HomeMy WebLinkAbout092784 Min PORT TOWNSENDo WASHINGTON 96366 Port Townsend Planning Commission CITY OF PART T13WNSEND r `M MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 27, 198h I, Opening Busine s s Chairman Menefee called the meeting to order at 7:33 P-M9 • Members present were Nancy Menefee, Nancy SlaterP Jim Campbell, Jay Gibson, Bob Grimm and Jim Tavernakis. Chairman Menefee told the Commission that communications concerning magazine subscriptions and planning related seminars was i n the file cabinet drawer reserved for that purpose and any c o0 m�nissianer was fre e t o review it. Minutes o f August 30, 1981 were aT)Proved as written. II. APP1ication No. 2$4--02 service Activities Inc. Conditional Use Permit Port Townsend 'tie commission still had not received a final declaration of non--significance.isgnificance, Nancy S ter moved to continue this application until October 25, Z984 regular • meeting. JI'm Campbell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. IIS. Application No. 782-01 Lakeside Industries Rezone from Rx=1A to M-1 Box x.379 Bellevue, Wa. 9$009 Lakeside representative Timothy Lee stated that project eras located between Sims Way and Discovery Riad. The new Comprehensive Plan has stated this would be a good place for light industry. Lakeside has no major designs or develop- ment plans he told commission, The access would be off of Discovery road and not off Macpherson. The Commission had some question as to whether all adjacent property owners had been contacted since iit had been two years snce original application had been submitted and it had not been updated. The Commission felt it was useless to proceed to a recommendation until, this question was cleared up. Jim C ampbeli moved that since app3ication had not been updated and the original application was 2years old that Application No. 782-01 be continued until the October 25, 198? regular meeting to insure that application is complete and up to date. Bob Gri*mm seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. IV. New Business Application No. 981 -Q1-Wester: Cunuu:*Lttee of Grimm and Tave akismomoReview October lip 25., ].98h regular meeting. Idorkshop set for October 31, i981�. Yx� Tavernakis proposed cliscussion of Street Vacation ordinance since 3".t has been changed. -1- logo Chairman Menefee stated the budget worked out for the next year was $3,050. The Commission was unanimous in agreement with the proposed budget. V. Application No, $$4-02 Yial"er/Tavernak3*.S Variance Request Sims �^7ay Fort Townsend Mr. Tave aki's excused himself from the meeting and left. Mr. ler said that they irlshed to amend pa�rk�.ng spaces down to 18 instead of the required 2Q. Mr. Gibson pointed out that according to their plan there would not be enough parking for 18 spaces according to plan. (Three Hundred square feet is required per car). Mr. Gibson said that a hard surface is required plus public using the parking must enter and ].save head-on. Chairman Menefee said that variance was needed for parking and setback requirements. Ir. ILfaier said that they Frere �riZling to meet any requests City Engineer requires. The Commission had many questions about the request. The setback of only 2 feed even with the fence on the adjoining property being moved back Y•ras no assurance that in the future it would b e the same thus b e c oming a.mpossible for emergency equipment �a �e� by. There was only enough parking dor l.5 vehicles, down 5 spaces . from the required 20 of the Plan. 'the Plan called for a buffer b etVreen c o�nercia]. and Rowl property which would be needed along Grant Street. In order to have the parking room needed aMt Strest should be vacated along side of this property. One cOMMIZSioner fell that the app cants did not have the requ:*Lrm-ents for the valiance according to the law. On examining the list of neighbors within 200 feet', it was felt that a number had been omitted. Atter discussion! Bob Grimm moved to continue App��.cation Na. 884-02 until the regular October meeting so that the applicants can salve the problems. Nancy Slater seconded the motion and the vote was 4 in favor and one abstai*nance (Gibson). VI. 111orkshop Projects The C ission Texas concerned with the enforcement of ordinances. Either they should be enforced or done away with. As mentioned before, the cozruna.ss�.on would discuss the new street vacation ordinance. V. Adj*ourrment Chairman Menefee adjourned the meeting at 9.40 00 P.M. MIF L00001 r tOO4 94"Po df J01. ,,r Virginia Mulkey, secretary (This meeting was tape recorded) -2-