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Fort To send Planning
- * MINUTES OF JULY 141, 1988 f
f F 5
L opening Business a9nd Roll Call.
Vice-chairman Tavernakis called the riie'eting to order at -7:38 P.M.
R - F }} • , 5 � �S 5 4 Y ,
Members present were-Rory.Xos•ec, Bob" Grimm, Don'. McLarney, and Jim
. Ta erria is. Vice-chairman Tavernaki,s '.declared..a,.,quorurn. Also present
was Asst. Planner Kevin O'Neill. t
x i
Mr. Kosec moved the minutes- of Oune. �3, be approved as submi.tted. • _
Mr.. Grimm seconded and the motion � +
L Communication's • r t 4. '
Mr. O'Neill passed around a pa phl t from- the Waterfront Center on
Urban Waterfronts, information from the American Planning Association
on the changing, course of �, use' law., i,t he ;bud ge e xp en d i tu res.
Illi old Business 4'
a. Application N . 8804-02 Ja Mas I au en e e
Short Plat• f M° -- .
Mr. Daubenberger has written to request -a postponement- of- the
continuation of .the hearing on his application to August, 11, 1988. He is
attempting to work out an access road which-will - -satisfactory to his
` +
Mr• McLarney moved to continue the earn to August I l+, 1988. �r i
Kosec seconded and the motion passed 4-0. * � ,
b. Application No. 8805-0John Martha Wood ro t
Short Plat
Mr. O'Neill' presented a reprised staff report i'}f at t ached.) The -re isions include
a neer draft condition *4 requirin- g t eat' the proposed sanitary severer
extension in Tyler St. be an -inch main -instead of a 6-Inch-main.
1 14 '
The public hearing was opened. No one wished to present testimony and
the public hearing was closed.
CommitteeReport: Mr. Tavernakis said that though he had been unable
to visit the site, he was familiar with the neighborhood and saw r*o
potential problems with the application.
lair. Grimm asked about the f ire foot easement along the f ront lot line in
dr of t cord t on #1.
Mr. O'Neill said that the requirement of utility easements was standard
and meant to allow for the f uture installation of utility lines.
Mr. Ta erna is moved to recommend approval of Application No. 8805-04
by john & Martha Woodworth and adoption of the findings of fact.,
conclusions and conditions of approval as presented in draft 2. Mr. K sec
seconded and the motion passed --o.
Chairman Carman arrived but lid not participate in the vote because of a
possible conflict of interest. Mr. Tavernakis turned the meeting over to
Chairman Carman.
C. Application No. 8805-05 Mike Major
Conditional Use
Mr. O'Neill presented the staff report. (attached) He passed out a revised
floor plan and a► letter from the Port Townsend Fire Department dated
July 1 ,, 1988 superseding the letter dated June 7:, 1988. The applicant
proposes to establish a live theater in the currently vacant building at 419
Washington St. A theater is permitted as a conditional use in the -III
zone. Mr. O'Neill called the commission's attention to draft finding of fact
#4 which should be reprised to reflect the new letter from the Fire Dept.
The maximum occupancy limit will be 115. This change is also reflected in
finding of fact #5 which refers to parking which would be required if the
building were built today. This would be 28 spaces and would be reduced
to 21 spaces as the building is located in the downtown parking district.
The applicant has amended his request for a sign permit. The three signs
will total 40 sq. ft. However, the directory sign remains an issue because
the zoning code permits a directory sign only if the building has more than
one use. Draft condition 1 will be amended to limit the occupancy to 115
and the sentence in parentheses will be deleted.
Mr. Grimm asked whether the question about the director} sign was
irrelevant as its area was now included within the permissible 40 s . ft.
Mr. O'Neill said that staff was trying to resolve the issue legally in terms
of the zoning code. The directory sign is there presently and does not need
to hold up the conditional use permit.
The public hearing was opened.
Mike Magor testified in favor of his proposal saying it would benefit the
community. He had no problem with the proposed conditions s f approval.
He thought he had complied with the sign regulations by keeping the total
si&nage under 40 sq. f t.
