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Port Townsend Planning Commissio %b MM 414RFM lip 1;Imamn
111IT1TtTij1 OF JULY 24, 1982
Z. Bening Busi*nesti
rIembers present were Bill Henderson� Julie 14eGU110ch, Jean Camfield, 41,9nda
Black, rry Dennison. City Engineer Roger French was also present,
Vice-Chai'rmar3 Larry Dennison paooed out letters to the comin 55ian requesting
that the mayor retain a planner/engioneer consultant to review applications
for rezone, plats andi
hort-plats, PUDE sand any other appZa�cationo whichmay require techncal ewhich $20,000 „hould be allocated for the
Planning Gormsalon budget for this purpose. In additi'on another $4,9 000 for
blowrmsup,, of Comprehensive Plan maps, graphic, overlay�, and other materials
necessary to making informed d intelligent planning decisions. These
additions are requested because of the increasing viorkload vrhich requires
extra meetings a month to review them. The commission Unanimously approved
the letter to be oent to the mayor.
Ii. Application Ido. 481-03 Joseph B. & D. Flema',ng
• ;short subdivision P.O. Box 155
Port Toiam.3%end'. 16-1a,
V ice-Chairman
Denra�.son stated that the Flemings requested that original
condition for an individual drainage plan for each lot wa., too specific and
Should be changed to a drainage plan for the entire short plat. The cuaul-lission
agreed to this change.
errs. Fleming presented the plat plan dor the commiusion to review.
The Fleriung; also requested a variance from the road w:Ldth requirements azz6:3; the
accezi� road would take up too much of the property if built the required iiu'dth.
The commission explained to the F�emi.ng5 that they had t� present to the city
three copi*e.,".. of their plat plan along vrith their overall drainage plan.
Bill Henderbon maned to add to this short-plat a vamance to Section 3.342
�ubsection 2 to the width bhovm on plat plan because of undue hardo p and
the proposed width would provi'de adequate access for safety in and out of
property. Further that off acceS:. road parking be provided as Condition 4.
Wanda Black seconded the motion and the vote wa� UrLarl:mous. (The conditions
a;, of fa,cial7.y vrrjtt en attached t o theme minutes}.
Julie AcCuiloch moved that Application 481-03 be recommended for short plat
approval a6% it meets criteria set forth in subdivision orclinance 1806, sub-
,;ection 1.1-107 t-ritl� variance addition and four conJean Canfield
• 6ecanded the mot ion and I*t passed unan7.mout;ly.
APPlicat�.on Fo. 482-03 /�:o. 48 2l"04 Dujar n Custom Homes
Planned Unit Development/Zotreet Vacation P.O. Sox 5308
Everett, -.ia. 98206
. sir. apn=pjncJ. i
e repre3--%onta',ng Duardin Custom HIntroduced lr.i �3ob ;ix.derson
a civil. engineer. ,jr,iInderson statcd he sentthe information ho hid collected
to ::s . Black. FI sa-'Ld he had tyallccd the site., T:ar,:ed the stmmp area south west
of the site, looking at the drainage dm-m Stream as far ad 9th 6treet. On the
29th of July he walked 9th street frith the 6treet 6uperintendent. Adequate storm
drainage can be "installed for the site as well as from easy of s:'Lte. He
revici,red his findings already sent to the commission through 114's. Black.
The commission and Mr. Anderson revi*eiied all the past problems of the site area
and the down slope property concerning drainage, .A1]. of the commis.>ion felt
i t was ong t o try to make this applicant try to solve the areas problems, but
at the same time, a project of this size could not be added iivvrithout the problems
14r,, Denni" son read a letter of July 2q, 1982 addressi'ng the problems of the site
ikyhich had bc,,.n requested by the fro,,i 1%,:r. Bob Dc*;-Iolfe. A copy of this
latter 14s attached to the Maa�onnutes,
After a lengthydiscussion, dean Ccwlfaeld monad that the plannang commission
recommends approval of PUD ADplication Ido. 482-03 in that at meets the xeq�zi.re-
ments of oecti*on x.05 of City Ordinance ,71625 for Planned Unit Developments.
The project will not create traffic or parking demand incompatible 1-faith that
anticipated under the Comprehensive Plan except that 14th street i0s currently
inadequate to safely handle exIsting vehicular and pedestrian traff:*LC loads.
The Planning Coirmiission considers the exa,sting storm drainage system t o b e iffineo
to support the neaghborhood au it is presently constituted. However,
• the Planning Comm:Lssa-on recommends that the storm drainage and Crater supply
syL;tems be accepted subject to approval by the city water and street uuperintenow
and the city eng�.nesr. An increase in the computed allocable maximum
density is just�£ied in term:; of the relationship to open areas, service demand,
and the total quality and character of the project. lanimum size of the parcel
xs adequate a6 def ined by the zoning ordinance. The P:Lamang corrim:u&ssion recom�
mends that the City require the street department to the existing stox�n
System on 10th to 9th streets to determine the reason for its ineffectiveness
and institute work t o remedy this situation before construction begins. The
Pi anning Cozmnis:.ion further recommend that Counc il a,n mak3.ng its determination
It the followa* condconditionsa.; permitteding by Section 6008 governing Conditional
Use critera.a:
a. That the city upgrade 11th Utreat to the minimum standards for marginal access
streets as defined by lection 806 of City Ordinance 1671.
b. That vi*,1m)ua1 buffert, be provided along 12th ;.street.
