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Port Townsendaim C �1I ion
N .4 - i F * '
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MINUTES of OCTOBER- 137 '1988 , ,
. opening Business and Roll Call. ,
Chairman carman care the 'Meeting to order aV, 7*040 .M.
T "
- r
Members present were Ron Losec Bohr Grimm,, Jiro Taver'nakls and Lois
Sherwood.- Chairman CarmNan declared a quorum. Also present was Asst.
Planner Kevin O Neill. * r
• r YI '
Mr. Grimm moved to approve- the ,min tes of September 29., 1988 as r
distributed. .' M r. Losec 'seconded and, the motion 4rpassed -0.
II. Communication's
- # i.j
Chairman Carman announced. the app .ntn ent Tara Erickson to the
Planning coir mission. r ,
J 1.
III. old Business
a. Application No. 8807-04 - " William' Amburn
The hearing had been Conti med' m - t"25 1988. In the commission's
packet was a memo from City Attorney Keith lier- regarding Contract
rezones. A contras ry.rezone is" a war of-appr-ovin" g a rezone with conditions
where there are concerns about impacts, or -ap' pr' ov''ing a project specific
rezone .in order .'tci exclude other perm itt d but Unwanted uses' . Mt. O'Neill
presented the staff report (attached),, but did not make a recommendation
for or against the' proposal. He noted' that at .the- preios hearing a
neighbor had expressed concern about traffic congestion as a result of the
proposal. He also pointed out that conclusion . recommended tying the
rezone to the existing R-III zone to the gest,- so as not L to create an isolated
` district. This would not happen if, the rezone were conditioned as project
spe if lc. 1
The public testimony port ion of the hearing was opened.
Mr. Amburn said he proposes to build one story, two bedroom apartments,
with garages which will open on different streets. The area is located Zoo
feet from the current -III zone, much of which is unbuil able. He has
been advised by local realtors that there is a► shortage of rental housing in
Port Townsend. Most of the houses in the surrounding area are rentals at
the present time.
The public testimony portion of the hearing was closed.
Committee Report: Lois Sherwood said she was pleased with the design of
the project and thought the off street parking would mitigate any traffic
problems. She thought there was a reed for rental housing, and that this
seemed to be an appropriate use of the property. She favored a project
specific rezone, and asked if the entire area including Lots 5 & 6 of Block
279 could be included.
Mr. O'Neill said It would be difficult to make the rezone of the entire area
contractual, as there is no proposal for the other lots. Mr. Harper had
reminded him that rezoning the adjacent blocks was outside of the scope o
the application. Either the applicant or the city would need to amend the
application and give notice to adjacent property oqwmers.
Mr. O'Neill questioned Mr. mburn's assertion that the rezone would not
involve an increase in the number of units on the land. Mr. Amburn had
been under the mistaken impression that it was permissible to cover a
greater percentage of the lot under -I. He clarified that four bedroom
houses would involve more people, not more units.
Mr. Grimm thought the proposal ought to be conditioned to ensure
conformance with the plans as submitted. Conclusion would meed to be
Chairman Carman pointed out that if the rezone were project specific, it
would die with the project.
Mr. Tavernakis thought Mr. Amburn seemed tentative in his plans and
not really committed to a rezoning of the property as -III.
Ms. Sherwood ood said she thought lir. Amburn was simply trying not to
pressure the commission.
Mr. Kosec pointed out there had been no opposition to the proposal other
than Mr. Buxton.
Mr. Amburn said he was trying to fill a perceived need in Fort Townsend.
Mr. Grimm found Mr. Amburn's flexibility accommodating, rather than
evidence of a lack of commitment, He suggested the commission deal with
the application before them. conclusion #6 would reed to be modified by
deleting everything but the first sentence.
InytZ100 �]�-
Chairman Carman proposed two conditions of approval Intended to m1t1gate
the impacts of the rezone. 1. The use of the proposed rezone area shall be
limited to a► total of 8 units in accordance with plans submitted by the
applicant. 2. Access to the site will be from the development of Handcock
and Sherman Streets in accordance with the development standards of the
City of Port Townsend Pubic Works Department.
Mr. Grimm asked ghat would happen if it was necessary to modify the
plans slightly.
Chairman Carman said that the proposal was in strict compliance with the
requirements irements the RAA zone. He suggested that Mr. O'Neill be given
latitude in writing the language to be used In the conditions, in order to
indicate that logic should be applied where a slight variation in the plan
was necessary.
