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Port Townse d Planning Commission
Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order at 7:3Q P.M.
I-landa Black moved that the m'nutes of October 2$, 1982 be approved as
written. Larry Dennison seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
ChairmanFloyd explained that the proposed Qrdinance change was 4 1 nadequate
and would suggest to the cauff'nission that they gather existing ordinances
from other c om¢nunities and then submit a proposed ordinance after havang
a public hearing that would resolve the problems with hotels, inns and
Larry Denni'son moved that the committee suggestion be accepteda Jean
Camfieldseconded the motion and the vote was unanimous*
• TTI,
Applicato on No. 1082-02 Harley & Sha".rlee Bussart
Street Vacation (Jackman) I551 31st Street
Fort Townsend ?la. 98368
the applicants were not present so the application was -fabled until December
16th meeta".ng. Jean Gamfi'eld so moved and Larry Dennison seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous.
IV. Anp1ication No. 1082-03 Grace Pelham
Stree'� Vacation (Beech at. between P & 0 streets) 15356=s Jay
Port Toimsend, iTa. 98
It eras exTlainvd that property was not buildable between Beech Street and
Redwood Street.by Anthony Stroeder.
Mr. Campbell asked whether i*t tress for City s gain or personal gain?
Chairman Floyd said it would eliminate a three--gray intersection, doesn't
deny anyone access to their property and given the topography, see only
virtues to vacating �.t.
Jim Campbell moved to recommend that Applicata*.on No. 1082.w&03, Street
Vacation be approved as it complies with ordinance 1$02, Section 5, and
Sub-section x.20 2.3,.4 and 5,, there was no adverse testi*morw and factors
• favor the City. Wanda seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
U. Applacation No. 1082�04 Mr. & IdLrs. John Johnson
Street Vacation (39th St. betwoen Hendricks & ].l410 39th Street
She0anj Prt Toivmsend, :•Ja. 98368
Anthorry Stroeder spoke far the Johnsons and said that it was not logical
to open this piece of 19th Street.
• The GuIroua_1, ssion stud ied the map and f ound that some lots cr;nmed by the
Johnsons ifould be landlocked if this street Tv,7ere vacated.
Chairman Floyd explained to Mrs. Johnson that because of future possi"bi*lities
they would have to deplat so that no lots would be landlocked. He added that
if they i,%Tanted to deplat then they Mould have to send a letter to coiwrassion
so stating. 14rs* Johnson agreed to this idea.
J= Campbell mooed to table this appli*cata*.on until December ].b, X9$2. kJanda
Black seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
V1. Applicati*on iso . 1182-OI JewelCla.ne -It:Yell
Viriq cc (for setback requirements) b34 Calhoun
Port Toimsend, :1a. 983b8
Z. Albi-m explained that if she used the full setback requirements, her
carport would be inn the middle of the backyard. She aIded tillhat the e 'Itings
garage was old and too narroii for a car and she uses it as a storage shed.
She said she wanted a place for her car.
After a discussion i.&Thich assured the commission that there eras ample room
• for emergency e quipme nt, Jean CamfI c ld re camnmnd approval. variance 11$2-01
:Ln that it is in, compliance i,,rith the goals and palic�.es of Comprehensive Pian
in Ord*n3nce 1625, Section b.10 A. 1,3,1�,�,& 6. ;,anda Black seconded the
• notion and the vote was unanimous. (John Floyd did not participate in voting).
VAI. Applicat:*Lon ISO. 982.o4 Doreen 6utherland
Rezone (from 'I-II to R--III) x.39 Filmore
?ort Tovv-msendl Wa. 98368
Mr,. Sutherland stated that Lot 8 was already R-ISI, and Loi b eras 11owli.
xii;•. Stroodcr csplaiiicri that I-Irs. Sutherland could build a duplex., but not
ChairmanFloyd revi�;��� tha lazy concerning iarhat can sand what can tt be built
onRowl"Lland -�Z includ�.ng min:Lmum� area needed for a project.
Donald Johnson asIced ?:�v YI'!3 the mcl,'X=" Un building that 001%.l.d be bu:L1&4 on
Su'uh%6roA?'1?nclTs lots i.f -" hey both Frere made Rm=III?
Chairman Floyd stated that a sixp3.ex eras approximately ma�isnum building allowed
on the two Sats.
11r. Johnson stated he did not want something like that next to him.
1:r. Ken Stmeney asked 3*1f this rezone would change his zoning also:
Chain an Floyd told him no.
• The commission discussed the problem of having the block paned partly R&&III
and the rest R.-Ii.
Chairman Floyd stated he had no problem frith this as he felt that the way
t o meet the housing needs ttas t o go with small units as the best land use.
• I�ir. Campbell stated that Harrison St, iqiLas the main street. for emergency serlace
so would require off �greet parking,
rry Dennison movcel to rcccr-mend this re"onc :pplication No. 9$2-Ole as it
meets the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance
that the proposed rezone i s in keeping imrith the previously zoned character
of the area as the result would be in the0pub�.c interest. Jean Camfield
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
VIII. Application No 88 2-02 Joel do Ruth Burns
I'inal Shott Plat 2305 Ivy Street
Port Toimsond, Ida, 98368
Chairman Floyd said that applicant asked to be heard sooner as he already
had arrangements Frith the purchaser of pari of his property and he had not
been properly informed a s t o hoar long this process woul d take. Chairman
Floyd said he called the City Attorney t o make sure announcement wa s sufficient
to meet public noti"ce and it was.
Burns pre sented the r�ilors showing s oil logs i-.-rha-chuvas the one
requ:Lrcment mace by the Commission that had been previously overloolced.
After discussion, Larry �nnison moved to recommend final approval of
Short- Subdivis�.on AppliLcataon- No. 8P2-02 as it mets the requirements in the
Comprehensive Plan. Jim Campbell, seconded the motion and it passed unam'mously.
• IX-6 Adjournment
Chairman Floyd adjourned the meeting at93 0 P01116
Virgi a I-Plulkey, Planning Commission Secretaxy
This meeting i,.ras tape recorded.