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Port Townsend Planning Commission
MIiWTES OF MAY 31, 1984
I. Opening Business
Chaim an Zeppa called the meeting to order at 703d P.M•
Members present were J iOe McCulloch, Jim CampbellY Nancy Zeppa,, Jay Gibson,
Bob Gri'mm, and Jim Tavernakis. Also present was Public Works Director
Ted Str3mckl in.
Jim Campbell moved that the minutes of April 26, 1984 be approved as
written. Bob Gruom seconded the motion and the vale was unanm* ous,
Chai& an Zeppa explaa.ned to the Commissirmon that the Applicants for the
Conditional Use Permit No. Z84-03, 1)imcan and Skogman, had hired a professional
Betty Anderson to redesign their motel and convention center. She removed
the thi*rd floor, provided for covered parking and moved the buil ng back 20
feet from the Zine on Sims :Jay at the entrance, but only S feet back from the
3.ine at the corner of the convention center. The Chairman asked the rest of
• the c ovuiissi
on if they felt this needed t o be rev�.ewed again with the modifications.
Jay Gibson moved to accept the modifications and Jim Tave aki*s seconded the
Motion,, The oration ifas wathdrawn after it was discussed because of the legality
of passing a new plan through TTI*thout a proper review. Also the commission
wanted to be sure a greenbelt was guaranteed.
Chairman Zeppa put the redesiogned Application on the June 2$, 1984 agenda.
xI. Application No. 18i�-02 D
av:Ld Worley
Rezone from RIA to C_II P o 0.Box 17,74
Auburn, 101a, 9$002
Mr. Tam Beavers, Mr. Worley's representative, reviewed the reasons Mr. Worley
requested a rezone. He stated land was not usable as residential because of the
mi11 smoke, He said the applicant bought the property as an investment, but
cannot sell it as zoned. Mr. heavers presented new plans with one entrance and
a 10 foot setback from line. Mr. Beavers staffed Mr. I%Iorley was agreeable to a
12 foot setback (buffer).
Commissioner Campbell Pointed out that Mr. Morley had bought the property in 1979
and nothing had changed since his purchase. There was nothing to warrant a
The Commission was divided an its viLewpoint, Part of the commission felt it
was an open ended rezone with a possibility of any number of undesi'reable businesses
• that could be pot in that would spoil the entrance to thec3.ty; that according
to the 1968 Comprehensive Flan the city had more than enough ava*.lable
commercial property; and that a.t was spot zoning. Thi rest of the commission
was of the opinion that the 12 foot buffer and the one access would keep entry
into the city attractive; that there was a need for more commercial property; and
that limiting access tras a definite advantage to the city.
. Jay Gibson vianted the access off of Hoi*,rard street so that other proper-6y
adjoin0 ing would use 34.t also.
Ted zitricklin said the grads was a problem on Howard street.
J s
IM Tave akis moved to recommend approval of Application No. 1$4-Q2 iqa*th
the conditions that theymaint in clear visibility access as Li
cated on
map and have a 12 foot green belt. Bob Grimm seconded the motion and the
vote was 3 for (ZeDpa, Tavernakiffis, Grimm} and 3 against (Campbell, Gibson,
Bob Grimm moved to recommend for approval Rezone Aup�ication lea. 184-02
with the conditi* on that the access be off of Howard Street and that there
be a 12 foot greenbelt. Jay Gibson seconded the motion and the vote was
4 for and 2 ag nst (14cCulloch &a. Campbell).
App7.a.catian No. 3$!t-Ol Jennie E. Zaccardo
Varao,ance 737 Fillmore Vit.
Port Townsend, ?'1a. 9$368
Chairman Zeppa read a letter from Helen Rogxugn stating she eras in favor of
granting Ms. Zaccardo a variance t o improve her property.
Ron Viartin9 141SZ ac cardo I s representative, explained that the applicant iashed
to replace a delapidated Garage wi'th new construction and enlarge her home,
• The addition would be se farther back that teas is presently 'there on the north
side. The present garage was uninsurable.
