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Port Tovmsenc�. Planning Commission
y� c.
MINU S of JUNE 14, 1984
I. Openiqng Business
Chairman Pro-Tem Julie Mc Culloch called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Members present were Julie McCulloch, Jim Campbell, Bob Gramm, Nancy Slater,
and Jim Tavernak2*,S,
Bob Grimm moved that the minutes of May 31, 1981 be approved as written.
Jim Campbell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
TT. APP1ication No. 2$?�--02 Service Act ivities Corporation
C onda.ta.onal Use Permit 938 Water Street
Porgy Townsend,, Via, 98368
The Chairman expla3*.ned that the application could not be acted upon until
the City Council. gave a final declaration of non-significance. This hearing
• would be opened for any public COMmment before continuing it at the July 261, 1984
Nora Porter told the cu,"muassaon that a development of this size certainly needed
an environmental impact statement. The size o� this proposed project would
equate to two Porgy Townsend Motels,, The Tides Inn, a.nd Manre sa Inn. In a survey
taken last year if there was a need dor another motel, the findixg was that
only one with a swimming pool was needed. This one encouraged because it would
appeal to f amilies and they would be more willing to stay longer. That this
project was a motel-convention center was a yoke. It would be a motel., not a
convention center. If'the applicants have the cash flow and the energy they
should finish the Lytle building as 3.t was an eye sore. Port Townsend was not
a theme town and no need to pmt in fake Victorian buildings as the town already
had plenty of the real thing.
The chairman read a ].ether from G. Marsh Pr1*mari*1Y concerned with the estheti*cs
and whether i*t would benefit town.
Jim Tave akis eras concerned with traffic flow on and off of 63*.ms ;jqlay The
submitted vacimoty map does not fully address the P-roblEm.
Nora Puu--%.or stated ,there----ipmuld be a-11 Minds of local traffic, doing into the
focality. Local, servi"ice clubs and other local pe 6ple using the.restaurant as
cell as those staying in the motel*wo d make additional traffic cam i*ng onto
Sims Way.
• dim Tavernakies said that the vast majority of traffic would turn into or off of
maims Way at the sane time.
Julie McCulloch stated that a lot of the- problems were too big to answer under
a Conditional Use and commission needs the City Council to go through the
env-ironmental process before
it can act upon the request.
. jim Campbell move. to continue this Conditional Use Application No. 284-02
on the July 2b, 7.98? meeting in order to receive the fa.nal declaration of
non-significance from the City Council. Nancy 5]ater seconded the motion and
the vote was unanimous.
III. Appla.cati.on No. l�8I�-D1 Lillie �Iarie Fourldation
Condit i*on Use Permit 8 30 Water St,
Port Townsend, 14a. 9 83 6 8
Julie McCulloch told the coramission that this application could not be acted upon
because there eras no final declarati"on of non-significance from the City Council.
as yet.
There was no public coilli ent.
Nancy Slater moved to continue this Conditional Use Application No. 484-01
on July 26 ' I98l�'until the commission receives the final declaration of nona"
from the city counc3.I. Jim Taver3nakis seconded the motion and
the vote was unanimous.
IV, Application No. 48 4-O 2 John P. Grif f II, D024
Con tional Use Perm It 8Q25 Banner Road
Port Orchard, Wa. 9836b
Penelope Durado appearing dor the applicant, requested the commission t o ac
• upon the application cont: nent on the rezone being completed. The applicant
also needed relief of the setback requirement because of the buffer covenant
attached to the rezone.
Nancy Slater staffed that the applicant was asking commission to mo fy covenant
which the commission ifas not in possession of.
Jul ie Me Cullo ch explained that the final declaration of significanco iias not
received yet from the city council as well as the rezone had not been completed.
She explained there was really no way the commission could pass a recommendation
at thims time.
Bob Gr*
jxm moved t o continue this C ond iti onal Use Application No. 48 4-0 2 an
July 26, 1984 until the City Council passes the final declaration of non-
signa,ficance and the rezone is completed. Ja�xn Campbell second-ed tile motion and
the vote was unanimous.
V. AppliioncatNo. 384-42 Vincent A. Guthrie
Street Vacation 171 Hilda St.
Chagnacum, oda. 98325
airs. Guthrie explained that an addition made years earlier tress built into the
Grant Street right-of--tray. She said they owned property on both sides of the
Jim Campbell said that he found no problem , but was not in favor of vacating
1 section of the street with a lot of other undeveloped land. He said he did not
k n ow what the effects would be 20 years down the road. He said that it was a
very steep grade and the logical. access could be Hendricks 5t. The zoning in the
area was R-1A. He asked applicants 3f they would be agreeable to horse trail
They i-prere agreeable to this condition.
. JuZie McCulloch said that this street vacation was in before the new ordinance
was passed by the city council requiring street vacations to be purchased by the
ja.m Campbell moved to recoend-approval to Street Vacation Application No. 384-02
as it was i*n compliancefrith Ordinance 1$02, Secti*on x.20, Review Criteria
2,3lt, &5 and that there be an equestrian easement included 20,n the vacation.
Nancy Slater seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
VI. Up Gomang Business
Chu1jian Vaxiance to be heard on June 28, 1984
Variance t o be heard on August 30, IL998t� (Gibson and Tavernak]*Ls the
Cmmi tte far this variance}.
Juli'e McCulloch gave her formai resignation to the Commission as of the end of
July, 19841v
VII. Adj*ournment
The chairman pro-tem adjourned the meetina a
t 8:30
Virginia 14ulkey