HomeMy WebLinkAbout111783 Min PORT TOWNSENDo WASHINGTON 99368 Port Townsend Planning Commission CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF NOVEMER 1749 Z9$3 I. Operang Business Glenn Icon ca]1ed the meetixg to order at 7:30 p.m... . Members present were Julie McCulloch, fancy Zeppa, Glenn Ison., Jim Campbell, and Jzm Tavernaki"so Jim Tave akis moved that the minutes be approved as written. Nancy Zeppa seconded the motion and the vote was unar Ouse (Minutes 10-27-8, Jim Campbell moved to have Glenn Ison to chair the regular mo hly meeting of November 17, ].983. Julie McCulloch seconded the oration and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Ison read a latter from Mayor Shirley stating 14r. Isan's resignation from the Planning Commission in order to serve in his netr�y e1ec�.ed position of City C ouncl*lman. Mrs. Zeppa moved to deal with new Rulesof Polid Procedure until the last item" on addenda. Julie McCulloch seconde,,d the motion and the vote was • unanimous. Ii. Application No. 483m=03 Burtz Short Subdivisi'on (final) iim Campbell. moved to table until the December 15, 19$3 meeting. Nancy Zeppa seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. IIS. Applicata.on No. 6$3-03 Dwayne E. Russe:Ll Short Subdivisionion 153Q Franklin St. Port T1111111111 limillsend Waa 983b8 N1r. Russell. explai'ned to the commission ghat progress he had made towards fulfrementsi.l7.ing the requa. f or a short plat (prelim 3n ary approval). He pre sented a ].ether from Mr. Str ick 1i"n stating his approval. Mr. Russell still. did not have food. input from the Department Heads. 14re Russell stated there was an information gap as he kept getting confusing informatieon as to what i*s needed. At first, the coi ission teas contemplating giving Mr. Russell preliminary approval and Mrs. Zeppa so moved., but on further review Krs. McCu]Lloch stated that the application eras foo ine -Lplete to give preliminary approval* �'i'he commission explained to Mr: Russell that they knew his intentions of fulfilling the requAp. irements for preliminar7 approval were good'. but suggested that he request the Public Works Office to give him a copy o f a we presented short • subdivision application to use as a guide. -1- Jim Tave ak is moved to table Appli cati"on No. 6 Q 3-0 3 until the regular December meeting so Iilr. Russell would have a chance to prepare a comp�.ete application. Nancy Zeppa seconded the motion and the vote was urani3nous. N. App3.ication No. 1083wOl Marshall 111alters variance s12 �da1kSter . Port Tmmsend, 11 98 Mrs. Zeppa gave the cmnm.ittee report and stated that the hme eras extremely attractive and well maintained. It was the only one ln*thout a garage* lair. ImIalters changed plans from a garage to a carport because of setwwback requirements. A carport would not obstruct fire fighting equipment. The cCffM*ttee felt it should be approved. Nancy Zeppa moved to recoautiend approval, of variance Application No. 108 3-01 as it was in compliance Frith Ordinance X625, SeCta.on 6.20. Jim Campbell. seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. VApplication Na. 108 3awO4 Joan & Robe 1en Conditional Use Peruit � 53$ Tj.ncoln Port Toit;nsend't Wae 98368 IAr Campbell explained there had been concern by the coYm�i.ttee about caxs backing out on 14adison Street, but the lena have a new parking plan and it appeared ever.rtha.ng was in order. Nancy Zeppa moved that Application No. 1083mO4 be re c Ujrmnde d far approval as • it meets criteria set forth in Or n ce 1625. Julie McC loch seconded the motion and the vats was unanimous. VI. Application No. 14$3-02 V.J. Gregory Short Subdivision 57th & Jackman Port Townsend, Wao 98368 Jim Campbell left the roars and did not participate in review in comp liance w0 ith the "appearance to fairness" ruling. Charles Gallaher presented the preparations far the Gregory short plat, He said that Prater and sewer were there but modified. The land was previously unplatted so never was ailly street. Existing san:*Ltary sewer on Lot 3 which i*s lowest lot on property. There would be proper easements for all Utilities. Vir, Ashwell said that easement is 12 feet onto his property and lot 3 and Would not like to have resi'dents use end as turnaround. Otherwase he had no objd' ection, but each person burn around on his mm property. Vii. Or nance 1625, 4.05 G.,iE Kre Stroeder stated this vehicle Va*11 low sone developers to develop ].and in a more reasonable fashion. Lloyd Repman stated this would make a better plannx'na.; tool for the area. • Nancy Zeppa move to recu"nend adoption of this ordinance change because itstreets tri�.1 allots development of land pre�riously notloered because of and broadenq scope of ordinance. Julie McCulloch seconded the motion and the vote was 4 in'favor and 1. abstained (Tavernakies), VIII. Rules, Policy and Procedures • The Gvmmission went through and corrected and changed the new Rules, Policy and Procedures then asked the secretary to retype it and give a copy to a11. C iffalussionerso Jim Campbell moved to adopt proposed change to Rubes P0-1a M ME" as amended at the November 17, 19$3 meeting. Nancy Ze'ppa seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. IX. Miscellaneous Lloyd Repirian invited the commission to attend the December 15., X983 Cpen House of Norwest Village at 2 P.M. They are proud to be a part of the c n vilullunity. December Adienda is Conditional Use Pel=tLppc3iation No. lI$3-Ol short Subdivmsion Application No. x.83-03 Short Subdivis:Lon Applicati*on No. 683oloO3 ection of Officers R. Adjeourm-e-rit Nancy Zeppa �aqved to adjourn the meeting. Jim Campbell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. (Secretary was also instructed to have post cards printed to send out to su rcyandingneighbors in variance and con tional use pe=t applications). Virginia 14ulkey Secretary oe This meeting was tape recorded. Correction: Item VI. motion was Omitted. "Ju-lie McCulloch moved that Application Na. 1Q83-02, a short platy be given summary approval as it meets the criteria set forth In the subdivision. Jim Tavernakis seconded the motion and the vote Was unanimous:' • -3-