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Port Townsend Planning CDTnM]osid lab
T. Opening Business
Chairman Mienefee ca ed the meeting to order at 7:30 P.I .
Mwber present were Nancy Slater., Jim Campbell, Jay Gibson'1 Bob Grimm,
J3.m Tave ak:*Ls,, and Nancy Menefee.
Minutes of July 26, �98l� rere corrected as follows: Item 4 cliscription
of signs on veterina17 hosp I@tal should read that on Discovery Road sign
giving full information,, but sign seen from State Road 20 would read
veterinary hospital only. The ward lack i*ng was mi sspe7.led laking.
Cha:*Lan Menefee sa�.d there had been a meeting about t'V�ashirmngton Main
Street on August 29, since she had been out of town d id not see her
notice unt�.l it was too late to go. No one else gent.
• �I.
AT) No. 184-03 Dmcan/Skogman
Conditi*onal Use Permit
A request was received by the Commission that stated that the applicants
mshed to wai*thdraw their request.
III. Application No. 284-02 Service Activities Inc.
Condit ional Use Permit
Ja-m Campbell maned to continue hearing on tha,s application on September 27, I.98?�.
Jay Gibson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
IV. Application No. 68l�-fll Iichard san ThompsonVariance 7!{!; C3ay Street
Port Townsend, Wa. 983b8
Chairman Menefee reviewedmeeting procedure for each applicata.on. She read
a letter of objoecti*on from Geoffrey S. Masci and a letter of objection
from J. Waialcox because of the congestion that the Starrett puts an the neighow
Mr. Thumpson requested a variance for five spaces instead of the 1.1 he is
required by Saw to have for a hotel perm't. He told commission that he felt
that shrubbery was need and to put in the required number of park*.ng would
ei:Lminate those on his side o� property line. He felt this was detrimental
to neighborhood.
Ruth Ann Slater said that 11 parking spaces were needed. Ten spaces would not
• remove all the cars from the street. Five parking spaces wo d not solve the
problem at a1.1..
Mr. Thompson said that parking was a problem and had even stopped the tours,,
but their was so much apposition to th:*Ls that they had to resume them. Even
by making the backyard a parking lot the problem would not be solved. There
were 50 cars a day for the tours, and 25 cars for the me r trade.
Tay Gibson pointed out that the ordinance said that each use should be fi'gured
separately. Mr. Gibson read the law and the commission discussed the parking
space requared.
Jean Anderson said she was opposed to making beautiful. yards into parking lots.
Mrs. Slater referred back to a cuirnnission recommendation of September 25., 1980
which required 14r, Thampson to prov:*Lde 5 parking spaces. She said that they
(Jay and she) had visited the property and there was a lot of congestion.
Mr. Thompson said that a Conditional Use was recommended for approval here., but
when I*t went to the Councils Mr. Abraham said that 3t iias done i;rrong and would
have to be resubmitted. Mr. Thompson said that he thin irent iffinoth a hotel permit.
The parking problem was something no one wanted to handle. The Mayor suggested
going dor a variance.
Chairman Menefee said that enforcement in genera, the commss:Lon might wash to
address at sometime,
• Nazcy Slater moved to recommend to the City Council that Application No. 681 -Q1
be dem*ed as it does not meet the requirements necessary in off street parking.
day Gibson seconded the motion and the vole iias unanx'mous,
Mrs. Slater would write the Council report.
V. Application No,,, 88hpmol David W. Johnson
Variance Request 915 Taylor z)t,
Port Townsend, Wa. 9836$
Mr. Johnson presented a elevation map to the Comnssion since the application
d not have one, He said he was a contractor and needed space for parking and
storage, but needed a variance for lot coverage. Positive advantage �.s taking
congestion off the street.
Bob Gri*m went through his list of requirements for thi*s application. He said
that when a piece of property was charmed that the grandfather cl se was no
longer in effect. Mr. Johnson would need variances for lot coverages for set--
back between two buildings, for grandfathered front and side setbacks.
14r Johnson said that he redid sto drainage at the corner o:C street. Used
4 :*Lnch flexible pipe to drain his patio and breezeiiay out to the storm seirier
system. He said that Garfield hada 72 foot easement i&Aiich eras highly unlikely
to ever be used.
. Jay Gibson said that this application did not meet the special. conditions
He read the lair to the coirm�a.ssion. He said herequired for a variance.
needed a variance for off"street Darking as hi.s parking area zoos too sural.]..
J 0
im Tave akis said that the vote should be by ordinance not by the fact the
building is almost cLxapleted, Lot pretty well covered frith good piles camper
• and etc. No other congestion should be allowed in the 10t area.
Mr. Johnson said this was partly why he wanted a garage. The wood pile would
be moved and the playhouse taken down. The camper was for sale.
Bob Grimm moved to reco end approval to the City Counci*1 for Application No.
884-01. for a variance for Sot coverage from 35% to 40% without eaves or4 4 %
with eaves; a variance for distance between structures to 3.6; variances for
setback to 12.$ in front and to 3.b on the north side; a variance for off-street
parking; and a conditi0on that no more outbuildings be put in aai already cdngested
area reviewed with criteria set forth ire Ordinance 16.25 Section b.IO.
Jim Tavernakis seconded the motion and. the vote was 4 in favor and 2 against.
`hose opposed were Co,mussioners Gibson and Menefee.
Mr. Gibson stated this application does not meed the special conditions for a
Chairman Menefee said this applicataLon had insurmountable problems. Fire safety
0 was a problem as well lot coverage with added bur- den,on- city's dra*aij.Iage.
Bob Grimm would Write the majority report and Jay Gibson would write the minority
VI. New Business
Application No. $84-Q2 Variance request by MalbBr/Tavernaki*S,
Mr. Tave akl* s excused himself and requested that when his applicati'on was
heard that the other business be handled :*Ln such a ,ray that would allow h=*
to be present for them.
Comittee of 61ater and Gibson.
The chai*rman brought up the problem of needir..wl, a new cOLm.3.ssioner. the asked
the commission to help ]*Lf they could. '
VII. -Adjournment
Chairman Menefee adjourned the meeting at q:l5 P.N.
Virginia Mulkey, secretary
(This meeting was tape recorded)
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