HomeMy WebLinkAbout022384 Min PORT TOWNBENDo WASHINGTON 919368 Port Townsend Planning CliII11011111nimliSS ion 0 aS lip amp CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 23, 1984 I. Opening Business Chairman Zeppa called the meeting to order at ?:30 P.M. Members present were Nancy Zeppa., Julie McCulloch, Nancy Slater, Jim CaFnpbell, Jim Tavernakis, day Sibson and Robert Grimm. Jay Gibson moved that the minutes of January 26., 1984 be approved as written. Nancy Slater seconded the motion and the vote was unax�5.mous. Chairman Zeppa read a 4letter from John Floyd conceg attaching a notice to all street vacation, conditional use permit, and variance applications to enable applicants to prepare their applications better. Chairman Zeppa stated they needed t o meet t o discuss this, but had not been able to before this meeting. Chairman Zeppa read a copy of the memo sent to Mayor Shirley about a . proposed amendment to City Ordinance No. 1625 (Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance). Mr. k"ioyd stated that the purpose o� the atnenc�tent was to c3arify definitions relating to bulk and da',mensional requirements and, resolve arm conflicts between the zoning ordinance and U.B.C. relatirig to setback requirements. The Planning Commissi'pon was requested to held a public hearing on March 29,, 1984 to make their rectmimmeindat i*ons on the amendment. A draft would be ready at the COMISSIConIs workshop meeting. Chairman Zeppa set a public hearing for this matter on March 29, 1984a Chairman ZepPa expl.azne� to the pub3ic attending the rules of order for the meeting. II. Amendment to ordinance 1625 Re: P-2 Zoning This proposed amendment to Or nance 1625 is an addition of a section providing for correction zoning for erroneous Pool (public) classification. Chairman Zeppa read the complete proposed amendment. Public ?mut Kris Delle e se -was against wr=-ndme as it would change a lot of pieces of land. 0 .0 It was rezoning blindly. She did not believe that the original zoning was in error. A lot of things use F�I classification and i9t was essentially like Rool. Those places could suddenly become cc, ercial if the property across the street • was zoned that and the people an that side would not want 'It. Chairman zeppa stated that the Public t11orks Director was only aware of one piece of property P~T and that was at the corner of F Street and San Juan Avenue . . that is in private ,ownersh 1P. Sieve Hayden stated that he knew of five places that are in private ownership that are zoned P-I. He said that the PmbI zoning was never meant to designate 6 # public ownership. This zoning was no more restrictive than R--I. I:f the name is the problem change to the ].east restrictive designation iLn the Plan, Jansen Hayden Mated on checking VT1*th a f ormer c cmunissioner at the time of adoption of zoning ordinance and the original intent zeas the way it was constricted. To amend this ordinance would be wholesale change. day Gibson- wanted to knmi hmf difficult ]*Lt would be to obtain a map locat3'.IT a13 0f these pieces? Chairman Zeppa said that on'the city zoning map only one piece of property that the Public liplorks Dimetor i&ms aimre ofand it tiros adjacent to the golf course. Julie MCculloch stated that the cuffunission was operating under a handicap. Commission needed to be sure of the locations of privately oipme d Pw I property before making a major change. Perhaps cuaussion should adjust land piece by piece. She eras asked her objection and she stated that she could not see that zoning P-I was any more restrictive. There ifere really a lob of uses under P-I. Chairman ZepPa said she could not see that something is publi*c when it i*s - private. .'here was much discussion between the cul is13iullurs regarding amendment. The prevailing opinion was that the commission needed to know exactly where all the privately owned public property is located.. Jim Campbell moved to table Amendment to Ordinance x.625 concerni*ng P-I zoning until the March ,2 g, 198? meeting t o make an attempt t o get information on specific pieces. Jim Tavernakissec onded the mot ion and the vote eras unanimous. ITI. Amendment to Ordinance No. 1625 Re: -Limitation of Actions Ch n Zeppa read the proposed amendment to Ordinance 1625 providing for a 1:*Lmitation of actions. City Attorney Keith Harper expla�.ned to the commission that other cities have it. IPVblic imput Steve Hayden stated that a lot of problems have been involved in law suits sand it was very difficult to make a decision. Thirty days was not realistic to gather funds and get the tau suit moving. A person concerned iirith it w3.11 not know final issue until. the City council rules an it. Thirty days is . not reasonable speaking from exp e rienc e* • Kris DeWe e s e stated phis change would be.unf air. She menti oned a previous suit when Commission Chairman was manager of the bank which was applying for a change. -it was not fair to circumscribe one of the cornerstones of our democracy. -2- Janeen HaydEn was ag ainst placing a la',mitation on citizens right to question. Thu',rty days was unreall*Sti,c, A year might be more appropriate. The Gity-AttUrne�y�exg},ained that anything the city passes is publa.shed i n legal notices of paper before iis itSUin effect. Asked xf a law t could be put together i*n thirty days, Mr.