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• Port Towneena. PlaxiLnin� COMrnission
MINU 6 of OCTOBER 28, 1g82
I. Opening B
Members present were Jean Camf3'.eld, 3i.r.� Campbell, Julie McCu]Llochjanda
Blacks Larry Dennison and John Floyd. A lso present i47as Roger French, City
Julie McCulloch moved that theminutes be approved as written. Jean Camf I*c'Id
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Minutes of September 30, 1982.
Chairman Floyd i
nfomed the commission that because of the quant:*Lty of appli-
cations it would be necessary to have an extra meeting in 1.].'ovember.
Chairman Floyd set up -with the comma.ssa.oners Lezone 9611182-0l� far ITovember 18'' , 1982,
and Rezone 10$2-05 for December lb, I9$2. Rezone applicat0
ion 1082-01 had
been lfia*thdraim.
II. Application Number 882moOl Kadelyon D. Givens
Street Vacation (Ebony 5treet South of U .fit. to dead end) 04 Lopez Ave.
•- Port Townsend, :Ta. 9836$
11air. Iolajham, represent ing =•iadelyon D. Givens, stated I��. T:cedham talked frith
the Street Superintendent and he told him if all property oerstmifere inn
agreement 1-pa- th the vacation that he sate no Droblem frith it.
Julie i:cCu33.och, 'after a brief discussion, recommended approval of street
Vacata",on Appli"cati"on Rio. $82-01. as it meets the requirements in Ordinance 1802
section 5 subsection 152
.3.4.5. and 6. :panda Black seconded the motion and 3*.t
gassed unanamously.
III. Appli*cat:*Lon Yod, 982-01 H. Donald Bliss
Street Vacati'on (1-,P'cK* ey Street between Quincy street. ].?;29 Quincy Street
and Adorns Street) Port Totmsend Wao 98368
Chai-.--- an Floyd explained that the County Commissioners concurred with the
vacation request and stated that lots 1, and 2, and lots 3 and 4trauld be joined
and then would h ave access t o either :dams o r Quincy Str..e.e t s should the city
vacate McKi ey Street bet,,-,,reen ui*ncy and Adams Streets.
Since this pr-0
blem was solved, Jiro Campbell moved that Street `location ilio,
982-01 ba recummended for approval thv.t I*t meets 1',"#he criteria sed JPorth in
Ordi*nancc 1802, Section X20, subsection 2,3, and !�, there eras no adverse testl'MOJAY,
county Go:��niUsion, and Cau�ty Ellannir� t'].=Irlg �ommissian rccommm,en*�.ed appr avalo
Larzy Daeruzison seconded the motion and the vote �*as unanimous.
IV. Application No. 882-02 Joel ��. and Ruth A. Burns
• Short Subdivasion 2 305 ivy Street
Port Toqr�.mscnd... :Ia . 9$36$
Joel Burns stated that his intention was to divide his appro=anately 5 acres
accessing Ivy Street into tWo'10'ts. He added lot 2 =could be located midway
between neighbors north and south. His Prospective barer eras worka",ng out a
joint landscaping plan.
Alan Carman explai*ned that the property full east to *.:*est sharply. Since :'Lt i5
forested the impact-would be minor 3*,f at a11.
Chairman Floyd expla'ned that for preluunary plat approval, the Conprehensi*ve
Plan required that the soil logs/setm- ge plan be shown on the plat sketch.
Mr. Carman said that it was obv-igously approved or the Health Department would not
have approved it. I�r. French advised them that they should put their seinmge plan
on their sketch as required.
Chairman Floyd stated that except for the soil logs, everything else Baas in order
and that pre liminary approval could be given frith the ad tion of the soil logs.
The commission was in agreement.
:fanda Black recommended prelaminary approval to Short Subdivision No. 882-02
as it meets th", requirements of Ordinance 1$06, Section 1.2Q7
Ifalth the inclusion
of the soil logs. Larry Dennison seconded the motion and the vote was unana*,mouso
V. Amending Ordinance No. 1625
Chairman Floyd stated that this ordinance change would not impact any e st i6ng
bus:*Lness, but would only apply to new businesses,
J.J. XI*rshe; property owner near the Hastings House, stated he dn It FTant,
anymore Victorian Inns in hi's'residential neighborhood. He stated that the
streets are narrow and it generates too much transient traffic. He said R-II
should be removed from the ordinance change and that conditional. us was foo
weak., but at least something,
Parona Kircher said she supports her husbands statements fully--no more inns
Richard Thompson, owner of the Starrett House, stated his property would be
impacted unde' r'Grandfether clause. He said he bought Starrett House because
it eras zoned R.-IT., It is one of the most difficult houses to ma'ntain and the
grandfather clause inhibits his ability to gain financing. If business ceases
t 0 0 St dor six months then he i S out of business even if it was because of
illness. It world be great persona. expense to have parking provided. The
value of his property would decrease. :Iould seek compensation from the city
tie thr'heatened. Tourism is S the leading income a.n toT.,am if rn*11 closes down.
