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Port Townsend. Planning Commissio %W sitqbn
1,0111T 8 OI' SEPTE11BER 3Q, x.982
I. Opening Busa.ness
Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order a
t ?:34 P.M.
folembers present were dam Campbell. Jean CamfloLeld, Julie 1161cCulloch, Larry
Demi"son, Bill Henderson and John Floyd.
Jean Camf Ield moved that the minutes of August 6, 1982 be approved as
written. Larry Dennison seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. ]Dennison explained to the commission that Chairman Floyd met with the
Mayor concerning the need for a Planne r Consultant and budget for graphics.
Thea:ayor was agreeable, but ifould not be f a.na].ized until October vAien they
met again to see i*f the city budged would allow it. They also discussed Frith
the i•:ayor the procedures that applicants go through to have their applications
moved on. The Kayor agreed on the need to work out new procedures wa'.th the
Ca.Gy Departments and the Council. In the process of setting up nerT ai
Plica a
(orris, it would be written o
ut that e eryolle sponsibilities would be.
11xP . Dennison said then the adminictrat've L111r�t;ri STOl.L�.� be lifted at the
adm3.nistrative level through the PublicT•Forks Director, the Planning Comissian
havei-&;ould � bucket that includes funds for a consultant :•men not^_-O-ded thus
enn:0lirg �cr�e c ommission to give informed re coimn�ndations. .411:i'. ^�rriyon add.ce thP1
new chai'rs for the Planning Comi,^,s�.on i10 or,,l ria"git-it b e possible.
rr7 Derfn�.son, ,Tul�.e I�c�ul.loch,&Jean Camf 1*e1d to put together a recommendation
for Counc1*1 conce ing the new procedlires.
Public hearings for October 28, 1982 meeting are:
1. Short Subdivision Application No. 88 2-Q 2 Joel I•.. Lp Ruth Burns
23Q5 Ivy Street
Port Totmsend, Ila, 9$3b8
2. Admendment to Ordinance No. 1625 City Gounc;:Ll
Zoning requirements for hotels & inns Port To4vms end, 'Ja..983b8
Public hearing for final plat approval on October 14, 1982 for Lebens,, Ilessig
& Barr.
eetir�s rescheduled for november and December ijhich wi*11 be November 1.8, 1q82,
and December 16, x.982 because of the holiday season,
II. Appl.1cation No. 5$2-42 Janice F. Harrison
Variance Request 313 Ua er
• Port Toimsend9 tda. 9$3 68
IF.s. Harrison requests a variance concerning the off-street parking requirements.
• J.J. Kircher stated that he lived 200 feet from the Hastings House and that
two arterial roads butt in Front of the Ha st 1*ng s House. These roads are well.
traveled, no room for parking and he felt city should el linalule all Parking
for safety. At the last harass tour there were 5,000 people to view these homes.
There is no garden on the side of house. Thea6>-ae people nre. IDn.trudersP the;; don't
live there and have dollar sins for eyes. They are callous and i*nsensitloLve to
the neighborhood.
Mrs. Kircher added her objections saying that their trete citizens of she to-tm and
should be fairly treated. Ilrs. Kircher read a letter from ��i2.;ic1eine Gillett
a,,,ng l�ar objecti'ons to the vari*ancc boct-Nuse ofh,§dO*lardous ro�ci conOita.on.s
;isle.�e !slalker and Iffilashi*ngton Streets meet.
Mr. and tars. Hoskins wrote a letter stating their objections to the variance.
Kris DeWeese stated that �lla er Street i* s a mess already a',n correction iawth the
Hasti' sHouse, not even incngluding a Homes Tour weekend.
Mgrs. Cartwright said that the re c oimnendat ions the Planning C(Mmassaon made
earlier in the year were good'. but none vtere followzmd through frith. She said
there was one spot in her yard :rhich customers of Hasti' s House use for parking.
She said that because of thi*s problem her hu,#JNband had a heartattack and died.
(The carliapplicrcatiar� had buen �r.-Lthdraim)
Leona Broim stated she opposed this variance.
A letter from Dorothy Calloway was read which opposed this variance because I*t
• was a problem to drive on Jalker to 'dashington Street.
1-1s. Harrison statei "it i,!ouid mi�ee no sense to tear up S'L'dcyard when parking
could be added across the road from house by some grading.
The commission Hascussed the already over parking :•rhea the Court waG in oessions
the potentia]. added future parking for the Courthouse alone, the hazardous
int e rs b cti on of :tashington and `'.alker 'Streets, and the opposition of the neigh-
rry D,,,nnison moved to reco�r¢nend denial of Variance �'�ppl.:ication i:a. 582-02
in that the intersection of I•Ialker and 'Iashington Streets was heavily traveled
and dangerous, the block �-ray intensively used for the Courthouse as i-jell as
recreation parking, and neighborhood would be adversely impacted. Jim Campbell
seconded the motion and the vote iras unanimous.
chairman Floyd stated them was a need to recommend a proposed change to the
zoning; ordinance 'th specific perimeters for tour homes.
