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Port T o se d Planning Comm I- S ioMWn
MINUTro.6 OF JUNE 28, 1981
�. Opening Business
Chairman Zeppa called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Members present were Nancy plater, Julie McCulloch,, Nancy Zeppa, Jim Campbell,
and Bob Gr�nn.
Julie McCulloch moved that the minutes of June T4, 1984 be approved as
written. Bob Grimm seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Chairman Zeppa said there was a letter objecting to the motel-convention center
proposal of Service Activi"ti*es Co oration from M. staples. There was also
a letter from a Mr. Whe don explaining he was gettim a petition together
against the Duncan/6ko an motel. proposal.
Chairman Zeppa told the commission that the County was giving a workshop
for area plamiing comrnssioners on July i9, 1981 at the Sea Galley Restaurant.
• Mrs. Zeppa further explained that she asked why not make such a workshop in the
fall when everyo ne could attend. They told her thanks for the sugg�stiono but
it was all set up wi'th the restaurant.
Chaa".rman Zeppa said that the Stroeder covenants were file-d, but still no
envirox�mentally nonmosignificant statement from the Council.
II. Appli*cation No. 484-03 G. T. Chul j lan DMD
Variance 1305 Washington St,
Part Townsend., Wa.
Dr. Chu1jU*.an explained that he washed to enlarge his dents]. office by adding
an eighteen foot addition with the front part extending within 3k feet of the
property line to line up with his 1977 extention. He said that he contacted a1Z
his neighbors and received no complaints,. In discussion he explained his present
drainage set up and said that the new adda'.tion would tie i n with the old for
disposing of the water. He told the commission that the only time the bluff
crmbled was Alen water was leaking fox a good length of time. A friend of his
had a p6
icture of the bluff marry years old and it had not changed (he was speaking
of in front of his home and off�.ce). He told of water flooding his basement
and having installed a a valve to redirect the drainage into sewer system.
The commissiLon was very concerned with the bluff and recent caving in of it
at different points. Mr. Chnijian was asked 3.f he would agree to directing
his Tqm6maof f from the new roof out t o the street. He said that he would.
• Mrs. McCulloch said that Mr. t;tra',cklin indicated he was concerned lath the
draiLnage problem and its potent ial damage to the bluff. He felt �.t would be
a good idea to gel a soil engineer to check out the bluff. tie e i*f the
foundation would need to b e specially designed oto protect the bluff.
Mrs. dater said that a soil engineer would be able to tell if proposal would
• cause charges to the bluff.
Chairman Zeppa explained to Mr. Chul.Jian that 1"f the city have permission to
him to proceed then the bluff caved in the c�.ty Mould be responsible as trey.
as he,
Mr. Campbell said that he fel. a13. this would be -taken care of lfl*th the building
Permit and that the commission was not responsible for working out the problem.
.'his iiould cause a delay that was unnessary.
Ms. McCulloch asked if 'it was passed with everything approved except the P rob3.e�ns
with the bluff.
Mr. Grimm ac&oe*d 3*.f i*t could be moved ahead with conditions for approval.
Mrs. .later said was not that the purpose of the drainage ordinance. It was.
Jim Campbell moved t,,,:) recommend that Variance Application No. 4844=03 be recommended
for approv as :*Lt mets conditions set forth i*n Ordinance x625, 6.10 under
lection A, 1,224,5360 &7 and that the Planning Commission eras concerned with
the drainage problem that should be addressed at the building Permit stage to
the satisfaction of the Publa-c Works Director. Nancy eater seconded the motion.
The vote was 4 in favor and 1 against(Ms. McCulloch said that she was not
necessari.l,y against the proposal, but she .felt that No. 5 had not been properly
• III. Application No. 7.$4-0 3 Duncan/bkagman
C onditional Use Pe 0 t 5820 58th
Part Townsend, Wa.
Chairman Zeppa explained that the-m Counei'l had not yet sent a declaration of
non-significant to the commission for this revised plan.
im Campbell moved to continue this application at the August 30, 1984
meeting. Julie McCulloch seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Please note: 7'l�is application was moved on prior to Item II i*n the course
of the meeting.
Chairman Zeppa adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PoMe
G%L�(:I',- -APF
Virgina.a loiulkey, becreta