HomeMy WebLinkAbout102783 Min PORT TOWNSEN09 WASMIN13TON 98359 Port Townsend Planning Commission ` t a2 Mr CITY OF PDAT TC3WNSEND MINUTES OF OCTOB 27,9 1983 I. Opening Business Chairman Dennison called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Members present were .Tim Campbell, Jim Tave4rnaki"s G:Lenn Igonrry Dennison Wanda Black,, Julie McCulloch and NannyZeppa. Jam Taveimakis moved that the minutes be approved with a correction to paragraph five of Opening Business which should delete Cond inium Ordinance and add Subsection 4.05 of Ordinance 1625 for Planned Unit Developments. -Jim Campbell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimousMir lu t&11113 of 9-29-83} ]Public Hearing set dor 6hort Subdivision No. 10$3-02, V.J. Gregory on November 17, 19$3. CUmittee of Mr. Demison Mrs. McCulloch and Mr. Tave akis set to review application and make a report of their findings. Tx. Application' No: 683amOl J. Leslie Donovan Street Vacation (18th between Hendricks & Shenaan $279 Emerald Lane Dr.W. and Hendricks from 18th to Discoverry Rd) Pinson, A3.. Chairman Dennison explained that white property i.s axi den Space, it-is not in Open space Drainage. Mr. Stroeder asked that commission reconsider their previous recommendation since their was an error in location. Mr. Stroeder stated that41-this property could be added to the tax roll, a.t would b e hard t o position house on lot s with setb ackl requiLrement s Mrs. Be rryq• school. super3*Lntendent, gave her c on se nt (schwa]. alre ad r took half of 18th street). Mr. S-tra.ciclin and Mr. Floyd said that their was no Pr ob lem as far as they could see. Prospective bwers feel the lots too small to build an. ' The C iLssion discussed passible trade-off so that house could sit back and their would be buffer by the road that is in open space. The commission liked the idea of a trade-off, but Mr. Is on stated that this type of trade could cause legal problems he heard a lawyer state. The Cmqqlqriission was still in disagreement as to the importance of keeping this property 'in open (.}}pen Space. Ordinance change is needed to define open space. After a lob of discussi*OTIP Jim Campbell recalmnended approval of Street Vacation Na 683-0001 as it meets criteria in Ordinance 1802, �ec�ion 5, Item BjC,D, also some review of Ite3n A. Glenn Ison seconded the motion and the vote .was 4 in agreement'and 3 opposed. Mrs. Zeppa would write the assenting view for the • Council and Mr. Dennison would write the desenti*ng view for the Council. IIT. Application No. 4$3-03 Donald & Noul Bortz Short Subdivision Rt. 2 Box X11 Pullman,, Wao 99].b3 -1- 14r, Dennison staffed that he had contacted Alain de Chantal. The • Corrml .9 �.ssion felt that this application needed to be diseased of. Since the November meeting would give I*t the 6 months required, Mr. Campbell moved to table this Short Subdivision ADplication No. 483o&03 until the November 17, 1983 meting. firs. Zeppa seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. IV. Application No, b83-03 Dwayne E. Russell Short Subdivision 1530 Franklin .fit. Port Townsend, Wa. 98368 Chai"rman Denni"son told the commi*Ssion that each application had sx*x months to be completed. In order to expend for a year there needed to be a Comprehensive Flan change. Glenn Ison moved to table Application No. 683-03 until the 17th of November meet Wanda Black seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. V. Application No 0 98 3-01 y Gaither".& Bonnie Baker street Vacation (20 ft. of Peary St.& alley) 182 Esther 5t. Costa 14esa, Ca. 92627 Mr. faker explai*ned that other Part of alle was already vacated and he needed the extra 20 deet at lois end of Peary St.`Fto use as setback for his dralon field. Diurng the commission's scussloon they were roncerned -ab=t the intersection om Peary Street & Pennsylvania Place* since the street had alr�a�r been narruwedIP except for this end, the cotmnission decided to go ahead and recommend approval. The commission did not have a problem With the alley. Jim Tavernakis racomved to recommend approval for Application No. 9$3-03., a street vacation, as i*t meets the criteria of Ordinance 1802,, Section x.20, Items AewE. sZanda Black seconded the motion and the vote was unan:L'-,mous, Qi. Applicata.an No :LO8 3-01 Marshall E. Ualters Variance Request 512 Vla er St. Porgy Toiamsend Wa. Applicant through a misunderstan1in g failed to dist all property owners 0 within 20d feet. Plat plan is not to scale and two variances trould be required for plan as shown instead of one. After discussi'on With the commission, Mr. Baker stated he would prefer one roof from shed to carport. The setback requirement would be hard to meet s i"nce i*t would make it hard to drive the car into it because of the position of his home. Cha3'L an Dennison zi-Uggested that applicant take back applicatDLon and re- work it to show the one roofs list the surrounding neighbors within 200 fejt, and present a scale drawing. Jim Campbell moved to table Variance Application 1083-01 anti]. the November 410 17th meeting as the application is incomplete. Julie McCulloch seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. -2- VII Application No. 1083-03 Mickl* Griffth/Johnsonaa ttle Varl"ance Request P.O. Box 1186 • Port Townsend., Wa. Mr. Little explained that house has an overhang into the side yard setback that was not reall4zed until Mr. deWolfe pointed I*t wt. They had delayed construction after receivihg one letter Pram Public Works Director staffing their might be a problem., but there has not beenanyhelp from city to work the problem ort -so they Pelt a variance ;fid make"the structure Segal. Wanda Black read what rules �a�ere fbund regarding the definition of the setback requ2*,rementso 0 Mr. DeVlolfe presented copies of his research that shows i&at the .law says about a Prob lem such a sthis. He stated he had called the public works director a number of times and only once did he not I*fy Mr. Little and has not followed through Frith it. He pointed out that a variance in the middle of a project was too late, but that the builng inspector could stogy the construction at anytime and ask for charges. Mr* deWo]Lfe presented a lengthy report to the ck)rmission04 that thoroughly exposed the probleme-F After listening to )fr. delo%lolfels report and discussing the problem with han and Mr. Little� the cuimiss�.on reCOgnizBd that a variance was too late and the problem could not be handled by- them. .We Nancy Zeppa moved that this application be dismissed for lack of authority • t o dead. wa.th 14't Jam Campbell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimouso Wanda Black agreed to wra.te a report to Counc1*1 pointing out the reason for the c ouu, ssion to dismiss this application. VIII0 Adju ourimient Chairman adigourned the meeting. kN G� Virginia Mulkey, Secretary NOTE: These minutes have been tape recorded GiT�ST LIST . bIGNATURli"ll PRIIiTED NILT,,IE ADDRESS 4e<:l Ir /mh,,s oz � dR' moo* � / J�t r -=P�Ar . 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