HomeMy WebLinkAbout082682 Min Packet PORT TOWNSIEN09 WASHINGTON 99368 40 IN Porgy Townsend. Planning COMMIS on IL WM dllMT CITY CITY pPORT TOWNSEND 14INUTES OF AbGUST 26, 3.982 i. Upen�.n�; Business Chaian Floyd called the meeting to order at 73 P ve. I•embers present were iiin Campbell, Jean C" f�.e3d, Julie iicC 11och, and John Floyd.. JUILie !..".cCulloch moved th.zt the minutes of July 29, X982 be approved as 6 imnb4i.tten. Jinn Campbell seconded the motion and the vote was unaniqmous, II. Application liumber 582-d2 Janice F. Harrison Variance Request 313 :Talker Part Townsend, Ia 9836$ This V ara.,=ce 7Legkest c one 1ng of fqS tre^t Parkinrequirements was tabled by a motion f rom Jean Camf 1*leld and seconded by Julie McCulloch, because no one was present to..represent Ms. 'Harris on The v6te tra s* unanimous. The c azruria.ssion . agreed t o hear thi s appli c ati on in September if a representative eras present to present their vaevis. III. Application number 682-02 J. Lesli*e Donavan/Antho Elio Rezone from Plwpl to C-2 Stroeder 1532 Sams Jay Port Toimsend, 11a. 98368 Anthony Stroeder explained to the commission that, like everyone else iiho bought property in that area., he thought the land ��as zoned c iercial. He said he would like to have the property zoned C-2 for building so it would be compatible vath the rest of the area. The commission was concerned frith the amount of commercial uses C-2 can be used for and the impact a commercl' business t7ould have at the adjacent city entrance. Nr. De!"Iolfe stated that the approach to the cl*ty was a concern and a green strip buffer would help protect viety for the city entrance. C pq I issioner Campbe asked Mr. Stroeder if access to the property was limited to Discovery Road tronld he be agreeable. Kr Stroeder answered yes* Cha%rman Floyd stated to the commission that Public zoned property eras suppose to be publi*Lc owned and since this property was privately ovmed was not aon compliance with the Comprehensive flan. . Mr. Delmiolfe added that even with the visual impact being a concern, still see property as iOndustri'al commercioalo After a discussion Mr. Campbell moved to recommend approval. of Application Number d82-02 based on the criteria that the property eras incorrectly zoned, there would be no adverse effects , there i4,ras no adverse test:*Lmony and no f arseen negative impacts on the property, and would ask the City Council 1- t o attach 2 re strictive covenants t o the property that would Z. provide a 25 foot buffer zone along State Road 20o 2. all traffic enter and exit fromP roP erty onto Discovery Read, The property southeast of this parcel has been zoned C-2. Jean Camfield seconded the moti'on and the vote was unanm' ouso IV. Appli'cati'on Number 681--02 Lebens, IvLissi'g, and Barr Subdivision Request 49th & Hendricks Part Toimsend, i7a. 98368 Y.T. Barr, representing the 3 partners, stited they would like tovide 9 acres i9 nto approanaltely7cthree 3 acre parcels. One is a separate tax parte].. There would be no negative impacts. Fulf:'Llled Health Department rules, but has run into survey problems at the state level 3 years ago. Chairman Floyd instructed Mr. Barr to get simple statements of agreements from the others before final approval was due. Mr. Floyd also asked i*f there was any disagreement to the 20 foot easement to the city for the 1�adenang of Hendricks? Barr said no. Barr said the Health Deparruments only restriction was the depth of the drai*nf�.eld. I%Ir. Barr said that the only problem with having to do the subdivision was needing a variance for sidewalks which is hardly practical. there. Chairman Floyd revieTrmd the subdivasion 0 ordinance. Chainnan F:Loyd requested the • pert rate test or the waiver from the Health Depail-Mment, He instructed 'Nx. Barr to have water lines shoiqm an play map to comply W:*Lth the law. He suggested taking the survey map and putting all the requirements Lo be shoiarn on it. these instructions must be met for p�el3.minary approva:L, Chza*r,T.an Floyd continued this hearing at the September. 