Mr. O'Neill asked if the operating hours as presented in the staff report
were accurate.
Mr. Magor said they were., though the theater doors will open at 7:00 P.M.
The theater will operate year round and Will have classes for children from
approximately 4-6 P.M.
Mr. Tawe nakis asked if the RV sites in the municipal parking lot
permitted overnight parking. There is no restriction posted at present. He
asked if the City had any pians for the parking lot.
Mrs O'Neill said the parking lot was currentlyfairly under utilizers In
addition, the proposal would generate the greatest need for parking on
Thursday, rida , and Saturday evenings when other demand is lour.
Mr. Grimm suggested that a finding of fact include the statement that the
municipal parking lot is under utilized and will easily accommodate the
additional parking generated by the proposal.
chairman Carman said this would more properly be a fifth conclusion and
suggested the following wording: Because of the existing under utilized cit
owned parking facility ad,iace]at and the bours of operation---of the proposed
use. 112C- co missi finds-no conflict.
Judith Challon er-W ood, m ar keting director for the pr oJ ect, testified in fa or
of the proposal.
enine F ales urged the commission to approve the proposal.
The public hearing was closed.
CommitteeReport: Mr. Ta ernakis reported that Mr. Hoglund had called
him to state that he was in favor of the proposal and recommended
Chairman carman said he felt the signage complied with the spirit if not
the letter of the law.
Mr. O'Neill said the square footage was not the cluestion. The issue was
whether the directional sign was an off-premise sign or part of a multi-use
Mr. Major had proposed a 13.5 sq. ft. projecting sign but agreed to reduce
this to 12 sq. ft. when Mr. O'Neill informed him that 12 sq. ft. was the
allowable limit for a projecting sign. Finding #7 will be reprised to reflect
7/14/88 a
the new sign sizes; $$a 12 square foot projecting sign, a 21 square foot wall
sign over the entrance, and a► 6 square foot sign in an existing building
directory located on the wall of one of the adjacent commercial office
buildings fgr -&-.tgjal�.gf 32 square feet. Buildings located in the commercial
historic district are allowed a total of 40 square feet of signage (17.34.050
Port Townsend Municipal Code)." The sentence following the cited section of
the Municipal Code will be deleted. The finding will continue "There is a
aucstion regarding the Qermis§iWity ,gJ.-JhgAirgctory reauealed 12Y.-the
A neer conclusion #6 will read. The Plannin&-Commission is in agreement
thal 11ae mmlicanI15 -si&nage meets--the-slQirit if not the letter of 12
Townsend. Munl i al Code 17.34.050 •
y i
Mr. Grimm moved to recommend approval of Application No. 8805-05 by
Michael Major for a conditional use permit as conditioned, with condition
1 as amended by staff, and adoption of draft findings of fact 1-8 as and additional conclu ions #5 and #6 as proposed by the
commission. Mr. McLarney seconded and the motion passed 5-0.
1V. New Business
a. Application No. 8807-01 Conditional Use Gerald Rodgers
Application No. 8807-02 Variance
The building permit expired on this project,t, and City Attorney Keith Harper
decided this necessitated a new conditional use permit. The hearing on
both] applications was set for August 11, 1988. The committee will be Mr.
Ta ernakis and lair. Grimm.
. Application No. 8807-03 Jef f erson Transit
The hearing was set for July 28, 1988. The committee will be Mr. Hoglund
and Ms. Sherwood.
V. Announcements
The next meeting will be July 2 , 1988. At that time the commission will
hold a► public hearing on proposed draft ordinances defining "frontyard"
and house numbering. Mr. O'Neill passed out revised drafts of both
ordinances. The commission will also hear Application No. 8806-02 for a
setback variance by William and Joanna Withers, and Application No. 7-
3 for a sign variance barJefferson Transit.
V1. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 P.M.