Ids. Sherwood moved to recommend approval of Application No. 8807-04
for a rezone and adoption of the findings of fact and conclusions as
presented in draft A and as modified by the commission,, along with
conditions 1 & 2 as proposed. Mr. Grimm seconded; the motion passed 5-0.
. Application No. 8808-02 Dr Roberts
Conditional Use
Mr. O'Neill presented the staff report (attached). The applicant proposes to
construct a 63 unit motel at Zoo Washington Street. A motel is
permitted as a conditional use in a C-11 zone. Staff's recommendation was
for approval of the project.
Mr. Tave n kis asked the purpose of condition 2.
Mr. O'Neill said the soil survey will be used to determine whether or not
the site is developable.
The public testimony portion of the hearing was opened.
Dori Roberts, applicant, said there was a need for additional motel rooms in
Port Townsend.nsend. He felt his proposal would be of economic advantage to the
Dane Walla, project architect, said the structural analysis of the soils study
mould determine the permeability of the soil and the condus veness t
storm drainage. He said the project was in harmony with the
surrounding area. He felt it would stimulate public use of the water front.
The motel will access off Benedict, which would minimize tr affic� problems.
Felly hest, H.J. Carroll Real Estate, said the building was getting old and
something would have to be done with it sooner or later. She saw this
proposal as filling a need, and did not think it would compete with the bed
and breakfast trade.
orris Eccles, adjoining property owner, thought the proposal a tremendous
addition, and agreed that additional motel space was needed. He also
considered the old warehouse a fire hazard.
Jim DeLeo also testified in favor of the proposal and considered the current
building a fire hazard.
Charlie Boulay, ERA Real Estate, thought it an ideal site, out of the
downtown area, and thought it would help develop the marine area.
The public testimony portion of theBaring was closed•
Committee Report. Mr. Grimm"s main concern was increased traffic from
the project. Ike didn't know how to ,fudge its impact,
Mr. O'Neill said the estimate of 6.13 trip ends worked out to about 3 round
trips per unit per day. This is based on national data. other available
data indicate that SR-20 generates approximately 13, 00 trips per day.
There is nothing g in the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan
against the proposal, however the area is designated as industrial on the
land use map.
Mr. Grimm said he would concur with staff's recommendation for approval
of the project.
Chairman Carman said the proposal would result in ars increase of 24 trips
per hour over a sixteen hour day. He had concerns about the intersection
of Benedict and Washington and its capacity to deal with this increase.
Chairman Carman read two pieces of correspondence into the record: a
letter from the port of port 'Townsend to the effect that the neighboring
properties would continue to be used for industrial purposes. He asked Mr.
Walla whether he had considered the mitigation of industrial noise.
Mr. Walla said that only units faced the gest and he expected little if
any impact from the nearby industrial uses.
Doug Humes wrote in opposition to the proposal as being inappropriate to
the area.
Chairman Carman noted that the letter from the manager the Port
stated a position regarding the problems inherent in locating next to ars
industrial zone. The letter stated that the permit,, if approved, should
contain conditions acknowledging the fact that the project is located
adjacent to industrial sites.
Ms. Sherwood said the marine industry was an attraction.
Mr. Tavernakis thought the proposal presented more pluses than minuses.
One rninus would be the loss of a seeding area for marine trades. He
.9 .r. I.ow Ire rti —._
thought that perhaps the port could create such a seeding area. He
regretted the loss of the building.
Mr. Walla said there were plans to dedicate a wall in the lobby to a
historical study of Port Townsend, focusing on the facilities that had been
on the site.
Mr. Grimm moved to recommend adoption of draft A recommending
approval of Application No. 8808-02, along with the findings of fact,
conclusions, and conditions as presented by staff, with the additional
condition as suggested by the Port to the effect that the Port's activities
may not be totally compatible with the proposal. Ibis. Sherwood seconded.
Chairman Carman suggested ai further condition requiring the proponent to
have a traffic study prepared by a registered professional engineer, and
that the results of that study be used to determine the off-site traffic
Impacts created by the project, and to determine appropriate measures
necessary for mitigation of those impacts. His concern was that 24 trips
per hour would be a hazard at either intersection.