16th meeting for the 4 pre�.sma.naa�* approval. 0. Planning Iaps :•:r. Tj�::olfe brought raps ��e fe1L of use to cor.�ission, plu� the five lie f slt should bc replaced.. He presented a letter to the cul,Zlissaon stating his findings and suggestions for the maps. After discussion Chairmen �layd stated th�� the coru�is�io�4 was satisfied with quality of maps and I'Lf other 5 ars brought up to the same quality they would be good planning tool {enclosed is. s letter Frith the prices for these planning maps) VI. Adjournment Chairman Floyd adjourned the meeting. • V ixgiLnia t1llL{C`.J tmiU: Plannir�g var� .�on A robert w, de wolfe landscape architect � 1536 washington st. . port townsend., w(206) 385-523498368 August 26,, 1982 MORANDUMO To: Mx'. John Floyd, Chairman Port Townsend Planning Commission and Commission Members From: Bob DeWolfe Per our resent discussions and last Thursdays meeting, I wish to point out that the full sized drawings and plans which were prepared as base sheets for the Comprehensive Plan were drawn at a scale consistent with planning purposes as well as my awn personal choice for the most effective representation of the quintessential data. Furthe ore., the information contained there-on is founded upon extensive technical research and professional experience; and should it be determined that any re-production or re-drafting of these documents i*s required, it would either have to be drawn by me or under rqy direct supervision. It is particularly noteworthy that numerous limiting idiosyncrasies exist within the capabilities of local printing houses; and that none of them have adequate size camera mounting board boxes,, a diversity of screening fi s. or lour cost Ozad (blue-print) capability all under one roof. Together with the fact that the Jefferson County Engineering Dept. stopped providing printing se.-r-y-'Ices to the public during the ddle of this work,,, (causing the use of a different Base Sheet media), it was fficult to maintain continuity of presentation techniques. Fortunately, I was still able to prepare many of the Comp. Plan drawings :Ln a form which allows either blue-print or photographic reproduction for subsequent printing purposesIn- fact, only five drawings, (Which were modified to accom- modate the contractual requirement for photographic reproduction operations), need to be re-worked to low for consistent appearance and clarity of informa- tion required for your forthcoming Public Review Process. (Note samples of drawings furnished.) ley time and charges to prepare these five drawings is as f o ows on page 2. . Additional recisions which ght he required as part of the Review Process need not be incorporated until immediately before final printing. • page 2. P ort Tuwnsend Planning Commission August 26, 1882 The following information is furnished as a basis for fee for the ore- mentioned drawings. DRAWING DFSCRIPTIGN MAN-HOURS � Development Stablity 10 hrs. # Building Patterns (168, 175 & 181) 3 hrs. � Comprehensive Plan - 1981 3 ms's. # Surficial Soils 2 hr s. � Open Space Plan - 1.981 2 hrs: Tot Man-hour fee at $25.00/hr. % 20 hrs. = LJOO F"ENSES a� Test/progress Prints (5) $ 15.00 � Final Prints (5) $ 3 .00 � sc Supplies & "out-of-.packet costsn $ 5.00 Total expenses $ 50,00 X0.00 Total Fee ...... ............ .................... $ 550*00 ADDITIONAL ALTERMTM # Sepia reproductions for the Planning Covmdssions files, and future use in providing adCAII.&tional ints for public uses could be efficiently incorporated at this time. 15 ciralwings at 6sf @ $,,501sf = $ 45*00 Misc. supplies, etc. 5.04 dotal Additional Alternative = $ 50,00 Total Fee with selection of Add. Alternative = $ 600.00 40 i i 41 w GUEST LIST T 'ILL s I G.NATURE PRI NTE D. N., ME %A-DDRESS I A d mm ter IP rA dP EL Y4 mmmmmmmmm� An Ll 17,30 401// f f r f 1 r i i 4 � i* F f dmop awmmmmmm i hms F i f t M f f t f f 1p f i