HomeMy WebLinkAbout070182 Min BORT TOWNSEN09 WASHINGTON 919368 Port Townsend. Planning Commission x:= E, Mir CITY QF PORT TOWNSEND V M=ss OF JULY 1, 19$2 I. Open g Business ChaFlcryd called the meeta.ng to order at 7:irman30 P.;•�. 14embers present were Jim Campbell, Jean Camfield, Larry Dennison Bill Henderson., Wanda Black and Jahn Floyd, Also present was City En�anesr Roger French. Jean CGUM&ie�.d moved that the minutes be approved as iiriLtten. Larry Dennison seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. II. Application No. 681-02 Lebens i�iissig, & Barr Subdivision 49th & Hendricks Port Toitmsend,, Wa. 98368 Due to the fact that there was no one present to represent the • applicants, Mr. Henderson moved that the appli*cati'on be tabled until July 8, 19$2. iiis ADpla.cation No. 582-02 Janice F a Harrison Variance Request 313 '.balker Port Townsend, :7a. 98 34 8 Ms. Harri"son ifas not present so lolrs. Camf ield moved that phis appli- cation be tabled until. the August 26,, 1982 meeting. N. Application No. 682-03 Peninsula Christi"an Fe oiarlow Condi"tional Use Perjult ship & Coerston Academy 1505 Frariklin Port Townsend'. '•1a, g8368 Dennis R. Broul'llette, pastor of the church, explained that the school is an integral and inseparable function of the Church and trill be locating Cornerstone Acade�r�r in itis new church building at x.636 Hastings. There were no objections either by letter or voiced at the meeting. 9 The pkat plan was shoikrn to the commission and public. After discussion in s�rhich the eon¢n�.ssion agreed that a conditional. use peririit,, since it t-ras revievmd annually, 1,70u]Ld insure the publ.i.c Is interest was preserved. • Larry Dennison moved that AP,Plica�ian No. b82-03� Conditional Use Permit be reconmended for approval as there was no adverse public opinion and it met the cr1*teri*a set forthin Section b.0$ of City Ordinance x.625, Jim CaTapbell seconded the motion and the vote eras 0 im 1mous 0 • ve Application No. 682-O4 John A. Bai*ley., Jr. Street Vacata.on P.O. fox 205 32nd Street between Blk 20 & B1k 11 POrt To�msend, I�Ta. 9836$ I•ir. Bailey explained that he wished the vacation for the privacy and enjoyment of the natural condition of the land. He had drai&m up a chart showing a circulation plan explaan2.ng that opening odd number streets and closi'ng even number made sense i*f as Mr. Hawley stated that the plan probably be to open every other street. Sheila A. 1mlahoney stated that the vacati*Lon mould benefit her property since I'Lt was unperkable liaa*th its present size and ad ti*onal piece raght make 1"t perkable, Robey Robl"chaux stated that vacating this street iqou]Ld prevent future access to homes. He said that 32nd was main access to Eddy St. He stated if this street were vacated, he granted the roads around his property vacated too. Chairman Floyd reviewed the City's criteria for street vacati*onsio He poinded out that not one city department approved it. Mr. Henderson asked what good would it do Port Townsend. 1.1r. Bailey stated the peninsula i%rouid like to see less dense population and. this kind 'of vacation Yrrould help. • Ja*n Campbell stated that Mr. Bailey'sinformationhad merit, but all city departments were against 1'.t and the Application does not meet the criteriai40n Section 5 of City Ordinance 1802, 2-6 so move that Application No. 682-041 Street Vacation be recomumnded for denial., �7anda Black seconded the notion and the vote :sae unanimous. VI. Application Ito. 582--o0l Dlary:L ou Robinson Street Vacation 7th & McPherson 7th St. betiiecn Thomas & Me Pherson Port Townsend, .7a. 98 36$ I•irs. Rob i*ns on expla ine d that since buying their home, they found that their garage is in the street. After reva".eUaong the application, Jim Campbell moved that Street Vacation Appli.ca�ion ido. X82»O1 b� recommended far approval as it meets the criteria in Secti*on S, City Ordinance 7.802, 2-6. Jean Camfield seconded the motion and the vote eras unanimous. VII. Application ?�$2-03 Dujardin Custom Homes,, Inc Planned. Unit Develo ent/ P.O. Box 530$ Application No. 482-O4 Everett,, Wa. 982o6 Street Vacat ion (13th betioteen Bogan Rosecrans streets) ayd Reprnar, reDresenting Dujardin Custom Homes, Inc., stated that this corporation does single and multi-family lower income housing for people . iaihose income does not exceed 42 3 3 500 a year. Quaz ar partially sub- sidized rent pins rent dorm t o more reasonable aff ordab 2*1 1 10tye rarme r s Home program submits competitively to state budgets and has authorized this project for financing. The corporation feels itis a do able project. -2- • They feel the proper approach t o this project a*.s a PlannedUnit Development. This project wo d meet a need for the