The commission discussed whether to adopt this as a condition or simply
express their concern to the City Council
Chairman Carman said what was being discussed was the need for a traffic
plan for the area. He thought it appropriate for the applicant to bare the
cost of improvements made necessary by the development. He suggested
the following wording: The applicant will work with the City Public Works
Director to mitigate traffic impacts in the area. lair. Grimm accepted this
as an amendment to his motion. Ibis. Sherwood seconded the amended
The proposal will have si
V. Announcements
The next meeting will be October 27, 1988 at which time the commission
will continue the hearing on the ordinance relating to minor variances and
conditional use applications begun on September 29, and hear Application
No. 8809-01 by Kathleen Bradford for a street vacation, and Application No.
8809-02 by James Harris and Eileen Simon for a street vacation.
VI. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Alice King
10/13/88 ak
Port Townsend Pla
IRA[, Ir
Date: Augurs 25 , 1
Re: Rezone Appi . 8807-0-1 . 'Wililiam Amburn
After respectful consideration of the above-referenced a i
cat ion including on-site in5pection of the property-, and after
timely t o ti ro and hearing, the Fort Townsenc Planning
fhldirngz4andconclusions :
indi as o �
The app�, ic
, i5a i pis Addition,, from R- 1 ,.0
Bloch �� ou�r-i �
y a m ace ted portion of 4th Street -tie north, a S tree,
to the Wiest, 3rd Street -to he south,, an,'.. Shermar.
aaa .. _ single- i ars-:i iy i l l i n i E c_:. ren!Y i oc a i c or, Lot 7 t -
.;hile Lots 2-4 are vacant. The applicant proposes to cons mru t
i ' �. 2-ed r` a. apartment 10 ��� i h parkin garages the sit=-
if the -rezone &PT-10011AL0US Zapprov=-4d.
, lr %.. a 'r.. ie a #ar ie ice ' land uses a zoning
distticts ( see - # ached map for zoning of the immediate a.
The nort.erntion of Block 279 and the area tc the o hea
anz� nc�rthwest of the site iE zoned4 C-!: , and is developed as a
r. L.r C.,R.....#. 1. c J =-- r a .... r n g w.{ l y Way .s 01�01 ��.w..r r..r �r�'�'� ����.L��. 1�►� �
'/y N t� ELI1 V;E.-zV . 3 Fiz�f the �if � con �t Fwhich iieE
3 + -rently
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�.eez �:�`:;.. s. .n u el 'i rig the lam.' s .moi lv1e faraJhy �'�t'��. s i rli
ince a s �+n e 116 pro er t y. The app3l HAIM states that there
s a ceai;n f:?r ow I middleincons reh#Lia1 units ih Port Townsend,
and mmliintainE that deveic•ping the E i ta as `iu ti-ice iiily unitE
-:PU C1S 0% M-E MYS Of Mise PF 107. 0 .
'E'lanning Commission Page
. Mr. E.R. 'Tice, -who owns Lots 5 a.nd 6 on Block 279, has
submittea a letter to City Council stating that he has n
objection ection to the pro ose6 rezone, an would not oppose his 10tZ
being ,included in the rezone re ues 6,. .
. An attached ma.p indicates the areas in the City which are
currently zoned E- 1 . These areas have been labelled 1 t rouge#
Area 1 is the afore-mentioned ore west of the site of the
proposed rezone. Area 2 is Block 209 , Eisenbeis Addition, which
was rezoned from -I! to R-III in March, 1987 . This block i
Currently undeveloped. Area 3 contains Block 169 and Tax Lot 4 ,
u n' s Ranch Addition. An apartment house is located on Tax Lot
, while Bloc_ 169 is currently undeveloped. Areas 4 and 5 are
currently developed ri a i' - as single family residential .
r 11
Ck The FortTownsend ,r, r l:ans IrPlan presents s e a,
p rf or ma oe and 1 ooa t o a s tan ar0s for be siting of mul ti-
.�L amity housing (attached) . Ariong these standards is that multi-
ut i-family housing "should be restricted from being utilized as a
buffer between other land uses as a determinant of location" .
The Plan also states ht ''a broad range of sousing types and
densities should be avail Dl e for Fcrt Townsend res i dents aw
that "residential ara&.s shc;uld be buffered from adverse
conditions originating from industrial operation,, com er ial
areas ana the 'Ii a - t,
7 . Section 17 . 16 . 010 of the Fort Townsend Muni c 1pal +Code lists
the uses which are pe mai wed in the ario s zoning districts .