Chairman Floyd as e if he had any suggestions f
or neighborhood impact? The
other side of the story is the pr ice the neighbarhaods had to ,pay. The impact
• on residential property value s.
I=r, Thompson said that the e *sting lags weire not being used. Off-street
parking should be required. Laws recd to be equally applied. He stated he
had a right 3.n zoned area to do his business and the neighborhood had a right
t o peace and quiet. It irould come t o i,,iall t o tiall a anhalt for houses n one
• parking space per guest room. It would make a17. bus�.nesses under conditional
use f ac�.ng down their neighbors every year.
Sue Thompson said that iihen the previous oismer otmed the Starett '4ouse here
was X11,000 in revenue from tours a'.y���x at '1.50 a'h6,ad, ►;,75_going,to guide. They
noir have tours for only 2 hours daily, }� days a Vreek and except for some�h�,rag
special 1i'ke a 1-mddiong or private di nn�r the park a.ng f a.l�.s up, but they have
reduced the traffic.
Willard Gari' ss, Jr. stated that the town was becoming more dependent on tourism
and you can see this by the number of people who came for the homes tours.
Ori ginally, he added, these homes iTere not a commercial asset to the toi-km.
This ordinance change c ou�.d b e damaga.ng t o the t otm. Ike s aid iir Thomoson
S 'd that the letter of the Saw wo d be fulfilled by parking req ren.ents
met. City should decide which home is an asset and zona accordingly.
Yir, Thompson stated that liri"th a condi*t1*onal use permit, you are guaranteed
just one year and how much sense does that make with the enormous capita].
investment involved.
Chairman Floyd said that with a con ti"onal use permit, businesses woi.fld go
to great lengths to be a good neighbor. Some of the homes do not have much
�npact. This 11TOUld make the oipmers at least responsive to the neighborhood.
something has to be done to protect the residential neighborhoods. "e
added that he has a "bed and breakfast" home one block away and the city has
a responsibill*ty to rye and frith the conditional use permit I can go to the
• city and grips i,f I am beim unfairly impacted.
16:r. G ara.ss stated that iyhat eras being told is that :ihe n an individual comes
up for an extention, he bets either a yea. or nay and he doesn't have an opportunity
to clean up his act :*Lf he is not being a good neighbor.
Chaierman Floyd stated this was not so.
.•ir. Thompson sai.d his S P�.acE eras z oned t o b e us ed as a hot el, was made t o revamp
bu:L1dLng for patrons, ordinance chat0e would be taking a7giay c e
rtain rights of
people that iiould ext,^nd to eommcrcial zones. He stated he didn't thii�c this
Fran appropriate. He added =.rhy shou�.d he be subjected to this teen he was already
fuller lrithin the laza. Ke said the grand-father clause would expire in 130 days
if for some reason could not operate his business and under conditional use
permit an unfairly complaining neighbor may get the City Council ear and the
business operator does not. This a.s a political arena. Another level of
governmentr�vialeil. enforce e -Psting lass and the problems :ri11 be gone.
-ir. Dennison stated that under I-II i*t is primarily single family and low
dens:*L+.y multiply housi'ng. Burden should be on the secondary use. A lot of
conditional use permits issued. I haven't seen any turned dorm in review and
it's an effective deterent to un-neigphborli*ness,
virs. McCulloch s 'd that the ordinance was a-lot of ambiguous terms and to
0 superimpose more on already ambiguous language concerning inns and hotels
when bed and breakfast establi'shraents are not even properly described did not
mace sense.
I-vir, Dennison stated that idtatever recamendation the commission makes should
try to get inns and hotels clarified.
Chairman Floyd said there needed to be a way to compromse,
Mr. Campbel.l asked i4yhat legal handles did lfx. Thompson suggest?
IvLr. Thompson said a proper business license to address all problems.
Chairman Floyd sa�.d there was a di'f f i*cu]Lty in definition of terms.
YEr. Dennison said that commission should make a recommendation deleting
R-TII and M-I zoning from ordinance change and also reco�runend alternate
comprehensive hotel/motel, Bed and Breadfast ordinance change.
Chai* an Floyd stated that it was food to gel this problem out i*n the open.
We need to find a Bray to solve the problem's.
Mr. Thompson said he was inL112.nq to compromise as long as his business was
guaranteed. He added that the Lit,$arrett House was the only one in c amp3e�e
COMP1 i*ance with the law.
Chaian F1Oyd stated that the leg3.slative and envoironmental committee needed
to meet and get help from the City engineer and Citi Attorrfey and tzy to find
an answer. CulluillsSioners Dennison,, Black, Campbell and Floyd to be the
committee,to develop some proposals,
Jean Gamfl'eld moved to continue this hearing at the next regular meeting
(Yovember ].8, 1982). Wanda Black seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
• VI. Adjournment
Chairman Floyd adjourned the meetirt� at 9:�� P.F .
Virginia Mulkey
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