The Planning Commieion also recommends "'that C,1111)lLmcil vacate 13th street between
Logan and Rosecrans in that such a vacation meets the requirement of section 5.2Q
of City Ordinance 1$02. That a permanent continumm of the open spaces depicted
an the attached plans be guaranteed, by pri"vate r' eL,.ervation, ats required by Secti'on
4.05.C3 (f) of the zoning ordinance, that an appropriate )pean pace easement I
conveyed to the City, a.. required by 3ecta.on �.O�.C3 (g) of the zoning ordinanceJ
that the care and maintenance of the open space shall be the sole re,"Apon,,ib iqlity
• of the applicant, subject to i4nte ention by the City as author i*zed by Section
4-05-C-3 (g) of the zoning ordinance, and; that the applicant wi31 retain full
ownership of and tax liab ility for, the depicted open Space, purz>uant t o Section
1�.OS.C.3 (i) of the zoni*ng ordinance. 'Janda Black z;iecondsd the motion and the
vote was 3 for and 2 against. Colmust-;%ioners Camfield Black, and Henderson were
for, and Comrnssioner.. Dennison and IIcCulloch against the motion.
• Vice-Chairman Den son 6tated Mrb, McCulloch and He would prepare a minority report
and ins. Camfield, Itis. Black and 1*1r. Henderson would prepare a majority report for the
City Council.
IV. Appllcat3".on No. 682-02 J. Le -43 ie DonovanLe,
Rezone (from P-1 to Cooll) Anthony E. .;troeder
�i1532 .Yrs flay
Port Toimo--aend,, fila.
B1*11 Henderson moved that this rezone application be tabled until the regular
August meet:Lng...
(August 26, 19$2). Julie McCulloch seconded the motion and the
vote wao, unanimous.
V. Adjournment
Vice Chai'rman Dennioor-4on adjourned the meeting,
40 410
V:Lrgin:La Fiulkey
Planning Collu' 111*ssion O'ecretary
Note: This meeting way tape recorded
MA. L T C T m"
L 1+ IAFU,3 H
D Lf J
1 . The Applicant (Flemiengs) wi11 provide an engineered drainage system
designW3"11 that adequatelyinsure no appreciable increase in runoff-
related Problems for adjacent
Iowr.-slope property owners and the
natural draining depression between E, Van less, end F Streets (see
topographical map) . 4
20 pe d re c;tl.?�kt91L���1�b���aced otL��h�4t��u]�L�: [a) developers
of the property to comply with the over-a11 subdivision drainage plan,
and the development wild not cuseincreased runoff .problems to the
property described ian ( 1 . ) above; [b] Prospective o,;ner/developers of
she subdivl'ded lots should be apprised of the solar access orientation
pouential of the lots.
• 3. Applicant will insure access easements willprovide throughe,�nergency vehicles from east to ti;est orviceversa, access for
4 . On--,.street pag rking alonaccess ►,��ys wi
11 be prohibited.
Furthermore the Commission recommends a variance from the sheet require-
ments of Section '! . 032 of Ordinance 111111111111111111�o. 7806 which requires road widths of
60 feet. It was felt khat hold im ng the applicant to b0--foot road rights-
of-way for four lots, constitu�ed an unnecessary burdEn. However, because
the streets are proposed �o he only �b feet, the Camrr,ission knishes to note
its condition, il�1, requiring that on-street parking will be prohibited.
• robter %is d e Wolfe
f �, •., landscape architect
, ' 1536 )vashin9ton st.
. . PW -� port t o wnsen d W ID
(206) 385-5230 9836
or 01
J6 96 r
Jr 91
9F -3� 'Zt%,4%-�'
``=b ,,,_ .�.P:A M ='- =� . ,..,,q: , — ;.f. 4 .:I July 29, 1982
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1111 1 %r 401 hLOAPMEI 9§MdI
Pr7- %:�Ls 1 :1 dip
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�` -� ,;�°�_' � ,- t �- To: Larry Dennison & Port
gr �'� i Townsend Planning Comm,
�, F. r �'� Fromm: B ob DeWolfe
Re: Logan) Ro a encrans I 2tL.,
Ilth Streets P.U.D.
The unsolicited cents below are offered for your review and information re..
