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Port Townsend. Planning Commissio % 411APPn
I. Opening Business
Chairman F:Loyd called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Members present were dean Camfield, Julie McCulloch, Wanda Black,
Jim Campbell., John Floyd, and Larry Dennison.
Jean Cunuml"ield moved that the minutes be approved as written. Jim Campbell
seconded the motion and the vote eras unanimous. Minutes of 1I-18-82.
II. ApplaLcataLon No. 10$2-04 fir. & Mrs. John Johnson
Street Vacation (19th St, between Hendricks &r. J.410 191th Street
Sherman) Port Townsend, da, 98368
Continued f rom last meeting so that a letter could be written to commission
requesting lot lines betiieen lots 5.6.7j&8 of Block Z35 of Eisenbel*s Addition
be vacated in order to not landlock said lots for arty future owner if this
section of 19th Street was vacated.
• Chairman Floyd read the letter from Fxs. Jahn Johnson stating her request for
the lot lines to be vacated along 14a'th this section of ].9th Street.
Julie 101CCuILloch moved to recommend approval of Application x:o. 1C82*mb04,Street
Vacation, as it is in compliance iiasth Ordinance 18021, Section 5.2, Subsection
1-G with the conda',tivon that vacation of lob li*nes of lots 5,6,7, &O of Block
7-3 5 of Ei s enb ei s Addition. Jean Camfield seconded the motion and the voce w,.effi..&s
III. Application Na. 1082t=02 Harley & Shirlee Buss r+,
S-�reet Vacation (Jackman St. betwe en 10th & 12th 1�5�. 37.st Street
Streets) Part Toiomsend, ldp.ra. 98368
14rs. Camfield did not part xca.pate in this review because of appearance t o fairness
Ia;•r. _
The applicant requested the vacation to enable property owners to build homes
farther back on property. The south side of 10th Street is bank and gully and
the street :*Ls half unusable. The requested vacated street is 80 feet wide
i,ihich is not reasonable.
Neighbors :•I. B. Camfield and Gladys Camfield ir-"ote a letter to the commission
in opposition to the vacation �7hjch Chairman Floyd read.
• street Superintendent Hairley s aid he would be against vacation unless all
properly ovmers agreed. He suggested that they should request a reduction in
the size of the street. He said he was not sure whether owners would be land-
locked. Mr. Ilar.,rley agreed to supply a snap to aid the cuminissTon in seeing
how the abutting lots would fair.
Jim Campbell moved to table Application 1082-�02 unt:'Ll the last Thursday •
. in January (January 27, 1882). I%Ianda Black seconded the moti*on and i"t
passed unanimously.
IV. Application No. 108 2-»05 1-1illard J. Gari*ss, Sr,
Rezone Request from R.-I to CmmoIIl0lt5 :'T ?7th Ave
Anchorage, Ak. 99502
Chairman j?loyd stated there eras a petition of opposi'tion from 12 property
owners in area and two pieces of maid..
Gariss Jrrepresenting hip father, stated their objective ::as to provide
lour cost Places for no��r businesses and to upgrade existing buiels. i•Ir.
Gar:oLss explained his family's plLins 2*.n detail, including plans for sewage�
reeuse, irhat type o f noise and etc. Chairman Floyd explai'ned to ham that
his plans we re more in t he order of a Panned Unit Development and if the
City would g:L've him a rezone to C-II future cremers could put in a large
Varic of undesirable businesses for a basically residential neighborhood.
firs. S:Lo-r.7 said 2f a rezone was granted it would be detrimental to their
property value.
;iillard Slcr.,r said all property oi-amers feel it 1,6ould be detrimental
to the area.
The commission agreed that it would be a spot rezone which 2Ls contrary
• to Flan. •
tier. Denni'son moved to recommend denial for Rezone Rolsquest vo, 10$2--05
as it does not meet criteria of zoning ordinance as it would be ille'gal
spat zona',ng, :Tanda Black seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
V. Application Ido. 3.0€i2-J8 Planned Unit Develo-oment Dujard-in Development Co.
Application No. ].082-09 Street Vacation (Hancock St) P.O. Box 5308
Chairman Floyd explained that the commission heard a simular application from
Duju ardi n Development Co., but for a different site.
