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41 Port Townsend. Planning Commission
Minutes of Iblay 27, 1982
T, Opening Business
Ch *nmm Floyd caed the meeting to order at 8:Q0 PeMe
Members present were John Floyd., Jim Campbell., Bl'},a. Henderson., lmlanda Black,
Larry Dennison and Julie I*IcGulloch, City Engineer Roger French was present.
Chairman Floyd stated at the regular June 1,Teet3*.ng 'the comnassion would handle
Subdivision Application No. 681v&02 (preliminary hearl"rig} of Lebens, Mis sag and
Barr., and Street Vacation and P.U.D. 130. 4$2-03 of DuJardin Custom HomesInc.
;1anda Black moved that the minutes be approved as �rritten. Ja.m Campbe3.l seconded
the motion and the vote was unar=ous,
harry Dennison told the commissi4on that he was on the cufflMittee to help draft
job description for Public Works Director and would lobby for that person to
• have plan, ng sk1s.
II. The Proposed Fer Te nal
Bob Delf-folf e have a presentation of his study of the planned new ferry terminal.
He used sketches to illustrate h3*.s points.
Mr. DelJolf e stated there would be space to han e a total. of 194 cars waiting
t o board a ferny. On the Previ ous 1�1,onday iarhi ch was Queens Day., a major
Canadi'an holi'day, there were 22b cars waiting to cross on the ferry. Had the
proposed ferry been bu:oLlt there would have been cars backed up to the Roma Inn
and. the right lane blocked for over an hoar. By 5:Q0 P.M. it had cleared up.
He said by year 2000 there would be an increase of 131% projected by a study
that was done (:'Lt was revised in 1980 these were the figures estimated
I%lr. DelJolfe stated thatthe left turn Zane Urou'�.d be a probleM with cars
sacking ug during red }.fight and not able to get i*n ferry dines Tenth the
free right hand turn f illing lines during the Sight. People wanting to use
the plaza or businesses on the opposite Side of the street would be denied
access anyt=* e the ferry unloads or loading in excess of the car lu* nit.
People off-loading and wanting to use the plaza would be blocked to do so.
Mr. Delelo e said local traffic patterns would changetrip.l
as ferry patrons
use residential streets to come down Kearney to access the free right turn..
• lane.
People of f-loadamg trill tend to turn out of town instead of staying. T1111111111le
tolm :is looking to stimulate touM6sm and fixing up a fir things trill not be
better. The terminal would have a negative effect on the plaza. Local
people wM*l]. develop habits which -r�.11 be negative for the downtoiftm area.
' De"Jolfe said that the mediation c ommittee didafine job. He said out of 45 or46
issues that tonere mediated, roughly half were compromised or altered by the
Department of Transportation.
I& b
lair, Wolfe gave the seven major agreement points in contract.
1. Term"nal accomodates approximately 15� cars and there is no way for 300
cars to be handled by year 20000
2. The committee agreed on 2 acres of land and actually it i*s 1.2 acres.
3. The termi*nal was to proVide multiple use when there is no bicycle lane,
no viewing platforms, no fi'shi'ng. Where wall be a series of dates to
close off area when not in ur:,e.
4. Dock fac3'.1121*Lty with 2 slips of double lay:Lng ia'dth for 2 ferries, This
i s alright.
5. Phase construction opportunities can exist and this i*s possible.
6. Traffic circulation W:ffiLth minimum need for traffic personnel.. phis is
not resolved,
7. Site technically and economically feasible. Department of Transportation
says yes, bud �Ir. D2�da�.�e i�as not in agreement.
Mr. I)OVIolfe said that the D.0.T. was extremely insensitive to the bluff.
The Department of Transportation a.s piann�.ng on putting an emrgency tralk
and a stoz�n drainage system an the bluff si'de. The storm drainage system
isrould be cheaper t o put Gin on the opposite Sa.de of street. The survey data
was not good.
• Mr. Delvkloife staffed that the poi nts of concern were there on the matrix,
but were not included. Problem of economic vitality. :1hat happens duri"ng
construction? Only one lane open., then one way pattern starts. People moll
not 11*kely see how lovely Port Townsend is. AIow 3"-s not the time economically
to do this to the already slm,ipingeconomy of the city. ]?urine; the construction,
it vi have terrible impact an the downtown area.
40 111r, DeTollolfe, said to ask what happened to the oragj9 nal agreement?, twat =pact
trill proposed ferry have on Pont Townsend?
Barbara Bogart stated she would like a date i1rhen rest of original pian frill
b e c ompleted including expansion and etc.).
Chairman Floyd asked Ms. Black, Mr. Dennison, and Ms. McCulloch to prepare
a letter to the CouncaLl to reopen this proposed project so that A.O.T. can
ansvrer the concerns of this commission.
IIT. Adjournment
Chaian Floyd adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.11.
Virginia Mulkey.,Secretary
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