The uses which ars allowed in the R-III oning district, aE
either permitted or conditional uses, which are not allowed in
he -I coning district are listed as follows :.
rmi t wed �n i.tai o n a�
Ano the C;2:r37 s a� !ling, mut tai-f am l
Apartment house Note
Catering es abl is4r en ts Libraries ,, us ums , art-
r t..Clinics galleries
non-transient oar ers Trailer camps
S i,g ris i der'SayUL g s i i h] rLi.:.. .
Nonsignificance, dated August 16 , 1988 , after review of the
Envir-:,nmentai Checklist submitted by the applicant pursuant to
the Washingzon State Environmental Policy Act.
P %
Planning Commission Page 3
. There are currently 18 . 3 acres of land in Port Townsend
which awe zoned -I11 . A land use survey undertaken of these
areas indicates that 4 . 5 acres of the R-III land is developed as
multi-family housing. Another 4. 9 acres are currently
undeveloped; however, approximately 2 acres of the undeveloped
land would be difficult to develop due to severe slopes . The
remaining portion of the R-III land is developed as single family
residential .
10 . The site of the proposed rezone is served by three opened
streets : Hancock, 3rd, and Sherman. Hancock and Sherman Streets
run north-south and feed into Sims Way. The site is served b
City water and sewer. 8-inch sewer mains are located in Hancock,
3rd, and Sherman Streets; 8-inch water rains are located in
Hancock and Sherman Streets, while a 4-inch main is in 3rd
4 . In an 'nfor; a telephone survey, realtrs who areariiar
with the rental housing market in Port 'Townsend expressed the
opinion that rental housing in Port Townsend is -in short supply,
particularly rental units in the 2-3 bedroom range.
. An increasing demand for rental dousing exists in Part
Towns end.
. The lots owned by the applicant on Block 279 and all of the
lots in Block 280 to the west are vacant. The proximity to
commercial uses and the lack of recent single- family development
in the area suggests that the subject property is undesirable for
single family development.
. The site is served by three open, developed streets . The
ite' s proximity to Sims way ensures that traffic generated by
uses on the ,site would not interfere with the adjacent single
family areas . The site is also adequately served by several City
water and surer mains .
. The proposed rezone meets many of the locational standards
in the Comprehensive Pian for the siting of multi-family housing:
the pro, ect would not obstruct views , would not be loomed in an
environ exp ly--se psi ive f area, and would be located in ars area
with suitable drainage, slopes , soils , and utilities . The
proposed rezone would also be consistent with the Plan' s policy
that "a broad range of housing types and densities should be
available for Port 'Townsend. housing types should satisfy
variation of lifestyles and economic capabilities' .
5. Housing and demographic conditions in Port Townsend have
changed since the last zoning of the property and justify
Planning Commission Page
additional .-I I I zoning in the city.
. A rezone of only Lots 2, , , and 7 of Block+ 279 would result
in an isolated R-III zoning district.
'M QCk 98
VW 1111111 a i -t In
In consideration of the aforementioned findings and conclusions,
the Planning Commission recommends that the above referenced
application be GRANTED.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning
Don Hoglund, Chr. , Review Committee
Port Tom end Planning
Date: Comer 13 ,, 1980W
: •x .' ? _ -� Don Roberts
A-ft-er. o1 the au l�,re-rea. nc li
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c:a L.-L I'� is i -lT �i� Iii-s t 1I7S c ..JL.3 1 �. - opo... , n1 I., alt.=-
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on the s � �e out d e c e .olishe under the pr ��� l . The s11,e �.
bounded chi e i i n t?'`��� � � � ?� ?�'� ' , Benedict S1�` e� �
` ..w r 1 rt* .�.-�; ++ t. y+ rt+ w 4 + ,. ,. + t,j*4�! !•ter+,
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4 ed as
Morrison permi
2. The site, of the proposed �1 ding con s i sty o eight t or.
Block 168, as Well as a portion of vacat-ed Morrison Street, for a
total site lalrea of 56 , 430 square � t. The apps io.-ant proposes to
construct a tlh " �-starry building h,-=ving h,-=vin35 , 000 of gross floor
area. The building which is currently on the- site • h�oh would be
demolished under the proposal ha square feet o loo
bull- 1es ; r'ei7e t tide ogc.