11, Graves stated that any improvement imuld be welcome.
Jennie Zaccardo said she wanted to enlarge her living area to have room for
her family to visit and she wanted to fence her yard to keep out abusive school
Julie McCulloch stated the coittee saw no problems with the request and that
the neighborhood was in agreement.
Ju3ie McCulloch moved that Variance AnP11ication No. 38�-Q1 be recommended for
approval as it meets the review criteria for a variance. Ja*n Campbell seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous.
N. Application Ido. 2$�.-02 be
vice Activities Corporation
Con tional Use 938 ?Tater street
Port Totmsend, `.la. 98 368
Bill Needham Service Activities clrRDr tion S lePresentative, said they
proposed to develop a park like motel-convention center which iqould be an
enhancement to the area and a year around business generator.
Harley Bussart stated his opposition to the proposed construction. He said
the lights would bother him and. the height of the bui'ldi'rigs woul d block his
411 neighbor's views, He pointed out there already was a convention center at
Fort Worden and there was no need for another one. This project irould lcx%rer
hips property value.
Nora Porter asked to voice some concerns of hers. She asked ryas there a need?
. Does the Comprehensive Plan call far one? She stated she eras involved 3'.n
tourism in her volunteer time. Do we need a convention center and if so,
where do we want one? Is it in canfazmity with the Comprehensive Plan? A
project this size needs to be looked at closely. She further stated that
she vias not convenced we needed another convention center and not convi*;iced
this was the right location for one if we clid. Yiaybe Paint Hudson would be
abetter place for one.
Jay Gibson sal*dthe committee eras concerned frith dims 'Jay traffic. re
lative t 3
public safety. He said access could be from off of 12th btreet frith a signal
light. except fvr '�ra.ffic p roblem the P roject was i4n compliance �a*th the
review criteria.
Mr. Needham T)resented Bob head who was a*,n traffic control in Tacoma, fir.
head said that they took a manual count on lefemorlwal Day weekend. On 1%,lednesday
the hours they counted in iaie re from 4 to 9 P•11 on Thursday 6VL to SP.Tel.� on
Friday bA.Ii, to 5 P.M., and all day Memorial. Day. They used Thurday to figure
out average hourly flow,, They concluded taki"ng the busiest hour of the day,
that there uould be less than a 1J increase in traffic from the planned project.
Ike said that there was many years growth left before there iio d be a problem.
The 2 way left turn lane was all that was needed. A traffic light -vrotzld impede
Mx. Mead said that lights could be designed without glare.
Juli'e I-qf�cCuZloch said there was not enough i'rlf o ati'on as to hair i*t relates to
the park. the would like to see an overview as to how all projects relate.
Mr. Needham staffed he eras wi*11i*ng to 116sten to all suggestions.
The c®RRImssaon iras told JLt was not 12th Street that abutts oaLms tray, but
San Juan Avenue.
Ted btri'ckli'n stated a light would create more hazards than salve it. It
would b e better t o enter on S ims Way and et on 12th stre et.
49 Commissioner McCulloch felt the commi.ssi.on could not make a decision without
more information. the requested a vacinamty map. The majority of the
commission shared this request.
Gibson wanted to know from I•Ir. Plead exactly the number of cars traveling
during traffic count. Mr. Mead stated on Thursday there were 12050 cars per
hoax average and on Friday 1, 229 cars per hour average. This iias peak traffic
Chairman Zeppa read a letter of oppositionxvi from Mrs. n Mulkey for reasons
of over burdeni*ng Sims `.day and overall detrimental to the area,
Jim TavernakI S moved that this applc at i
on b e continued at the June 14, 19$x.
meeting in order to receive a vacinioty map and more information. Nancy ZePpa
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
VO AOul-Luftent
Chaiman Zeppa adjourned the meeting a ,01t 105
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