- Harper answered it could be done. Everyone had the same amount of dime. [then beim asked of the commission Vether thirty days was, i2gual. limit, he said that 3t was not unusual, but noting was sacred on thirDyi days. . Jay Gibson �rtaved t o re corrmiend adoption of resolution t o the City Counc 3*,l that Ordinance No. 16 2 5, be amended by provicling dor a 1:*Lmitation of ac tions. Nancy Slater seconded the motion and the vote was 5 for and 2 against (McCulloch and Tave aka*,$). N. Application No. 1283-02 Randy Kraxberger/Lisa Enarson alley vacation (from Hancock to Sherman) 1541 29th St. between Hastings& 29th st. Port Toiftmsend The applicant stated they had 6 lots with al,].ey cutting property in two . They know city will keep uti*lity easement. The alley has never been used as an alley and they wanted to keep dogs, motercycles and etc. out. Jim Tavernakis stated there was a need for an additional request for the other lots to have alley vacated so there would not be a dead end alley. • Bob Grimm said it ifould not be right for applicant to be saddled wa*,th an additional fee to have the refit of the alley vacated. Mr. Harper said that you could not vacate beyond the aDpl�.cation. Jim Tavernaki,s moved to continue review at the March 29, 198? meeting to allow time to receive an amended application. Jim Campbell seconded the oration and the vote was unanimous. V. ADp3.ication No. 1283-03 WIP11.a.am & Carob. S. Gurley Street Vacation (Reed St. betisieen Blk 18 1205 Guffwood Road Mtn VRe iew 2nd Add. & Blk 18 Euless, Texas 76039 Mtn View 1st Add.) The applicant's representative, Alan Carmen, explained that the boundary lines in the area were not where they expected them to be and the vacation would aladjlowustmEnt of boundary lines in the area to avo id ]i and allow c onst ruction of a home upon the applic ant I s property. Th i s would also add more property to the tax rolls of city. Publ.ic ?input arvey Christian said that he was i.n Favor of the vacation. He had tried with other neighbors to get a vacation 30 years ago. . Harry Holloway stated that Mr. and Mrs. B r�,ska.n Conditionally approve vacation as long as their access is not ruined. Bob Witheri'dge stated he was opposed to the vacation as JLt was publi*c access property and bu1*1 ng on I*t would block viLewO • Mr. Carmen stated that it would be almost 'impossible to black view. I�b% Witherl"dge said that he. -talked with Mr. Gurley and he said he would not guarantee that it Mould not. Lowell Bogartnot think adjacent propertyto water could be vacated. He objected to the vacation as he could no longer �ralk out on it and he objected to the city giving away valuable land fres. nary Novak stated that surrounding area vras covered frith tall trees and this area was open to the view. He objected to the vacation. City Attorney said that the Public I&Nlorlcs Director said it does not appear to be abutting the water at all on city map. Barbara Bogart sa2l-d that this area i*s one she values as being undeveloped and would she be able to walk out an �.t now? Mr. Carmen stated that Thr. hurley would provide a trai*1 easement for the public to use as long as he was not liable. Chairman ZePpa stated there were letters fropiLMr. Witheridgej Given Bennings.. & LoisBlack, Vince Lux Jr, stating their objection to vacating water view streets. A letter from Rich"ard Canfi'eld stated hb had no obo'ecta.on. A letter fr Peter Albrecht and Lynn Anderson stated they had no objection as ions as • vmew would nod be spoi'led by bu:"Llding any structure. Jim Taverndld<is said that an abutIhment of water can be a view Abluttment. Julie McCulloch read the Plan review criteria for a street vacation. Jim Campbell asked I*f anyone mentioned a benefit to the city? Taxes being the answer,, Mr. Campbell stated that give them a X60,000 piece of property and they would be happy to pay taxes, Julie McCulloch moved that Application No. 1283o=03,, a street vacation, be denied as it does nod conform tri.th Ordinance 1$02, 5.20 J., 5,, and possibly number 6. Jay Gibson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. VI. Appla.cation Na, 184-01 Leggett Lovan Short Subdivision 12 7 Ern Court Lakeland Flori*da 33803 The applicant proposes to subvide property into 3 lots. All the lots are larger