HomeMy WebLinkAbout042684 Min PORT TOWNSEND, WAGHINOTON 983619
Port Townsend Planning Commission
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I. Opening Business
Chairman Zeppa called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M.
Members present were Julie McCulloch, J19M Campbell, Nancy Zeppa, Jay Gibson,
Jim Tavernakis. Also present were Mayor Brent Shirley, City Attorney
Keith Harper and Planning Consultant John Floyd.
The minutes of March 29, 39$1 were approved as wmttene
The 14inutes of the April 12, 19$x. Workshop's official busi*Lness i,pere corrected
on page ip
Annlication 1841"03, third paragraph. The suggestion that the
building be brought back 12 feet was not in Mr. Floydis memo. The April 12.,
198? minutes were approved as corrected.
ii*'-' Application No. 184-02 David Worley
Rezone request from R-1A to C-2 P.O. Box 117 .
Auburn, lia. 98002
Ch a�.rman Zeppa stated that besides appcant there was one other proponent
for this application, Tom Beavers. No one was present in apposition.
Chairman Zeppa stated that the co issaon had received a Declaration of
Non-Significance for this proposal.
Mr. Worley stated that the surroundi-noopert.Y was zoned commercial. During
the meeting he told the CU ssion he owned the property for Vwe2 years and
hashad itfor sa].e forh years, but due to �lA zoning anthe mill smoked
no ane was interested in buying it. He had bought the property for resale..
hopefully with a commercial zoning. The property was not suitable for residential
property as the smoke and traffic ruined "it dor that purpose. He pointed out
there were no homes in that area now.
On being asked, Mr. Floyd stated that the property on the north side of the
Olympic poiNTerl:*Lnes toward the city was rezoned from Rpo to C-2 in 1975.
0 The business property at the city limits was grandfathered when zoning was first
done, but a'.n the recent past rezoned co ercial property. Mr. Floyd estimated
that there was approximatelLy 9 acres of unused commercial property.
Chairman Zeppa stated to Mr.Floyd that it would be very helpful to have a 1st
of all the unused comercial properly in the city.
I&Jhen asked whether property was priced as commercial or residentil property,
Mr. Morley stated residenti and the price would stay the same after rezone.
Ch an Zeppa asked if property were located on the main entrance into town.
Mr. Worley said yes.
• FIr 1%lorley said that he had received permission from the state to remove the
guardrail if he brought the ravine up to road level. This would make a
good access to property.
The commission discussed the possibility of a green belt along the haghiva y.
Commissioner Tave alcaos suggested a green belt that would include the ravine
%on the east si*de. The cOMM3.SSion also discussed the problem of entering and
exiting onto 5"=s ;Fay. The like the suggestion of accessing oper ty from
a side street then onto Sams qday, thus 11*miting access onto the highway.
Jim Campbell stated that the Commission eras not against development, hotzever,,
eras against strip development. The 1968 Comprehensive Paan has several sections
against strip zoning and the Update also states oppogition to it. A blanket
rezone would have a negative impact. Under C-2 i*t could be used far a number
of undesireable uses. i�Ir. Campbell read both the good and bad uses lowed under
C--2 zoning.
Julie 14cC loch stated that RoPlA has many quazi commercial use::;. She read a
number of them from the ordinance. the stated that the 196$ Comprehensive Plan
suggested 5 unused culfullercial properly available and Mr. Floyd stated there was
approximately 9 acres now available.
The Commission liked the idea of a Planned Unit Development., but 1,1r, Floyd
stated that there was no provision in the zoning ordinance for commercial
Planned Unit Development. Chairman Zeppa said the city needed one.
ifir. F 1ayd said the Commission might consider attaching., covenants to establish
a green belt along Sims '.•day and a proposal to limit potential access onto
the highway with access off of cliff or Howard Streets.
The City Attorney said the city can attach reasonable conditions trying to
protect uniform use of district. The Commission should be concerned
about changed ciremst ces and how change will fit into the exhale neighborhood.
Say Gibson asked what change of conditions? Except for the Honda Shop, all
things were there when Mr. :Iorley purchased the property 1j2 years ago.