TTT. Application -%%o. 932-03 Ca�rmuni�y Investments L:Lmited
Conditional Use 712 Streets
Port Townsend, :Ja. 9836$
The applicant proposes to operate a motel to provide transient accommodations
an the taro upper f loors of the Bishop Building. The appl i*cant stated that
• it was unclear to eve one whether he needed a conditional use Pexlorul't or not,
but i*n order not t o b e found in error later de c�.ded t o apply for one.
After a brief discussion', rry Dennison moved t o recommend approval t o Conditional
Use Application 11o. 982-03 .0in that there doesn't appear to be any p arkng problems
and it meets criteria in Ordinance 1625,, lection 6,08,, a-d. Jean Camfield
seconded tho motion and 1"t passed unana'n-.ously.
. IV. Appli*cati"on Nlo. 882-01 Madelyon D. Givens
Street Vacation(Ebony Street', South of "iJ" Street) 4404 Lopez Ave.
Port Townsend, Ibla. 9n368
;ors. GLvens requests this vacation to preserve a m-all green belt betl,.feen
the back of our lot and the development of Pettygrovds Addition. The trees
are beautiful and she TIOUld lake them left there, I•irs. Givens added that the
property owners in the area signed the petition and the street was foo narrow
to be used as a street.
11r. Campbell felt that a street vacation was not justified.
Jean Camf 1*e1d stated that part of the street was unusable. The street
superintendent's comment was not understandable.
Chairman Floyd stated if street may seI`P10E other property cannot open I*t�
but cannot see keeping i*t if not needed. For the sake of knolvam what Street
Superintendent means by his comment, should have him explain reasoning.
Larry Dennison moved to table Street Vacation Appli'cati'on Ido. 882-d1 i-qrhile
this cunmission bets a clarification from i•�r. Ha:rley and look closer at whole
area until October, 2$, 1982. Jean Camf:*Leld seconded the motion and it passed
V. Appli.ca�ion T;o. 982-OZ H. Donald Bliss
Street Vacation (1-%,cKa*InIeY Street between '?uincy and ]..1 2 9 Quincy St.
• Adams Streets) Port Townsend., :.a. 983b8
The applicant requests this vacation to preserve privacy of present wooded
perimeter next t o county playfield; and ma intain
isolation of Sather Park
from increased motor vehicle t raffac.
After discussion B* 1 H
1enderson moved to recommend denial of Street Vacataon
140. 9$2--01 since vacation would landlock 2 lots on block of McKinley Street
if county sola lots iffin the futures
The aDplicant ICLShed the matter tabled to see whatPlans the coun�� had for
the block.
LarryDennison moved to tab3e Street Vacation Applicatif.00on :o. 982-01 anti].
October 28, I9$2 meet z.ng and in the meantime find out status of block 4.
Julie McCulloch seconded the moti*on and i9t passed unanimously.
VT. Application No. 982-fl2 J. Leslie Donovan and
Street Vacation (McPherson off of 6R20) Anthony E. Stroeder
x.532 Sims T,-lay
Port Tot-msendl :7a. 9a36$
The applicant request thn-*..s vacation to eliminate a dangerous infer-section onto
Highway 20.
• IwIr,
Henderson asked what benefit would this be to city? IvLr. Cdampbell asked
trhy ince the city otms 3.t throw it array; He added that problem can be
solved another ,ray.
• Jim Campbell, after discussion, moved to recommend denial to Street Vacata.on
Application : o. 9&2-32 on the basis that it is not a.n COMAPliance frith Comprehensi've
Plan, Item 2, under section x.20 of Ord i*nanc e 18 02, and not in the best I*nterest
of the City. Larry Dennison seconded the motion and the vote was un lmmous,
VIZ. Adjournment
ChairmanFloyd adjourned the meeting at 9:30 P. I.
Virgi.n:La Tiu ey
Planning Commi.ssi.on Secretary
Jun CaIpjApb e 11, after discussion; moved t o recommend denial t o St re c t Vacation
Application I.1o. 98 2-0 2 on the basis that it is not i*n c o:�p1iance if i0th Com,prehensi've
Plan, Item 2, under section 5.2Q of Ordinance 1$02, and not i*n the,, best interest
of the City, Larry Dennison seconded the nation andothe vote was unanimous.
VII. Adjournment
Chaa", an Floyd adjourned the meeting at 9:3 0 P.Ii.
Virginia ",•lulkey
Planning Cormassion Secretary
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