than required iia*th lot 2 being a great deal la er. Mrs. McCulloch asked the applicants representative, Fir* Fischer, if they would read drainage requirements for fi'nal plat ap oval and comply with it. • Mr. F:OLScher said yes they pian to comply with Casty Plan and i1hrould work with Public Works Director. Mrs. McCulloch said they saw no problems as site was appropriate for plans. Jim Campbell said that backing out on Admi*rality a bad situation. • Mr. Fischer said Tots 1 and 3 would have to pool, to provide a turnaround and h is Client would not want to limit buil ng site. The comirassion could include recommendation in trelimina approval. Mrs. McCulloch stated that co �nissioa could mqui*re that they come out forward. _. Julie McCulloch moved to grant preliminary approval to Short Subdivision 184.aol frith drainage plan included before final approval, and f on,r�rard exiting from Tots 1 and j be worked out. Jim C ampbell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.0 . VII. Application No. 1283-03 James & Glenda Tavernakis Rezone from R�T to Ro=I 1807 Washington St. Port Toiomsend, 11a, 98368 Julie McCulloch moved that a specloal meeting be called for March besides the workshop and regularly scheduled meeting. Nancy Slater seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Jim Tavernaki"s excused himself from the meeting and trent home. Mr. Ca en stated that. Mr. Tavernaki*s i*s asking for the lowest classification where he can still operate his bus:'Lness. He eventually wants to enlarge an Whole property, but restm*ctiong access off State Highway 2(}. He viould co- operate in widening road to lessen traffic impact. This ex pansoLon vrould allow better services to be aval*lable to the public. They could consolidate all the labSrneeded. .1017 %L Art Tickner wrote a letter vigorously opposing rezone that included 7.7 neighbors. He stated that the traffic was already tremendously i'ncreased and the corner was dangerous: He said there was no need to take a perfectly good home and make I t i nto an office. fe-said they did not like this creeping comerciali on the south si"de of Sims 14ay. Public imput Art Tickner again stated his opposition to the rezone. Rosi Johnson said the road is narrow with no room for parking. In 5 years it could be sold and they could put a very undesirable-business in. They could expand on the other side wAhe re there i s roomi. Johanna Snook said that3 years ago this property was turned down for a re z one and she i*s st 1' opposed. Walter Johnson staffed that any time they put a commercial busi"ness in i*t ].overs property value. Helen Rosselet strongly objects to rezone. if this operty were rezoned then the man next door would want it also. 14ilma Wrl"ght said the traffic is to 'if i*c and ngerous and a rezone would ruin a beautiful residential. section. Tam Majh n said there s ho 1 J be some p Illmai iency t o zoning. Ft."Ia are a �5- • neighbors boughth�r3.tthis zoning and grant to keep it. In order for doctors to aet the best ase of property WiDu].d have to have a substantial size clinic, ,The clinic can expand the other way. Mildred Fettig stated she was def i*ni'tely against ]*Lt. Ei,ian Wright said lets keep i*t resident2*.al, Mr. Carmen stated the clinic would be for 2 or more doctors. Covenants used to keep it only for doctor practice. Where imuld be no parking an Shera.dan, only on property parking. Mr. T lue kner stated that if at were changed t o RI I I it could b e used for a lot of different things. Jinn Campbell moved t o continue the hearing t o March 22, 19$4 special. meeting. Julie McCulloch seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous, VIII. New Business . Application No. 1$4-02 Rezoneof Julie Me Cull 110 C1 VC11ampbe 11 App].a.cat�.an Na. 1.$1��0� Conditional Use-Committee of Gramm/mavexYriakis Appl:Lqation Na. 1.84-Ob Conditional Use-G 011LUin ttee of Slater/Gibson Application No. 28�,-Ol Variance-CoRrT11ttee of ZePpa • IIC. Adjournment Chairman ZePpa adjourned the meeting at I0:30 P.M. Virginia Mulkey, Secretary This meet ng was tape recorded • -b- GUE4 6T LIST _ Application of aIGIvATUR's P71 114T E D 1d U•E ADDRESS Interest?. jir )Otl e) PO S5 4 �� 22:;:>` 2, 2-q G'�'-��� y � 11Z/O P0111 11111111111 I�G7.o v�ei cf, Ctn �,a spook 3 !3 CC�a�c� t-aisfua�#-�� �3 OREM / .e.�- door � 40 rbel o&1ec1 r So d c7`o C so d% Now k&P Ao !> I M.WMEWMaIIIIII� z w wmdI 9%W r 41r _ ycrir " � .0 rct� CAW/G L L �(�6�-�2 /` S7� �u r�- � Lor "A)e 4 grip ter MA.-P NIPEbmwoLr 70 �het?!� e C3ob �i-I�h�r�,� P. � r" �i� PS '71 .S�ZU .S��� (J r r .f GUE 5T LIST interest an sIG14ATUZ PRINTED NJUiE ADD0LSS what App1icatim '00, d�iP�=�7"� /�,�v�'�G f/ .��5 e�s-� Sf y'' ` - PO Opp ip n 17d /,•yo V Now =wpm y 7mm', ==mom Z:7 low 9F ppo r-��-�- C J TT 5 �`e. Lj �.� - 1� 1 � Lu�r�.►��e. P"� zau���