HomeMy WebLinkAbout032984 Min PORT TOWNSENDs WASHINGTON 98366 Port Townsend Pla= C omm 0S 0n • r e s CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF MARC.. 29� 1904 I. Opening Business a airfnan Zeppa called the meeting to order at 7:3E3 P.M. Members pre se were Jul:ffiLe McCulloch, Nancy Slaters Nancy Zeppa, J111M Casq bell, Jay Gibson, Bob Grimm, and Jim Tavernakis. Al sa present was PLibl:oLc [forks Director Ted Strl"'ckl* and City Attorney Ke�.th Harper. Minutes of February 23, b198l�, J�,m Campell moved that they be approved as written: Julia-McCulloch seconded the oration and the vote was unan=* Ous, Jay Babson mooed that the minutes of the special meeting of March 2 2, 198? be col rected on page 3 ling 8, the word Profes i om instead 111 f'9nedical." and then be approved as corrected Julie McCulloch seconded the oration and the vote was umn3iiiiii.MOUS. II. Adme-nu- ment to Ordinance 1625 • Pertaining to changing privately owned Pool zoned property to the least restrictive zoning of neighboring property. Jim Campbell stated that Julie McCulloch and he checked into phis property and found 5 parcels in P-1 zone and privately owned. Ttqo wire located adjacent to the golg course, two pieces were located where Dells Grocery is and the other is Koh Tai Care Center location. Mur, Campbellfe lt the zoning was a nn*stake but said there was some question by others that it was intended to be this way. Julie McCulloch said Jim Campbell and she received a memo from John Floyd informing them that this was not all that was headed. Sonne city awned property may be sold and turned into prS.va'�e ownership and need to have a gray to retux-n it to its origl'nal z ox�i.ng. It was questionable what iiras least restrictive. It could be arbitrary doom za�'111111111ing as P-1 allows more than Roal. Mr. Floyd suggested further consultation wiiiiiath the City Council. Hina. McCullochts opin:Lon was that the zoning was intended to be Commissioner McCulloch moved that the CV is.qion recommend to the City Council to form an ad hoc culfunt-tee to review this -issue and generate a camprehensive solution to the problem and table the application unti*1 the recommendat:*Lon from the ad hoc c ommittee b e received. Jit Campbell seconded the motion, but there was no vote. Nancy Slater staffed city oymed land was not considered i"n this issue, • The C ommi s s ion da.scussed this ordinance change at same length. The majority of the commission felt that privately ownean zoned ous. Chairman Zeppa pointed out to return to zahat zoning should have been in the beginning and treat everyone the same, using the least re strictive zoning, was not arbitrary. • Keith Harper stated that the former city attorney drew up the amendment as he said privately oime d property 2"n P-1 zoning was, I*n facts illegal. It was not fair for private property owners of Pawl zoning to come in and pay the fee for a rezone for that the c a.ty has erroneously cone. Jim Tave aki"ssuggested to Mrs. McCulloch that I*f she rewrote her motion including the 5 spe c iOf i*c parcels he could probably agree Va*th it. He was concerned with rezoning unidentl'fi'ed p1roperty by mistake. Julie 14cC loch moved that inasmuch as the proposed ordinance does not resolve the problem of appropriate land use designation for the 5 specifically 'entified pieces of property which are currently zoned P-1 and in private 0 oi,mership, that the PlanningCommission recommend that the&Cl*�y aounc31 foz� an ad hoc committee consistiM of representatives of the Planning CV1191-1-'A-sSion, the CI'*ty Council, the city staff and the City Attorney to review this issue and generate a comprehensive solution to the problem in the fo of an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. ?�62�. No second-mot3.on dies. Nancy Slater moved tl recendtoommthe City Council tidopt amedm nt t 0 Cl*ty Ordinance 1b25 concerning changing privately cwned P-1 zoned propert., to the least restrictive zone of neighboring property.,as presented (C;V111U ssioner Slater read the resolut:Lon),, Robert Grimm seconded the motion and the vote was 5 fox' and 2 against (McCulloch and Tavernakis),,. • IIT. App1ication No. 12$3»02 R. Kraxberger/L&, D4narson ley vacation 1543 29th St. Port Toi-qmsend Waa 9836$ Chairman Zeppa stated this app cation i-ias received last month and tabled so that an amended application could be presented including entire ley s o that there would not be a dead end alley. Since the Cumaission requested that the entire alley be vacated they did not want the applicants to be charged an addioti*onal fee. so the cummlssion i-,Pr-anted the Mitchells to be made aware of complete vacation. After frl*ef discussion, J2�p Gibson moved that the C iNrassion recovunendto the C34.ty Council that the entire alley be vacated and any additional fee be waived. Jim Tave akis seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. N. Applications �dthdrawn A. Application No. 184-0?