HomeMy WebLinkAbout012684 Min PORT TOWNBENOv WAGNINGTON 98368 Port Townsend. PlairmiCoirnmxss1o4Fn • � ahaMr CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND ` "' y � MINUTES OF JANUARY 26, 1984 I. Opening Business Chairman Zeppa cabled the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Members present were Julie Mc(;u och, Nancy Slater, Nancy Zeppa, Ji*m Campbell, Jim Taverlmkis, Jay Gibson, and Robert Grim. Chairman Zeppa I*ntroducedA new commissioner, Robert Grim. Chairman Zeupa explained to the commission that Julie McCulloch had agreed to be the secretary for this meeting in the absence of regular secretary. Jim Campbellmoved that the minutes of December 15, 1983 be approved as do written. Jim Tavernakis seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Dwayne E. Russel.3 i�rrote the Ccm�niss�.on wqlthdrawa.ng his Short Plat App3icatian No. h83-03. . II. Application No. 1083-D2 D. J. Gre�ary Short Subdivision 5 7 & hackman tea. 98368 Port Townsend, Jim Campbell excused himself from the meeting because of the "appearance to f airne s sruling. A letter from Alan S. Garman of TAASA Survey Associates representing Fair., Gregory was read and discussed. Mr. Gregory proposes to offer a bond to the City in Lieu of actual c onstruction of all utilit�.es and/or improvements, prefering �.nstead to make the installation of those dnpravelwe . meets as the Lots are sold. This proposal had been scussed with the Public Works Director and was to his sati"sfacti'on (accorto the leiter). Jim Tave akis moved to recommend final short sub visi*on approval dor Applicati*on No'. 1083-p2 'in that 1"t meets criteria in the City Ordinance 3.8 0b, Appendix A, and to give Chairman Zeppa authority to sign the f inal plat for' the i=ass on, Jay Gibson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimans, III. Now-Business Chairman Zeppa asked the members to please read over "Rules of Policy and Procedure" before the next meeting. Forrest Aldrich spoke for the Yarn Street Vacation (to be revieiwied at February meeting) locating it 'an city map and expressed the applicants reasons for • requesting the vacation. The Cvnun3.ssaon requested additional names and addresses of property owners within 200 feet of outside pe eteqr, Set hearing and revi*ew coimnmrattees for the following business: -1- 1. Amendment of Ordinance No. 1625 by the addition of a new Section #3.07, to correct the erroneous designations of privately oimed • lands as lands zoned for public use. Committee of Zeppa and Slater, ariLng scheduled for February 23, 1981 . 2. Amen ent of ordinance No. 1625 by the addition of a neer Secti*on #6.20, to provide for a 1=' tation of Actions. Comm*ttee of Zeppa and Slater. Hearing scheduled dor February 23, 1984a 3. Application Na. 1283ma0l, Rezone Request by James Taveviuutlsa G Im- ttee of Slater and Gibson. Hearing scheduled for February 234* 19844o a Cmmussioner Tavernakis excused himself' during the discussion of his UPC uf[Ling rezone request. 4a Application No. I283-02, Kraxberger/En�rson alley vacation. Committee of Tavernakis and Grim. Hearing setfor February 23., Z984. 5. Application No. 128 3-03, Gurley Street Vacation, C ommiitte� of Grim and Tave ak 1"S Hearing scheduled far February 2 3, 1981 . 6. Application No, 184amOl. Lovan Short Subdivisi*on, Cuuutll'ttee of McCulloch and Campbell. Hearing set for February 23, 19$4. 7. Appll*cati'on No. 184-03, Dmcan/Skogman Conditional. Use Permit. Committee of Campbell and McCulloch. Hearing scheduled for February 23,1984. 8. Application No. 184dw04',, Yarr Street Vacation, r�iof Gib ttee son and Slater Hearing set for February 23, 19$x. i�. Drainage Quss��.ons Chairman Zeppa stated she had talked with Ted Strjckla.n and said he relayed to the Planning Gulw . ssion that the commission no longer needed to be concerned with drainage as an issue now that the city has the new drainage ordinance, because that will take care of the problem. Jim Campbell said he does not agree because the eo�nissi.an is the .ar�.y ones 1,1� a can spot a c omprehensive problem. Bu:*Llding permits came in one by one, but a short subdivision may create a larger problem i6yhen it i*s completely bul'lt upon. V. Miscellaneous Chairman Zeppa stated that in reading the short subdivision ordinance, she does not see any req�i.rement that the Planning Conunission be involved in sumfulm'ry approval of short subdivisi'onsl that i"t is an administrative action only'. but that the cummission has done it by convention . Commissioner �IcCulloch brought up the subject of the Ruth Seavey Jackson Memorial. She said that she had attended the Arts and Parks Camssion _JI meeting on December 31, and discovered that a general si'te has been chosen for the monument (the old ferry terminal holding areas including the city pier). Atopic of concern at the meeting (A/P) was ioihat the city's related Plans dor the area are (i.ed, is the monument gairag to be in a park or a parking 10t17) Julie expressed concern that there should be an overall perspective on development of the' pro�ect area, and that the Planning Comma:ssion might be able to be of use since there has ready been a considerable amount of planning effort which relates to the proposal ib n a broad sense, She spoke ecifically of the Urban Waterfront Plan completed in I980 and never officially adopted by the city. She said the Planning Camission should review that document at its earliest passible coa�enience. Consensus an the scussaon .0 • tress that nes clear-cut action was recommended and no motions were forthcoming at this time and that the Commission should be aware of the si*tuati'on, and wait until an appropriate course of action became clear, if any at a11. VI. Workshop • Cha3. an Z�ppa staffed that a workshop wasas scheduled for Febrmruary 9, 198411 cuffunjoLssioners were asked that they make notes for improving application forms based oxl applications they have. VII. Res olution Jim Tave akigs moved to pass a resoluti'on to ask the CI'ty Council to express appreciation for TarrDennison's service. Julie McCulloch seconded the motion and the vote was u.y nanimous. 4F VIII. Adjournment Chairman Zeppa adjourned the meet:eLng, Virginia Mulkey Planrdng Commission Secretax�r ' .• Note: This meeting was tape recorded. -3-