Tom Beavers said his property was adjacent to 14r. I-Rlorleyls and he was interested
in hoar i*t was developed. His realty has had Mr. Worley's property listed for
21z pears lfl*th a price change almost ever
Y 3 months. some of his lots Frere
priced as low as $12d0, but people are not interested because of the m�.11 smoke.
I�Ir. Beavers said he could not see 3.t sold as R-1A property. He said that even
Mr. DeWolf e had suggested the property be used far manufacturirig. A co erCaLa.l
zoning is c orapat i*ab le t o the area. A green belt could be added as we as
accessing from a side street.
The Commission eras interested in a generous green belt along Sim flay and j'Ln-
cluding the ravine on the east side with limited access from a side street.
They asked fir. :Jorley if he would like to work out a plan and Dome back,, 1-mir,
Worley agreed to a 30 day extention to amend his proposal. Julie McCulloch
suggested to fir. Morley that he appear 1-ba"th a topographi'cal map trhen he
. presents his proposal.
Jim Campbell. moved to continue Application No. l8hwo02 at the May 31,, 1984
regular meeting. aim Tavernaki*s seconded the motion and the vote eras unanimous.
• IIS. Application No. 2$4-01 Elizabeth Buhler
Varl'pance 1535 Garfield St.
Port Townsend,, 1.&Ia, 983b8
Chairman Zeppa said that there was two responses to this request. Ken
Broim emote that he agreed with the request and Dorothy No hrup inrote
that she agreed with the request also. There eras no one present to speak
for or against the application,
I-pir,, Ajax, representir� the applicant, sa:i.d that the house was 800 square feed
and the applicant wished to expand it to make 1"t more liveable. The house
was bui*lt with a ten foot setback and this was the only way to enlarge the
13.va.ng room. This i,,rou:Ld make it even i4ath the esting house.
Ji m Campbell said the committee found no problems and that it conframs to
a reasonable variance.
JJtn Campbell moved to recommend approval to Variance Application No. 284�01
as I*t meets criteria for a Variance i*n Section 17.64,o6o, A 112o3,4,536,73
and b and c of 8. Julie McCulloch seconded the moti'on and the vote eras unanimous.
TV. Appli*catioon No. 284-42 Service Activities Corp.
Con tional Use 938 ;later Street
port Toiinsend, Wa. 9836$
• Chairman Zeppa stated that this application has to be continued to flay 31
because the commission has not received a envi*Lro ental non--significance
statement f rom -the City C ouncil.. This a.s now necessary under neer rules.
The Mayor had informed Mr. Needham that he need not appear.
Q. Commumeations
Chairman Zeppa inf o ed the commission that there would be an annual s
meeting April 27 & 28 all about estuaries at Sand Point ;day 2'.n Seattle., Washington.
The c orranission was
inv3.ted if anyone wanted to go.
Chairman Zeppa said that she eras goa
ng t4 put a f older in the file cabinet that
W1*11 have all the culmicati*ons in I*t for the commissioners to check ib7henever
they granted to.
VI. Adjenda for that'
WorleYl Appliaatian No. 1$4-02 continued
Service Act. Corp. Na. 281 -02 continued ,
Zaccardo Application No. 384-Q1
VII. Applicati6on No. 1$4-05 Atim71
Con t3.onal Use
lir Gibson moved that this withdrawal be accepted. Jim Campbell seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous.
• VIII. Assignment of Cuiru ttees and Projected Dearing dates
Application Committee Date of Hearing
No. 3$L.-O 1 Z ac c ardo Var 1"=ce mwGri*mmA4c Culloch - ldoLsY 31
No. 384-0 2 Guthrie street Vacation - Gamnb ell/Tavernak iOs -- June 2 8
No. 484-Ol Lillie Mariee Fa. Cone. Use-Campbell/Tave akIsew June 28
No. 484-02 Griffa.n Conditional Use plater/Gibson - June 28
N00 1�8lt-0� Chi3gian Variance 1ca11och/CruTlaynn - 26
TX. Adjournment
Chairman Z eppa adj ourne d the meeting at 9:30 P.M.
Virginia rIulkey,, Secretary
Note: This meeting was tape recorded
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