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Porgy Townse d Planning colnMISS10
4016 g i
�.ZIU1�S OF 27, 1983
I. Opening B
1:embers present 7,Tere Jean Cam:Cield, Jam Campbe3l, Juliei•�cCttll.och, 'Janda Black
and John �1ayd.
anda Blacjlt moved that the minutes of Decemoer., 1982 be approved as 1.17dri"tten,
Jull'o �',cCulloch seconded the motion and the vote i4jas unanaLmous,
A public hearir� eras set for February 24 1983 xfor Application Ho. 1282 01
a Planned Uni*t Development for Haon and ligan.
II. Application No. 1082-02 Harkey & Rhirlee Bus saz�t
Street Vacation (Jackman 5t. between 10th and 12th Streets) 1551 31st Street
fart Townsend,, I-Ia. 983b$
Mirs. Camfield did not participate in CUNUissionTs reviewr of this application.
41 Fir. Haiile asked that the street size be reduced instead o� a �4reet vacation
granted for this part of Jackman Street, Chaian Floyd told the applicant
and the CPE
MBussart agreed to this answer tr. o his problem .
Jam Campbell recommended that this Street Vacation Application h'o. 1082mmO2
be denied, but recommended that Jackman street betiIIIIIIIIIIreen 8th and 21st Streets
be narrowed to 60 feet taking 10 feet from each side4P
of street as this meets
the review criteria of Ordinance 1$D2 Seati'on x.20 subsection 5, 1,2,& 3.
�Tanda Black seconded the motion and the vole was unan:Lmous,
Application No. Z83-42 MHCki Griffith
Variance P.O. fox 11.86
For-t ToTvmsend, 19-r7a.98368
Robert Little, reprosentidng 11s. Griffith, told the commission that in order
for is. Griffith to operate a safe and effic:*Lent dental practice,, it requires
a total of 3 persons, so they request a variance be given so that one additional
non-resident be employed in order that Mis. Griffith may practice in her neii
The Com�ni,ssion instructed :=�r. Lit-�le that the laii required !t off street Pal 1111ng
spaces and kno�,anFtll,uLs area 1"t iiould be needed because of traffic and present
park ing problems. i•:r. Little agreed to phis point.
• Jean Camf ielI fter d�.scussion, novod +0 recommend approval of Var�,anae ,vo.
183-Q2 as ii
me^ts the c riteria set fO's,th in Zoning Crdinance Section 6.10
Subsection iL,Items 1,4,�,6, and 7. 'panda B ac. seconded the motion and tiie vote
i-Rias unanimous.
N. Adjournment
• Chairman Floyd adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Virg inia riulkey
Note: This meeting was tape retarded.
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