• garding the subJect proposed development. With reference to the Cu-;-L�prebensive
Plan Up-dates the following paints appear reley t ip
� Thio site is not afforded with transit or other public transportatior.
service. so, it is net reaaonably close to neighborhood activity/
opping f aci ties. Hence,
* Parking and site impacts are more intensified th those associated with
other residential patterns in this nei borhood. A parking space to unit
ratio at 1.5 1 results in clgster designs which focus on black-tap and
cars rather than open green space or common block areas for mutual usa/
benefit dll ten=ts.
* Proposed access sole4 to ],nth. St. is s=--.eybat hazardous due to the
non-e�dstence of nw-N--sally recoenized minimal design sta.�sdards� such as:
roadsida drainage and vertical sight distance c onstr t s die: st W--Ppitzg}
� Policy Point a. The height and mass of the proposed development iL
larger in scale than the character of the murrounding neighborhood. Ir.
addition, it should be noted that the pfootprint" c oaupariaon offered by
the Developer does not compare the use density ratio of the proposed
devel Pnt which Will be at least 200% greater than the same ratio for
the residential portion of is neighborhood. (ie; cars and people)
* Point � b., With- the sole access point be t 0 th Street, atinimiza►.-
ion of traffic impact upon the De ood is acc 6 e0o
_ (Note con tion assessment of ].lith. St. ab
V%W) Howeverj, the provision 0..
a "private" access road is both redundant and creas iaus to
runIIIImoff concentrations when and if Rosencr s Street is built. Underew
•: standing-shat ie" beelLng att=.[;[ teds it vauld 6ti r n preferable tc
develop Roavencrnns with a cul-de-sac ea that utilities and other public
ents remain vi the public Right of Tay for mwa-aintenar-�;e, repail"
or operational cmtrol.
. Page 2.
'Pc9arL Townse P:Lann't
g Mdssion
* Point 34 c.,, The an-site parking does not appear to be screened frown the
• general view.
� Point lit g:, The iWact/suitabluty of 8od18, slopes and drainage are all
BUspect• ••
a 0 Dr&inage Within the contributing watex ed basin there eat
t '~ = � maw an "ies Which vanld not only affect but also be affected
_ • • •
by this velap=t* Today standing water,$ voluntary retaLrdIIM
panda and the lack of upstream development are the only
factorsalreadL* protecting this area fra� serious flooding
Probl�ne. A make shift dam slang the West side of McPhearsor
Street qou:Ld ..ifawl breached, cause sudden inundation ]pr bTems��..�
the neighbor-. hood._ It appears that at lea"st one nejr deve�apinent/
hie would be adversely impacted by the proposed drainage resolve.
b. Slopes and Soils: Belox the thin surface layer of cxrg....Av%i.c
topsoilp dense impervious sails (glacial tills) are vary con,
precluding normal re-charge characteristics. Together with flct
slopes, depressions and heavy vegetative grcwth in undevelopea
are surface drainage runoff conditions in the general area
would be best classified as minimal.
Of most serivns concern is the fact that the revised :Layout arae
C Tected storm drainage des3.gn at the North ern end of the site
is laid out in a m---anrea contrary and non-sympathetic to the actual
existing land form pattern(s). 1 cursux-x .field review indicates
that due to a discrepancy between the cities tcrpographfc survey
• and actual field conditions, ma3or cut and fill operations would
be necessary to accamp�ish the suggested de sign. Along frith xun-
atf and vegetative recovery eoncexns,, this quantity of earthwork
wouldsturbance result i,n
foundation co--A-ctioni&;;,
inconsistent xdth those suggested through the sails consultants
capability and ree-ol—wri-nendations report* Furthermore, this land
form Would suggest to me an :alternative orientation Which, �n
tarn, t suggest a differing conceptual approach to resolving
e drainage c one ns as we those related to e Sting
lova stream facilities.
I?ol*ntTne possible negaLive impacts of intensity and catabilit�
With ad acent uses appear to be less than minimal
In summary, I feel that the nature and scale of the drainage problems in this
neig Orhood are neither the responsibility nor the burden of the developer to
resolve at his own cost. At the same tom, these issues need to be addressed
C EarnM
ensively and resolved fn order to protect the general public fr furthe%ft
ivation and negative lityof life concerns. n a like manner, improvement
to 3.ltth Street.are •advisesble: Ia this case, however; it Would seem that the
ac e IN 1111111 direct]Y tiatoes the need. , the circ stances QOM-
Buggest that the developer shpt�d participate in the necessary 33apravements.
(Cleary, other. citizens tax c on ut:Lons should not be used to underwrite the
development ofrofi ting table inmne generafacilities.}
I also eel that'there are other :Locations within the City limits which Would be
. i-cantly better in serving both this acknowledged need for "aSfo�rdable hoUM-
as we3,7. as the needs of the oabe inhabitants.
Gwen the af or w--n e ed con a-3Xn s concerns,, .this proposed devel t would no;.j
as presently proposed,,neet the intent and sense at. the I ..dated C mprehencive
Master Pl
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