11r. Redman said that they have presented a new site plan this night, modi'£y�.ng
t o please Farmer's Home Ad :Lnnistrata.on and the public as placement change i s
more accomodat ing to the site. After the commission expressed alarm at such
a late date for a site plan charge, Mr. �iedman exp3aned that in the oraginal
plan the stree-t". was contained in the property as a private street. It tris
suggested that road be made to serve the whole area instead. Dria nage is the
same and access a'Ls not denied in any direction. the drainage plan gives the
the advantage of draa.nage. They plan to develop 19th StreEt innea,ghbors
conjunction with the City.
Duj'ardi*n1s Architect said they had submitted the original to Farm Home and
they said why not change fou lexes into duplexes and develop 19th Street
with the city's approval thus generating more open space,
lolr. Repman said this project vrould be built b� �•lashington pe
le and Port •
Toktamsend has a need for housir4 for young and single parent fzLmiolies. This
a.s not low income or heavy subsidy housing. It would have 15 duplexes and a
coliununity groom.groom. The buildings would look like single farn-1y residences.
This project would not be a threat to surrounding area housi*,rig, it's
called garden type of h ousing. The trend i s g o�.ng t o�rards phis type of h ousirq
ibecause it's more affordable..
Ron Vigil, Dujardin s Architect, said themItrcre not trylnr-y to dump something
an the community. Tenents sign riTid ].ease. Ivo gunk cars and no pets allowed.
The project was applied for 'in the constraints of a Planned Unit Developn.ent.
It imiould cost 1.1 million dollars fake 6 to $ months to complete and add
:*B4O00 tax revenue to the culfufl *ty. It already has financing approved.
Air. Chet Boutl*lier stated he had no objections to the project whbLtevex. He
is a neighbor of he proposed site.
Mrs. Bonna*.e Johnson, an adjacent property Olmerl, approved the project.
ArchD'Le said they cannot acces through Hancock Street if vacated.
Mr. Hawley said it was unlikely C�.ty would ever develop Hancock Street aT*uay.
Chairman Floyd read a letter from Ers. Blanche Tweedi'E! Mich stated she
?•rou].d not be i"n favor of project if she was Il'ml*ted access to any of her
1'r. Sqvwranson said he eras an the fence. He had at first felt project :�ras
detrm" ental, but nate Frith the modification likes the site plan. He could
see that the project could benefa"t all property owners.
I-ax PleLtner ifondere&ahow Sherman and 20th are goang to be mainta:Lned9 •
:Jill they be decent to use? He said he was a volunteer fireman and asked
how emergency vehicles could get in to back of properly. Ir1r. Repman said
it would be useable.
i•Ir. Plattner asked what trould happen if DuJardin ip-rere no longer oimers
who would see that the place was mai*ntaioned? strict14r, Repman said the
leascs go with the property by law. ,
3�1r. Plattner said that leases were not altays exLforced. I•ir. I�pman sai.d
they would be managing it and maintaining it. They have rules to ask people
to Leave i.f they ars not good tenents.
Chairman Floyd said that there was enough land far 1$ single family units
and there would be no control over them if the land was used for single family
Ivir. Plattner said that this project was alright with him as long as it was
All neighbors Dresenagreed that Pro1ect � was in agreement frith thea as lord
as Duj";trdin fulfa"'lled their prona*,13%es,
10i.,r. Iiw,�r�.ey said khat drain t:►^ter �ri,1.�, go do:•m into e;risting storm drain in
19th Street.
411 Arch i�ect
Vi.gil said there would be 2 play areas :•rith appa,ratus.
Chairman Floyd suggested thn..t properly agreement and management plan be made
pari of the Planned Unit Development.
:x. Dennison sal*d thrl..t porsonally he felt 2*,t needed a closer evaluation
• of drainage on 20th Street. CV-1fl-Uni.ttees should 1.4rark out proposal and •
management standards that supersedes '1.3i.A. management so i.&,Te have a handle
on *1
Jim C ampbell moved to g9.ve �reluninar� approval to application 1082-08 as
30.t meets the criteria �.n Ordinance 1b.25 Section x.05 subject to the CI*Lty's
condition of perpetual attachment, management plan and F.H.A. property agree-
attachedimprovement o.£ 24th Street for access of emergencvehicles
subj*ect to ci'tyls public works di'rector's approval, streets, parking and drainage
subj*ect to publl"C 1-brorks dl"ro- ctorls approval. Applicant is to provide transit
shelter on Sherman and Discovery Road and design subject to Pub1I*C works director's
approval. :Janda Black seconded the motion and five i-mre in favor and 1-1r.
Dennison opposed.
VI. Adjournment
Chairman Floyd adjourned the meeting at 14:45 PlaIvIo
Virginia 11blulkey, Secretary
Note: This meeting was tape recorded
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