Alice King
7/14/88 aI
Date: July 1 , 198$
Re : Short Plat Apps . 8805-04, John and Martha Woodworth
After respectful consideration of the above referenced appy. -
catlon including on-site inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port ' Townsend sen lar nin
Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following
findings and conclusions :
Fin 5 f Fact
1 . The applicants propose a short subdivision of approximately
0 . 9 acres into three lot: pursuant to Chapter 18. 38 of the Port
Townsend Municipal Code.
The subject property is within the -I zoning district and
is described Tax Lot 33 , Section 2, TCA-71IShip 30 North, Range 1
West, W. M. of the City of Port Townsend , Jefferson County,
3 . The applicants propose three lots a s follows
a. Lot 1 , . 128 acres ( 1,2, 180 square feet
b . Lot 2, . 30 acres ( 13, 050 SgUare feet
C . Lot 3 , . 30 acres ( 13 , 050 SgUara feet
. Access to -the proposed lots is as follows ;
a . Lots 1 and 2, from Tyler Street
. Lot 3 , from Hufford Place
. The Tyler Street right-of-way, which c-)rd ars the northeast
section of proposed Lots 1 and 11., is 60 feet wide. The developed
portion of Tyler Street curves into Str6at just north o
the proposed plat, while the Tyler Stree-t rl t--of-way continues
-to the n(_-�rthwest. Two 10-feetwidek util.ity easl&nients are
proposed extending west f oni Tyle • Street across Dots 1 and
respectively. Hufford Place is a platted road having a 25 foot
right-of-way wa ich the City does not niaintain. Hufford Place
currently serves three lots and feeds into Maple Street.
. Water supply would he taken by e.-Ktcending the 6--inch main
currently in Foster Street to the eas iz--en boundary of he Tyler
Street right-of-way. Lots I and 2 WOUld then be served by
3/4-inch limes extending from the proposed 6-,,inch main in Tyler
Street. There is currently a 3/4-inch service line in Hufford
Place. However, It is unclear at this tulle as to whether this
main would be sufficient to serve Lot 3 . If not t a 3/4-inch line
will e extended to Lot 3 from the pn:)po ed Tyler Street mala
t1iro gh a 10-foot easement on Lot 1 .
7 . Sewage disposal would tae accU-mph.i sh d by a proposed --inch
sanitary sewer main extension in Tyle' r to an existing main
n Cosgrove Street. The proposed manhole would be located at the
southeastern midge of Lot 2 In Tyler S trc-et. Lot 1 would be
served by a 4-inch line extending from the proposed 6-inch main
in Tyler Street. Lot 3 would be servedfrom the Proposed 6--inch
main through a 10-foot utility easement in Lot 2 .
8. Ali existing fire hydrant is shown cis; the proposed plat at
the intersection of Foster, and Tyler Strea Ls .
. The proposed plat does not includes. a proposed drainage
10 . The subject property i s not traversed by any watercourse,
stream, or drainage hann l ; is not in a flood-control one; and
is not within 200 feet of a bode of water of statewide
si gnificanc .
1 . The proposed short subdivision is in conformance with the
goals and policies of tie Port Tt wn,Send Comprehensive Plan.
The three proposed lots would be within the 300-foot radius
f the existing fire hydrant at the intersection of Foster and
Tyler Streets that is required by the Port Townsend Fire
Department. Therefore, ars ad itioncal fire hydrant is no
0 . Under the conditions p ascri d bels) , the proposed short
subdivision meets `the purposes, standar&5 and criteria of Chapter
18 . 38 of the Fort Townsend Municipal Code, and it is recommended
y the Port Townsend Planning Commission teat the proposed
preliminary plat be APPROVEDS CONDITIONED
1 . Easements shall be provided fcj-r utility installation
and maintenance and shall conform to standard width o
five feet on each side of interlor lot lanes and fere
feet along front lot lines .
. City water supple nest be provided to each lot at no
cost to the City and without p1acet ent of reservations
of future use of water lines so provided. An as-built
plan of installed water conn6ot.ions and lines shall be
provided to the Public Works Director.
. Prior to the installation of any proposed extension o
the City sewer system, an a.�-bullt plan of proposed
sewer inains and service lines shall be submitted to and
approved by the PUblic Works Di rec ox•.
