HomeMy WebLinkAbout092983 Min PORT TOWNISENDo WASHINGTON 983619 Port Townsend P1a nn]Lng Commissio11I Ln J mop CITY OF PORT TOWNBEND � MINUTES OF SE MER 29 1.9$3 I. Openi'ng Business Chairman Dennison called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. Members present were Jam Campbell, aim Tave akis, Larry-- Dennison, VIanda Black, and Julie McCulloch. The cssion corrected the minutes under item YI. that "Jinn son" should read "Glenn Ison," Wanda Black muv,u,u that the minutes be approved as amended. Julie McCulloch seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.(Minutes o f 8-25-8 Cha:L Dennison read a memo from Planning Consultant F1( d that asked the corwassion to work an amending Planned Unit Development Section 4.05 C3E of Ordinance ].625,9 t o a more re alisti.0 designation. The October 13, 1983 workshop there would be discussion and a committee assigned to review it • in depth and Mr. Floyd would be present to give help, Chairman Dennison told the evilulission., Mavor Brent Shirley stated he felt a cert "n sense of urgency on this Ord. �1:625, --Subsec.4..'1 9�s there were a couple of applicants wanting to get started. A budget cullnittee of Commissioners Mccunoch, Dennison and Campbell was appoi*ntect.as requested by Mr. Floyd. Chairman Dennison read Wanda Slack's resignation from the Commission as of November 1., 1983, due to tiLme constraints. IT. AnPla.ca�ian No. b83-07 ii, Leslie Donovan Street Vacation (18th between Hendrichs & 8 2 7 9 Emerald Lane Drive W. Sherman, also Hendricks from 18th Pinson, A3.. 3512b to discovery Rd.) Ch an Dennison stated a committee of Mrs. Black, Mr. Ison and himself checked property and streets., and checked them against the plan and the street was right i*n the line of the open space drainage plan for that area, The commission pointed out that Airs. Davis did not sign. Mr. Stroeder, the app�.�cant's representative, said he saw no problem with drainage as Nor-West Village just put i1n a new -drain. • 34r. Dennison explained that corridorsi: esigned t o protect natur drainage path of city. '(For Planned Unit Developments. - 1- Nor. Stroeder said the property was outside the area and Norwest Village has a tremendous drainage system pub in and dont t see why Street Vacation can not be granted. r hairman Den_nisan sated that the Property was i.n the path of natural drainage for the city and that the committee felt since the city already owned the streets they should continue to do so. Mr. Tavernakis explained that the drainage at Nonfazt V1*11age was for their aim use. The cummittee at first was ,--concened that Mrs. Davis property might b e land locked if streets were vacated,, but this was not the case. Mr. stroeder- was unhappy with the way the c(MURILSSIon felt the property was in the drai*no%"e path and spoke his sapprov bluntly saying that it was poor planning and that they (the cumIlISSILon) thought they owned the land. Chairman ]Dennison pointed out that it was the commissions fob to protect all the people in the city. Julie McCulloch maned to recommend denial to Street Vacation Application No. 6834=01 as I*t does not comply, with Ordinance 1802,9 Review L er:L'teria and was not consistent with the Comprehensive Planes Open Space Drainage Plan. Wanda Black seconded the motion and the nate was unanimous. Chalimm== Dennison stated he -would write the report for the City Council.. • III. Anplication 683-04 W.E. seton street Vacation 4640 Discovox7, Rd. Pcirt Townsend 1%1a. Wanda Black stated that she got hung up on describi*ng the streets vacated. The city maps were not concurring. Mrs. Black presented a map that nau _ was the official map. Jim Taver�nakis 'abated that he had •rev�.ew�ed the -maps and looked- 'at the property and had a number of quest�.ons. Mr. Seton was willing to work out the problems IVY- to improve the city's tax bases give the buyers nicer lots and a paved street. A lot was accullIP11'she&. Jim Campbell moved to approve the new map as the off ic�.a1 one. Jam Tavermkis seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Tim TavernakaLs would work with Wanda Black for the Counc2'-lls report. IV. Application Na. 483-03 Donald & forma Burtz Short Subdivision Rt 2 Box AL1. PU111rian,, Wa. 99163 Wanda Black moved that the Application No. 483-03 be tabled until the October 27, 7.983 meeting as the applicant was not present. aim Campbell seconded • the motion and the vote was unan ous, V. Applicat ion No. 683-03 Dwa e E. Rus sell Short Subdivision 1.530 Franklin St*,, Port Tcalmsend, tea, 98368 Chairman Demiison read a letter from Public Works Director Ted Stricklin • which recommends a years extenti*on for Mr. Russell to get his short plat better prepared, so he could meet the minimum required improvements for tyle prope.-F--Cpye The commission was not airaa�.nst the years .eAentivn. Iqanda Black moved t o allow a period of not more than 1 year for Mr. Russell's Short Subdivision Application Na. 683-03. Jim Campbell seconded the motion, but a"'t failed as the question of legality was raised. Jim Campbell agreed to call the City Attorney to be advised of the legality of a years extent 10 on :for Mx. Russell.. Mr. Tave ak i*s asked i*f it would be possible to rule on 3.t next month without Mr. Russell's presence required. Jim Tavermkis moved to table Application No, 683-03 until October 27, 19$3, in order dor Mr. Campbell to check with the City Attorney of the legality of this requested extention and Mr. Russell's presence was not necessary. Jin Campbell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. VI. Adjourrunent Wanda Black moved that'the meeting bd adjourned. Julie McCulloch seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. • Chairman Dennison adjourned the meeting; at 8:s0 P.M. Virginia A%-A "ey,, Secretary Note: This meeting was tape recorded • -3- GUE,5"T LItiT aIGNATUP:iTNTED MIME ADDRESS It MIP /ir 'OPP �. �N` �aN � S��oE t�r e � zo0 l7�fl �- s -LMO Lwow, VJ glr7 17r 1;107 029, s ev v roop 14 yOO) 0% w+,KO viJ 90 MP r �