� requested witl"11ratm by amp�icantts repres�ntative because of ].oval opposition. Mr. Gibson moved that the application No. J.84-04 be withdrawn as requested. Jinn Campbell. seconded the motion. B. Appl:*Lcation No. 184-OEC requested vithdrai6m by applicant. birs Slater moved that Application No. 184ftw06 be Withdraitm as requested. Mr. Gr3*XM seconded the motion. C. APplication No. 184-05 requested cancelldeby the app3icant, Mr. Gibson • moved that Application Ido. 1$l�--0� be withdrawn as requested. Julie 14cCulloch seconded the motion. -2- V. Appli'cati'on No. 184abOl Leggett La%ran • Shoz�t Subdivision ].2? Elm Court Lakeland, Flori 33803 The Commission looked over final plat plan making sure all items of concern were cleared up. Mr. Fischer teas asked if he t�onld allover a 30 day extention in order for the City Council to have time to reviser it. Mir. Fischer agreed. to this extention, Commissioner Slater moved that Applicatigon Na. 184-0]., a short subdivision be recommended for approval inasmuch as it complies with Ordinance 1806'. and that applicant agrees to a 30 day extention in order for the Council to have time to review the Application, Julie McCulloch seconded the motion "5,04 the vote izas unanimous. VI. Repeala'-ng Ordinance 1602 and Amending Ordinmee 1625 Pertaining to and establishing setback requirements for buil s and re- pealing Or nance 1602 section 2, amending Or nance ].625 sections 2.15, 2.106 and 2.10$, and adding a new section to Chapter 17.20 of the Ci ty's 40 I*Iunicipal Code. The was no one present to speak for or against this Ordinance change. C onCerni p e 2 under 2. o.f proposal. the 30 inches seems very close. Tt eras po:Lnted out that this should be 36 inches. • City Attorney Harper stated there crate two different setback de finitions. The Or nance was passed spur of the moment and when the Code was adapted the ordinance was not repealed. This proposal measures setback from the foundation,, but pop out and overhangs shall not be closer than 3 feet. Ted Strickli*n said that the Uniform Building Code of 1982 was now the official m1nimum lowed by state. There was a lengthy discussion concerning having any part of the buTlding extend iso the setback area. The 36 i"nees on page 2 under 2. seemed too close to the Cuminissioners. They did not want any part of the building to extend closer to the lot line than 5 deet except eaves which cou:Ld expend 24 :Lneles into the setback. Public Uorks Director suggested that there be no pop out an the first floor., measure from the foundation to property lamome, and -nothing extend into the setback except eaves which can expend another 2 feet. ChairmanZepplm oved to ask C ity Attorney to reword the 363nc he s" and rewoxd Olt so that Olt will take care of all problems and continue meeting at the April 12, I9$4 workshop. Nancy Slater seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. VII. Miscellaneous SCha:OL an Zeppa told the CV ss:Lon that the Council would 11*ke a commissioner present at the Council Hastings when they are hearing CawdzsiLon recoi endatiqonse The Commissioners felt it was too much to attend every Counci*l meeting • when most applications were not complicated. They did agree that i*n the case of a particular appli'ocation that the Council could advise the Commission when s eone was needed. Jim Campbell moved to let the Council advise the Co="ssion when a member was needed to clarify a recommendati*on, but that uess so requested a member imuld not be present. Bob Gr=* seconded the motion and the vote Oras unanimous. Jay Gibson said the nominating committee felt that the present off a.cers continue and so moved. Bob Grimm seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. VIII. Adjournment Ch 'Frman Zeppa adjourned the meeting at 10,045 P.M. IIMW Vi :L a Dlulkey, secretary • dote: This meeting was tape recorded • APAPLICATI ? ' * no opinion i nature Printed name/addressFor ALL", A17C AiwaY PAr 16 ,9 � 1 Sit/ SOMEONE (04rf�v some SIGN BELOW HERE TF YOU HAVE QUESTI01 I 0 dM I lom I