. The proposed sanitary sewer extension ire Tyler Street
shall be aux inch main.
. A storm drainage plan for the proposed plat shall be
submitted to and approved by the Public Works Director.
. The final short plat shall be prepared pursuant to all
of the applicable requirements of Chapter 18 . 38 of the
Port Townsend Municipal Code and h 11 be submitted t
the City Council within three years of the date of
preliminary plat approval .
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning
James Ta ernaki , Chr. , Review Committee
Part Tolwmsend Planni Commission
Date: July 1 , 1988
Re. Conditional Use Appl . 8805-05 , Michael J. I a or
After respectful consideration of the above-referenced appli-
catl n including ori-site inspection of the property, and after
timely notif ication and hearing, the Fort Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following
findings and conclusions
Findings of Fact
i . The applicant proposes to establish a live theater in a
currently vacant building at 419 Washington Street. The building
had previously been occupied by the Peninsula Paper company and
the Olympic Laundry and Cleaners office . The building is located
in the -T I Z.. ning district. A theater is permitted as a
conditional use in the - l l zone.
The building is bounded by two commercial office buildings
to the southwest, a city-owned parking lot to the northwest, a
warehouse/coxerci al office to the northeast, and the James Swan
Hotel to the southeast.
. The building has approximately 1 , 400 square feet of floor
area. There is approximately 1 , 000 square feet of space
available for the stage and seating areas . The applicant
proposes a movable stage with seating available for approximately
100 people.
4 . The Port Townsend Fire Department has submitted a letter,
dated June 7 , 1988 , regarding the proposed theater use in this
building. Fire Department staff , after reviewing the applicant' s
floor plan and undertaking anon-site inspection, have listed
several iters which must be brought into compliance with the
Uniform Fire Code before the building could be occupied. The
letter also states that the ma.-Kitma.-Kimum occupancy load det r in tion
for the proposed use at this site is 65 patrons . (Note: The
applicant maintains that since the time this letter was seat, the
door plans have been changed and Fire Department staff have
adjusted their findings ; However, at this writing no additional
formation has been received from the Fire Department. Further
research will be done on this matter in advance of the hearing)
. Builtr for to theenactment of the zoning code, the
building and proposed uses in the building are legal and
nonconforming with respect to parking. Accordingly, there are no
parking requirements in the zoning code which are applicable to
the proposed use. Off-street parking requirements may be
reasonably unposed as part of a conditional use permit. If the
building were to be constructed today, the parking requirement
would be as follows :
U.,seZSea.ti.nA Reguirement Parking Spaces
Theater/65 seats I space/4 seats 16
This would be reduced to 75 percent of the requirement, or 12
spaces, since the building is located in the downtown parking
district. There are currently no privateoff-street parMng
spaces for this building. The city-owned parking lot directly o
the northwest of the building which has 58 parking spaces . Of
these, 15 are for compact cars , 3 are spaces for the handicapped,
are spaces for recreational vehicles, and the remaining 31 are
for general use .
. The applicant' s current proposed operating hours for the
theater are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights from 8 . 00
11 : 00 and week--end children' s matinees from 1 -. 00 to 4 : 00 pry.
7. The applicant has applied for a sign permit concurrently
with the conditional use application. The applicant proposes
three signs to be ,installed: a 12 square foot projecting sign, a
2f square foot wall sign over the entrance, and a 6 square foot
sign in an existing building directory located on the wall of one
of the adjacent commercial office buildings . Buildings located
in the commercial historic district are allowed a total of 40
square feet of signage ( 17 . 34 . 050 Port Townsend Municipal Code) .
12 34 Pazzi
. . The directory sign
requested is not permissible/as the subject building does not
include more than one business sharing an entrance 'and,
therefore, does not meet the requirements for a directory sign.
(17 . 34 . 050 (H) , Fort Townsend municipal code)
S. The city Council has issued a Determination o
Nonsignificance, dated June 21 , 1988, after review of the
Environmental Checklist submitted ted by the applicant pursuant to
the Washington state Environmental Policy Act.
