifogd. Jim Campbell came later.
Minutes of September 27, 198h were approved as written.
.6 A letter from Kay Wilson, former Port Townsend Commissioner and present
senior planner for the City of Bremerton, giving an update on spot zoni*r►g
prepared by Bremerton's City Attorney.
II. Application No. 284-11)2 Senrice Ac ti tae s Inc,
Conditional Use bequest Port Townsend, Wa. g8 368
• Mrs. Slater moved to table Applf.cation No. 28�-02, �. conclitional Use Request
until the COMMut"ssion received a Final Dec larat ie on of Non-significance from
the City Council.. Mr. Gr= seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
III. Application Na. 782-01 Lakeside Industries
Rezone from Rrto M-1 Po 0*Box 1379
Bellevue., Wa. 98009
Chairman Menefee stated that she received a letter from Lakeside industries
stating that their- address list of adjacent property owmers was co ect,
Mrs. Menefee said that the County Planner, David Gold ith, wished to meet
with Lakeside and the Commission representative Friday,, October 26,, Z984
and discuss the addition of the County property adjacent toLakeside's they
wished included in the rezone request (Chairman Menefee met Frith Air. Goldsm*th
and Lakeside representative and sit up a new hearing on November 29., 198? ).
Nancy Slater moved to table rezone Application No. 782-0l until the meeting
with the County and Lakeside representatives. Jim Tavernak:Ls seconded the motion
and the vole was unanimous.
IV. Application Na. 98l�-Ol Cra�.g L. & Nita L. t:estex
Variance bequest 1106 Adams
Port Townsend., Via. 98368
Mr. Wester said that they had bought house that was est on a new foundation and
had a new septic system. The house needed a lot of work and they plamed on
building a new roof liacneand repling ane wao]1
When they started in they found
• bedpost beetles in the floor and walls. When they went for a bu]'Ll pen[LIOt
found that they needed a variance since the f oundation alone c Ould not b e
grandfathered. They can not move the f oundat i on because of the location of the
septic tank. Road was platted at 60 feet, but only 30 feet in use and that on
the other half of the road. All ut i*1 i*ties were located on the present 30 foot
road. The road is very unlikely. to be widened he stated. They would 11"ke to
have an entry way, but would da 1-0a'thout if that was the only tray to get the
setback varigance they Headed.
The committee of Gra*= and Tave aki' s reported that they were concerned with
what appeared as a neif foundation, but that eras sati*sfactorily answered in
Mr. Wester's statement. They felt the outbuiolding should be to dorm or moved
as its location was �xot tritha.n criteria of ordinance. The Zayout of the terrain
was such that they also thought the road would never be WI'dened; and agreed
that the utilities did encroach on the street ri*ght�of�waye They felt this was a
reasonable request. .
Jim Tavernaki"s moved to recommend to the Gi"tYCouncil the approval of Application
No. 98lt-Ol as 'it did not conflict lfl*th Orclinance 17.bl�.Ob and the entry way
was also acceptable but the outbuilding should not be grandfathered and should
be removed or moved by the applicant. Don Hoglund seconded the motion and the
vote was unanimous.
Mr. Tavernakis agreed to do the report for the C ity Co uncil.
via Miscellaneous
Bob Grimm agreed to look into problem of variances not always stating clearly
what the variances are for.
Anplication No. 1Q$4-01-Short Plat-Irick - Ta be reviewed at the January 198 5
November 8 Workshop trill revieir Starrett House parking.
Chairman Menefee stated that the Cuimassion could direct comments on the 5ign
Code to the City Counci4l aondivibLdually.
VI. Appliwcati*on No. 884-02 Mai"er/Tavemaki*s
variance Request P.O.Box 741
Part Toimsend., :fa. 983b8
Gunanissioner Tavernakis excused himself from the meeting due to conf ct of
Mr. 1%:MLer said that they wished to expand bui'ldina to within Z foot of proper-ty
line', and have 17 parking spaces. They would deed 10 feet back land along
property Zine and move the fence there so emergency vehicle could get through.
They would pave the parking Sot and put a buffer up where required. They
took a survey of the parking lot and the most cars ever parked there during
. business hours were 12 including staff parking. Usu ly the peak parking was
q cars. All the towns medical and dental offices have less parking than required.
40iChairman Menefee asked 11r. Maier f they had the requisite number of square
Footage required by ordinance for the 17 spaces. He said that they did.
Parking spaces 13 and 14 would have to be staff parking and :*Lf Grant Street
ever opened would have to be backed I"'nto,
Nancy Slater moved to recommend to the City Council the approval of Variance
APP1ication No. 8841w02 1?al*th the conditions that a 10 feet easement be established
along that end of the structure that is isa'thi*Ln 1 foot of property line and
parking spaces 13 and be back-in parkl*x� for staff only if Grant Street
should ever be opened and that this request complies irith Ordinance ].b25
Section 1b3.0 1,2,4,5,6,7, 808. Jim Campbell. seconded the motion and the vote
was unanimous.
fancy blater agreed to do the report for the City Council.
VII-0 Adj'*6 our ent
CIairman Menefee adjourned the meeting at 8:30 P.M.
Virga.na.a Mulkery, Secretary
(Thies meeting ims tape recorded).