HomeMy WebLinkAbout022483 Min PORT TOWNSENOr WASHINGTON 98368 . Port Townsend. Planning CoirnlonissioTrn �•p f %b 411 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND r 11r ' .9�LTES QF 219834, I. Opening Business Chai an called the meeting to order at 7:3d P.Ii. Members present were Larry DenniLson, Jim Campbell, John Floyd, Julie Twicculloch, and ,;xanda Black. Jam Campbell moved that the minutes be approved as :•�ritten. i7anda Black seconded the motion and the vote was unani-enous,(Kinutes of January 27, 1983)0 Chairman Floyd read a letter from Al Szii'f t for a lecture on Trade and Port Development at Peninsula College inviting anyone interested to attend. The commission set up two public hearings for the rescheduled ILarch meeting (rescheduled for the 2bth of Y*uarch as too many c iissioners would be unable t o attend). The rezone request of Dr. Richard Lynn,, Application No. 2$3-0}�, and the Planned Unit Davelopment, Application No. 283-03, of Dujardin Development • Company are the publac hearings to be reviewed. iie Application No. 283-�3 Service Activities Inc. Street vacation (:talker St. bet-lejeen block I$ & 19 represented by of Hastings 1st Additi'on) Bill Needham i•;r. Needham stated that they planted to build a 20 foot easement, doi,,m the middle of proposed vacation as it was the most feasible gray, They wanted to work out an easement so there could be a continual flow of foot traf#'icFrith out anyone needing to trespass on private property. The area is noir not very neat and they iqould like to clean it up and have it attractive, but had no inten��ons ol closing off the street from foot traffic. He felt it i4io d be more of an advantage to the community by their proposed up grading. IfLr- Needham also pointed out several tines that they were open to suggestions from the collu-Illssion, LeonaBrotm said she lives on Jefferson S.+ reet and feels that so many feed of public property going to industry should be stopped and leave the remaining .footage a public access. Chairman Floyd stated that this proposal does not give any guarantees that it trill be used for parlicing since Seryice Activities Inc. Mould then ol.,m it. J im Campbell stat� khat he had a hard �i.me statedseei ng a reason to give up such valuable landIF=r�.-�hout compensaton. iChal an Floyd said state stature says you can not vacate a street that abutts lif-ater unl....ess used dor pifoli'c use. He added �hn.t visu access to iriterfront is as important as physical access. -ie said Maat hc lal a prdolemI-LLVh tossing 8,000 square f Pot ofxrimp ?:^tcrfront land in cch�: fir a. � -�1<-:°s.�� end �. *picnic cable. Larry Dann:Lson stated he could not see hoar the commission could vacate this street. The city has a plan to remove vehicular parking from the Waterfront. J un Tavern, kis said he sair a problem with people picnici*ng in the midst of a parki'ng areae Larry Denni'son moved to recommend to Council denial of Street Vacation No. 283-03 as it does not meet the revievi criteria of Ordinance 1802 Section 5.20.b. Wanda flack seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. III. AppliCation Ido. 183-01 Ted Thetford Variance (he-a ight variance as proposed project is 6 feet represented by Bob Little over maximum) P.O. Box x.186 Port Townsend, '.•la. 98368 After a brief discussion, and Seeing no problem va-*th the location, 1-61anda Black moved to recommend approval of Variance 'bequest No. 183•-01 as it meets all requirements of Ordinance 1625., Section 1.10, Subsection A. 1-$ minus 3. Jull'e McCulloch seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. IV. Applicatihon No. 1282-01 Harmon & 11ulligan Planned Unit Development enterprises 7922 56th Dr. N.E. 0 Marysville, .-1a. 98270 • Chairman Floyd stated that the property needs to be at least 2 acres and 3.t :Ls only half that size. N;r, riul].igan said he discussed with hix. Fx�nch this propose?. and he said �t needed two variances, Kathy McDonald said that this would not work and to try a Planned Unit Develoloment, i,,r. French said that maybe an 'exception could be made 'in this case. i1r. 11ulligan said that he told them that I'Lf there imre a problem to call him and they would chane i�. Mr. IIul3igan stated there were tiro a.ssues to be handled and that was density and parki*ngo Everyone felt that seeing them together made good sense since ait put a handle on the project instead of an open end donsity. C hairman Floyd said that he eras not aware of a way to handle IP since ordinance was against it. He added that because of ordinance he cannot sec hoar the commission can legally revi'cio:r i*t as it could have later repercussions. T•:u1.�.igan -suggested revie �ring it subj Mr. ect to City Attorney's approval. I-Pir, Campbell stated �th?i, the City A .4ttorney should see it and then the cor�ission revieW it .T�m ^�mpUc�? moved to t�hZe until :'march 10, x.983 at 7:30 1'.I�:. pending a recomunendata.on frog thy: City Attorney' concerning the problem,. Larry Do.nnison seconded the motion and tho vote was unanimous. • V. �•:iscellane ous rry Demn*son suggested frcm noir-on to revieii all applications in co=. *ttees prior to hearing rcviv,.*.,,vh by cvaulassion a month in advance. Jin Tavernakis agroe,.d that he :Jrould like a prior review. Glenn Iron said he did not Icnow the city iTell enough to give a review unless he had a chance to study I*t prior to meeting. Aq rsaid that the commission has been caught in this position too often. 'here weeds to be a nettrevie:r process and an information packet that gives all the rules to the applicant so he full; understands the process. Nor. Striacklidn, Director of Publ-ic :locks, said that other cities have staff approval., but since City dogs not have Flannang Do- partment, other department heady can J,.nmput better than presently done. Ivr, Stricklin said he was sendir�? a memo to the Council concerning changing the street vacation rules. He also gave the Council. a drai'nage ordinance recommenriati"on, I-ancla Black moved to accept T•ir. I?ennison�s suggestions of a month prior review of all applications, an informa'tion packet dor applicants, a new dorm that requires more =put from. the department heads (a completely new review process)and send this agreement on to the Council. Larry Dennison seconded the motion and the vote eras unanimous. VT. Election Chairman iv'loyd stated his resolve to step doim as Chairman and let someone else da the jab. t Jinn Campbell. nominated rry Dennison as chaa . an. Wanda seconded the moti'on and the vote was un animous. lox, Dennison said he :•could accept as long as everyone else *gas i-,.aiiing to heap so that when it is again time to change the chairmanship then all 1-fta*11 have the experience to do it. Julie I•icCu7.loch volunteered to be treasurer and 'cTanda Black volunteered to be viceemehairman. Thi commiss�.on unanimously approved. the volunteers. VII. Adjourment Chairman Floyd adjourned the meeting for the last tj*.me at 9=30 P-Nie Virginia Mulkey Plann"ng Cunission� Secretary This mcoating :•ras tape recorded,, • GUST LIST � "2 aIGNATUTU� PRINTED NAME ADDRESS lam MT MMMMW- ff r V 3 top 0 is 00 PRO /jv zz 0� 0 wr 4P ZZ!Z A01 df doe Y � 1H Jd 0 N J hrl l�UQ2k.?4KrsIno, Af - )PjOeIF � �Rm