'e ter; c t d e.A v el op e t in the C-I! zones.ng di trio to a height of
35 feet and a maximum lot coverage of 1 square foo u of r u-S.-
floor area p r' i square foot of l U ( 17 . 2000-. 010 , Por.L.
To r so M n-'L c i a? Code) . T' Sapp. s --ant ' s prof a i-o
co M P . S ir►7 .tii the S r e q u i remm enu.8 .
. The .and uses aced-'Ll-, to she subject proper"T are pry ar-i ;
cormnercial Port Townsenda; and the boa-L: haven are. locatuad
shoreline of Fort Townsend Fay is a pro Wilma to r 100 feet from the
southeastern property line of -'U-he suojecu property. The ares to
the west o LOh Lte across Benedict Street 135 Z1,10kned M-In
developed #j a it as marine-rela-Eed commercial uses . The area
east of the site is zoned -I I .
. The applicant proposes 79 off-street parking .spaces for the
project% Section 17 . 28 , 080 of _the Port Townsend Municipal Code
requires 1 parking space per unit for a motel u The applicant
proposes 63 guest units and a manager' s apartment , which would
resu"A in a parking requirement 55 parking spaces . The
applicant' s proposal meets this requirement .
5 . The subject property is served by three open, developed
streets : Jefferson, Benedict, and Washington. Benedict Street
feeds into Sims way, the major thoroughfare providing access in
and out of the city. Ingress and egress to and from the site
would be provided by 2 two-lane driveways from Benedict Street.
The intersection of Benedict Street and Sims way provides clear
sight distances in both direction for traffic moving onto Sims
Way, while a left-hand turn lane presently exists for westbound
traffic on Sims way to turn onto Benedict Street . Based on data
from the institute of Transportation -Engineers , a 63-unit motel
at full occupancy would generate 386 trip ends per day, or 6 . 13
trip- ends per day per unit.
. The applicant proposes to construct a " i h t f WarneIs building
with wood siding and asphalt shingles . The applicant' s site plan
shows that the building would be located on the waterward side o
the site, while the off-street parking area would be located t
the northern portion of the site. The applicant proposes t
landscape the exterior of the site, including the parking area,
with native vegetation, and provide public b nches on the
waterward side of the building overlooking Port Townsend Bay.
. The subject property is within 200 feet of a shoreline o
statewide significance, and thus rewires a shoreline substantial
development permit pursuant to the Jefferson County--Port Townsend
Shoreline Management Master Program. The applicant has applied
for a shoreline development permit, a public hearing on which
will be held by the Jefferson County--Fort Townsend Shoreline
Management Advisory Co mi s s i on on October 19, 1988 .
S. At its meeting of September 20 , 1988, the City Council
issued a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance DNS for the
project after review of the environmental checklist submitted by
the applicant pursuant to the Washington State Environmental
Policy Act . The mitigating condition added to the DNS by Council
directed the applicant to = submit a storm drainage pian to be
approved by the Public works Director and the City Council .
1 . The proposed motel use of the subject building will not
endanger the public health or safety, nor will a ,nuisance be
Planning Commission a 'e 3
The proposed use will be required to meet all of the
conditions and specifications set forth in the C-II zone in which
the property Is located.ri
The proposed use will not be injurious or detrimental to
adjoining or abutting property.
. The site is zoned C-II and is surrounded by commerclai
development. The commercial development policies in the
Comprehensive Plan state that ofcommprcial development should be
located in areas to provide tourist-oriented services" and
that ''Development of Port Townsend' s visitor services potential
should be encouraged" , Therefore, the location and character o
the use will be in harmony with the area in which it is located
and will be in general conformity with the Comprehensive Plan.
in consideration of the aforementioned findings and conclusions ,
the Planning Commission recommends that the above referenced
application be GATED AS CONDITIONED:
1 . The project shall be developed and landscaped as shown
on the site pian dated August 30 , 1988 .
2 . Upon demolition ion the e As ting building, a soil survey
will be done on the site prior to construction of the
motel .
. All required conditions and specifications of the - I I
zone and the Shoreline Management Master Program shall
be met .
4 . If a building permit and/or occupancy permit is not
obtained for subject property within one year from the
date of the board' s decision, the conditional use
permit shall be cancelled and automatically icall become null
and void ( 17 . 64 . 070 , Fort Townsend Muni c:L pal Code) .
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend d Planning
Donald Hoglund, c r, , Review Committee
Do you wish to
NAME (please print) ADDRESS present testimony?
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