HomeMy WebLinkAbout042982 Min PORT TOWNISIENOt WASMIN13TON 99368 Port Townsend Plannit 9 Commission 4F Mb,M1q11- 4F CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINU S OF APRIL 29,, 1982 T, Opening Business Ch�.rman Floyd called the me eting to order at ?:30 P.M. Members present were Wanda Black, Jim Campbe Julie McCulloch'. Larry Denm*son, Bill Henderson, and John Floyd. Also present was CI*ty Engineer Roger French. Jim Campbell moved that the minutes be, approved as Wratten. rry Dennison seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Chairman Floyd fold the c )mmm iLs sion that there wou:Ld be a draft change to the C ity Plan at a workshop on the 20th of 1-4ay, 198 2. II. Application X10. 382-04 Har A. Pollard V ariance (to decrease set back to 5 feet) P.O. Box 827 Port Toimsend,, Wa. • Mr. Pollard explained that a 20 foot set back would push planned tlao c ar garage close to adjacent owners property on this lot I-alith the variance this would not happen plus there would be more lawn and less concrete. The c ommssa.on was of the opinion that this front set back of 5 feet Stas reasonable. Jim Campbell, moved that Qariance request No. 3$2-Q4 be recommended for approval as 1"t was in compliance with zoning code 1625, Section 6.�.p Variance a. 1,2, 4 4,� 5,b,7, & $. liTan Black seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. ZII. Appll*cation Na. X82-02 Plargery & Laura Mustin Variance (from parking requirements in the zoning P&ID Bax 60 3 ordinance) Port Tovmsend, ,Ja. The applica�,ts' opion nawas that their lunch cla"'entele was made up of people who were already in the dovmtoim area and walked to the restaurant. For the dinner clientele there tress adequate parking on r•Jasngton Street and a*,n the County lot at the end of Tyler Street. On discussion, the commission stated that all the dotlmtoiAm businesses tretemre in competition with the an-street parking. Julie McCulloch moved to recommend approval to the City Council for Variance Rec}uest Ne. k�$2-p2 as it eras in compliance lfl&th the zoning ordinance 1625, Sect ion b.14, a. 1,2;1�,�,6,fi� and 8a Larry Dennison seconded the motion and i.t passed unanimously. -1- �Vo Application No. 18 2-01 Robert R. F:*Lfer Conditional Use PermitPe0o Box 821 .Part Toihmsend liplaM (Operate a famiely fun center frith electronic games etc. ) The app licant stated there was a need for this type of center so kids have somewhere to goo The machines do produce no:*Lse'. but could be remedied by sound proofing and turnirg down the volume. Ha.s planned operating hours were 11 A.M. to 10 P.M. and Friday and Saturday nights 11 A.I . to ]. A.M. The proposed location was in the shopping area where the Sears store a*,s located. c�en the coV.ssion expressed their concern for kids crossing S ims :lay out of the parking area, Mr. Fifer stated that a light had been promised for Kearney Street and Sims I-olay. There was a very length3r discussion between Mr. Fifer and the Cummissione The Comssi on stated their concern fora "F r enter" 111111111 this location because the pr� jm age attracted to it were pre-teens and early teens and the locata*,on inias harzaraous for foot traffic especially at night, Even with a dight, there was no guarantee the kids would use it to cross Sim 1play. Mr, Pray, one of the business ovmers in the shopping area, stated that the Liquor Store manager, as hell as Sear's manager imre opposed to this "fun center" as well as himself. He said i*n the two i-,meks the applicant rcm,; this business adjacent to his, the noise was deafening both from the machines and the music. The parking area was taken up by 11r. Fifer's customers-and a lot of trash was` 1eXt'bemhJ'Lnd by his clientele. If this business is allowed to open there., Mr, Fray explained, his business trill be bombed. He added this was not a proper area for this time of amusement center. • On reviei-hang the applcation,ianithe co� ssion found that the safety problem was one that could not be mitigated,trith condi*ti*ons, Mr. Denni*son moved that this Conditi*on Use Permit Application No. 482-01 be recommended for denidenial, as itis not in c ompli"cane e va'th Zoning Ordinance 6.08 A., that this business would most assuredly endanger pubic health and s afety. Jul ie McCulloch seconded the mot iq on and the vote was unanimous. V. Application No. 382--o03 Novi F. Smith, Jr. Rezone (from R to C2) Rt. :L Bax ,12 Port Townsend, �Ja. Mr. Smith stated that he bought this property a.n 1966 for business property and has used it as such since, The auto sales 30t has been in operation prior to 1967. Mr. Smi"th said to leave the property zoned as 'is would mean he could not redo any of s blu*lclings and that Eras why he wished it rezoned. After reviein*ng the facts,, ::fanda Black moved to recommend to the City Council that this Rezone Request No. 382-03 be appro�vec� an the basis that the property has been used for many yas C2 and the rezone is iearsn compliance ta"th the %F purposes and intend of the zoning ordinances also that there was no adverse It and rezone would have no adverse effect on the environment. Jim Campbell seconded the motion and it passed unanm" Ously. • VI. Miscellaneous There would be a, public hearing to end tine matter of the Flem:*Lng Short Subdavasion. on May 13, 19$2. The secretary was instructed to contact Peter Stee3e on hearing. The David Tarrs were to be contacted to see what their plans were for their -2- subdivision appl i*cat iona VIT. Adjournment Chairman Floyd adjourned the meeti*ng at 10:0 P.M. Moe Virgirna u ey, Secretary NOTE: This meeting was tape retarded and the tapes an file at the City Hall Commission Roam. • • 3- T + L G U.,E,ST + # L i PRINTED ti, ME• F 0 #� qp M r m ■ r NATURE -F ; ! F ■ L EDDRESS M F i A DLL AJ25:> l i 4 OL t• � pr Emd" ■ ■ ■ Y (,00e ■ ■ + +i ■ i T J ■ ' 1 1 r�• f _ i � t i Ala r, el, i r T i � ■ �t F ! t po,0 E3ox 6 0.3 Po 170 T F IL04 a ■ , t M&<2i 0174,# owov� 0=mbpm OL qZ ze It ■ f fee loop, T"F LEAti s:o rA 40 w ez zz T ■ T T t F dr r F + Jmmmp=W Alt +q r • F i 1 + r+ + r • S T ■ T F � i F f F J 7 A F i +F% i J. • it ■ t L ■ F + *■ ■ L T i ■ d t r' 1 ■ T r T T 7 J OF , Is J r ' 1 i i f r t _ f i