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Port Townsend. Planning Com -,Soloquo%F lip AMn
APR 12,, 198 4
I. Opening Business
Cha a.rman Zeppa called the meeting to order at 7:3a PeM.
Members present were Julie McCulloch, Nancy Slater, Nancy Zeppa., Jim
Campbell, RobeGrimm, and Jay Gibson. Also present was City Attorney
Keith Harper.
II, Application No. 184M43 J. DLmcan/L. •Skogman
Conditional Use PermR&
it 5$20 58th Street
' Port Townsend,, Wa. 98368
Julie McCulloch explained that basically redes'�ned. Layout 'i's different
and much improved. Mrs. McCulloch said that 'she met with Jain Floyd and
Ted Strickli*n concerning this application.
.Mr., Duncan said patrons would be entering and exiting off of Logan. The
. main building would be two rooms wiitde and would be the init2al. construction.
Parking would be around the edge with back in parking along Logan-&Street.
There were plans for landscaping. �'he main building would be three stories
high and the smaller bu:*Ll ng two stories. App licant presented site plan
and design of builda".ngs plan. There would be a turnaround on Logan Street.
Mrs. 14cCul� }.och said that Mr. Floyd recommended backing into parking onL
Streets putting len a left turn ].ane off of Sims 11ay b9 extending existing one
that is farther dawn the roads and that the motel be brought back 12 feet from
property line on Sires Wag. Mrs. McCulloch stated that the entrance and exit
were a concern. Rather than have a potentially dangerous 1$0 degree tarn
to move exit and entrance together. The b *1 ng plan could be flip flopped
to effectively low for this. There was enough reason to request a visual
buffer 'as comprehensive pian calls for- 3t. A r1*ghtpoof way Vras not a guaranteed
buffer. Green belt was a sound. buffer and it was possible to do effective
landscaping-, lie are responsible for what may happen in years to ce.
Mr. Campbell said the State could w3.den Sims ��Tay Sh3.ft and go eith
er way.
City needs some kind of guarantee -there wa*11 be a buffer.
C W Uissloner McCulloch pointed out if building were 20 feet f
rom li
ne on
Sims Way with planting of shrubs and altering entrance you have the same
amount of space.
Jay Gibson suggeste8 that appla.cant could Ieave office where it was since
. applicants were_concerned that it be more visible, and set signs up to
des ignate entrance.
Larry Bramhall told the Comissi*on that entering and exiting within 2 q
feet would be a problem f or emergency vehicles and doubts whether Fire
Department would approve it
Mr. Sko an stated that on calling the highway department they told ham
• that they have never used all of the right-of-way of a road.
Mrs. McCulloch said there should be adequate space for extra long vehicles
t o park.
Chai an Z eppa stated that not too many cars with trailers stop at a motel.
Mr. Gibson teras apposed to backing into the parking an Lagan Street as he
felt i*t was unsafe.
Nor. Duncan said that there would be a deft turn lane on Sims ;Tay at their
expense and Logan Street unproved at their expense also.
Julie McCu:Lloch moved that the Planning QVImniss3an recommends that Application
No. 184-03, a Conditi'llon Use Permit for a motel be approved pursuant to the
f 011 o7ra,ng
finclings of fact and conditions for approval.
Conditions for approv0
1. Than a fire hydrant be placed at i'Llintersectx"on of Logan Street and e t
2. That the ].eft turn lane be extended on •Sim4 ',•Jay to Lagan Street;
3. That the developer provide a vehicle turnaround circle at approxim.Ttely
Logan and Sixth Street;
4. That back6in parking beiddprovefor spaces I--�S;
• 5. That plans be modified to allow fora 12 foot landscaped buil setback
from Sims Way right-of-way f or a green belt along the highway frontage and
that landscaping plans be submitted at the time of City Hearing;
6. That modified plan meets the general. provisions of Comprehensive Zoning
Or nance specifically section 402 G and 402 H of Section 1,2,3,5, & b
(!i omilit- ted see f indings of fact) h04 A & B; and
7. If at any paint 2'M the future, do to -the widening or relocation of Sims
Way or traffic considerati*on, the City Engineer and Council deem that a
safety hazard exists then the entrance and exit driveways could be
Findings of fact
1. Cond iti ons as requested are substantiated through the Condit ional Use
Critema of the Comprehensive Zoning C�rdinance Section 6,Q$ E 1-4 F & G
and :*Ln Comprehensive Flan Policy.,.7 also 2"n the 1968 Comprehensive Flan;
2. Requi"Li"Ement h.02H Number 4 should be waived in this instance because
adjacent R..1 land to the north and east is dedicated as open space in
Bishop Park plat*
3. That the application as nodifi'ed through the conditions meets the
criteri'a b.08 A,B,CJJ0PDand
4. That the Ca-m.,rehensive Plan Update suggest land use section under
commercial, areas that motel/hotel uses are better suited for the areas
between illintersections assuming proper develo ent standards and anenities,
Nancy Skater seconded the moti'llon and the vote eras 5 in favor and 1 against
• (Jay Gibson voted against appI3'.cation because of Condition 4, other%ase he
stated he was in favor of it).
III. 'Revised Draft of Proposed Ordi'nance
Setback req uirements
The Commission discussed 1410th Mr. Harper the revi'sed draft. Measurement is
now from appenrid,ges nearest propertyline which is bUI*Iding Sine to 5 feet
• from property Sine from 34 a.nches above ground. The latter to keep side-
walks and steps from beim included in setbacks. Essentially if it iOs part
of the house 1"t is an appendage and i*f i*t is a cement slab it is not.
After discussion the Cujiuriiss2,on wanted Section 2. second paragraph to read
1117.0$.-75. Bui'Ll ng Line. "Bui],ding dine" means the lane of that face,
corner, or any part of a bui'ldi'ng nearest the property lines
includ3.ng by
way of example but not 13*Lmited t o alb cornices, architectural appendages
exterior balconies decks and SIM191ar projections beyond the main foundation
line of a building, but excludi*ng the top roof or roof overhang of buil ngs.,
and excluding side ijalks, driveandpatios an ground level*" Underli*ned
words the changes made.
Nancy Slater moved to recommend approval of revised draft of proposed ordionance
regarding setback requirements be approved as farther amended. Jay Gibson
seconded the motion and the vote was unani'mouse
Virginia lir-lulkey, secretary
correction The suggestion that the building be drought back 12 fejt was not
1n Mr. Floyd's memo.
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