young primarily underis3� years old. Thlocati*on wou1d give good access to shopping, schools, churches, and neighbors. Ronald G. Vigil, the arc t e c t for the pro ject, stated there would be 30 units and planned to preserve exmsti'ng vegetation to create atmosphere. There would be 60 car parkieng, Water and sewer extend 290 feet Wal'th faux man holes. the project mould have an emergency vehi*cle turnaround and an on-site drainage retention system. There would be 56: open space. If the property ifere used for single-family dwellings they ioiould take up 80,'13 more ground frith buil ngs. Vern hones who ].fives at 14th & Sherman stated that water on the other side of McPherson a problem for his and neighboring property. Steve Hayden, representing The Economic Development Committee of the Chamberof CUanerce supports this kind of low incame housing. Alta Helander stated that this area was a pra",vate residential area not a thick density area. The streets i-mre quit. There was major flooding on Logan Street from January-April and i*n the su=er months wader pressure nonmwe stent. Rumwwoff problem already and this project would make it iAiorse. ;�1i.7.1iam He�.ander said that low cost area always turns into a slum with trash thrown about and wrecked cars parked on the streets. Phyliss Hart stated she lives lwai*th her mother on what is now a quiet safe and secure area. She said she can see it all changing with this project along ia*th the additional burden to the Crater problem. Cyn Hal]. said the cion-off problem was very bad on Rosecran. She said the nei*ghborhood was cely kept up and would prefer not to see low V ncome housing. She would 1:'LOke to see property value kept up. Burton Bell stated a full bloc: gest and the next �W block west i-,ras purchased as single family homes. Property would decrease i*n value with people who don't care plus increase traffic. Gwen Jones said traffic coming out on 14th Street not a good idea as not very wide and used as a one way street. Steve Hayden said an idea to look into was a Dayton,*Ohi*o product called grasscrete whip is an ogee netv,-%iork of paving and grass that allcnrs trader a chance to recharge. Mrs. Jones said the mail truck was stuck many times this winter, ',•;arian Haskim said she was not in favor of the project that iqf allowed the area would be a big puddle. • Raymond Haskins said the area was a single family unit area and if you have something like this can just i�ni�;ine what it would da to it. -3- Piiin i•,`r. 3epman an anstaering question stated there would be all under... ground utilities, there =could be two managers tone on site and one man!�ger from Dujarnc3iarillllti s o Farm Home izould be involved). In a 3 bedroom unit with both parents six people could live there, two to a bedroom. Chris I#:acomey, a Duj*ardi*n representLqtive, said that Farm Homes has limits on hoi,7 many people can la',ve in a unit. She said that i*n the pro j e ct' there iTo d be 33 children at the lowest possible level, varying to the highes'� possible of 57 children. She pol'nted out that si*ngle family homes can have more chl"Idren per u=nat ,th i s allowed in this project. 'r;r. Helander said that a].1 of the houses in the area use more than one lot. CarmOlaLta Bel 1 asked if there would b e enoughIlly ground area. Ifx. Vigil stated there :could be the play yard, plus the lavm. BurT4S. elander stated that 12th Street would be used as a play area. I•is. Hart S d i"t iiould ruin quiet neighborhood. Commissioner Henderson asked, since the hour eras ].ate, that Dujardin prepare information next week an the no water pressure problem, sewer problem, the rules of the Farm Home ifusnagement/house keepizg, your • housekeeping rules', a possible 12th Street buffer., in a 24 hour rain fall filling holding tank, hoer wo d you handle water? 117mm 110YFloydadded that they (Dujar�din) target population an,d' give geographical scope. ?!ere the units to attract Port Toi,;nsend people? iihat would be the traffic flow potentia.? A severe septic area, so what is the septic quality of the soil especially :*Lf drainage m6ght overload? Chairman Floyd stated this hearing imuld be continued on Thursday, July 8,9 ).982. Virginia Mulkey Secretary NOTEa This meeting was tape recorded. GUEST LIST SIGNATURE PRINTED PJ!IME : + ; .ADDRESS1p 41 � a)%% V)4 :7 v 7:;p A OZ(OFCAC 1 S'v j rru -'mac. ae im o u//fir r ' J � ME Awor JF low IN eel 07 �a, %P toor r 1)0,2 ��k l 1 P Or F 01a s_ ter' c O � o ,tom r AJ IAJ\SMEN eel n t 135 . . a. OPEN qp MOW NO 14Aj Lw er/ .� 3> molli 4w l, NOEL LMWP do Armpmr MEN dp MEMO Elpv b�7' �jo J3 lCrl13�,� �ivr3Ei �o s ,�31c1�'/�.� �a�a� ��p� f, f� �. I o 1Nrvs L �V v )GY7 a Id 6.6 `/r � 1 6057 S! Xle� SEA7 ���,�,�. � aka� f� ,all � Nt