1 . The proposed theater use will not endanger the public health
or safety, nor will a nuisance be created.
. The proposed use will be required o meet all of the
conditions ins and specifications set forth in the --III zone in
r i
which the property is located, except for those legal ,
nonconforming conditions which were 'n existence prior to the
enactment of the Port Townsend zoning code in 1971 .
1 .
. The proposed use will not be injurious or detrimental to
adjoining or abutting property.
. Because the proposed theater use would provide a viable use
to a currently vacant building without adverse effects to the
adjacent property owners and businesses, the location and
character of the use will be in harmony withthe area in which i
is located and will be in general conformity with the
Comprehensive Plan.
In consideration of the aforementioned entioned indings and conclusions ,
the Planning Commission recommends that the above referenced
application be GRANTED As CONDITIONED:
1 . The occupancy of the building will be limited to an
audience of not more than 65 people at one time. (Note,:
This condition may be amended if there is a change in
the recommendation of the Fire Department as discussed
in Finding #
2 . It is understood that the Uniforin Building Code and
Uniform Fire Code apply and must be ret prior to
. If a building permit and/or occupancy permit is not
obtained for subject property within one year from the
elate of the board' s decision, the conditional use
perinit shall be cancelled and automatically become null
and void ( 17 . 64 . 070 , Port Townsend Municipal Code) .
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Fort Townsend Planning
o mi s i n e
Donald Hoglund, Chr. , Review Committee
July 1 , 1988
Kevin' O ' ell
Assistant Planner -- i
City of Port Townsend -
City Hall -
Port Townsend
S�' -
e : Conditional Use Permit leo. 8805-4 ; -Michael *J. Major.' '
Dear Mr . O ' Neil:
This office has reviewed the second proposal by Mr . Major
for a dramatic theatre at 419 Washington street .
We hereby provide your office with our findings and det-
erminations -
e inations relative t the Uniform Fire Cade for this
proposal ( 1985 Edition) .
1 . The proposal shall meet the requirements of
Uniform- fire Code for
a . Article 25 "'Places of Assembly"
b. Append. I�A "'Life Safety Requirements for
{ Existing Buildings Other Than High Rise'*
c . Article 12 , "'Maintenance -of Exit Ways"
. The existing a i ing plan shall be designed and -
constructed in accordance with the Uniform Building
Code and Fire Code including the rear deck and stair-
way, sub'Ject to the review and approval of the Fire
. The maximum occupancy load determination for this
proposal as submitted is one—hundred-fifteen ( 115 ) .
This is based upon a figure of 1258 square feet of
loon space and a load factor of eleven 11 as determined
by the fire department . said occupancy limit shall
be posted in conformance with Section 25 . 114 of the
Uniform Fire Code .
Minimum aisle widths shall meet Article 25 of the Uniform
Fire Code at all Hems , for any re-arrangement of seating ,
or "Platform stage of position. The July 12 , 1988 drawing
submitted is not hereby approved.
V310 Uawrence Street I Port R)wn cnd. W.,ishin ton 983681 Telephone: ( ) 385-2626
Fire detection systems and fire appliances shall
be provided in accordance with the Uniform Fire
Code and subject .to inspection and approval by {
. - the . Fire -Chief.
. A parkingplan for this proposal shall be reviewed F
by the Fire Chief to determine a fire . zone area,
where parking will be prohibited.
. This letter supersedes this department ' s letter
of findings dated June . , 1988 to Mr .. Major.
This department may provide more detailed review during , the
building permit review process .
' y
Howard Scott
Fire Chief
P "t' 'I'MV.-N S A D FIRE l E V' } TUAT
. dtine 1988
Michael . Major
10 Saddle Drive
Port Townsend , WA 98368
RE : Proposed Drava Theatre
419 Washington Street , Port Townsend
Dear Mr . Major
This depar t.ment has reviewed your June 1 , 1988
letter and floor plan for the above-referenced project ,
including site inspection rude on Hav 18 , 1988 .
We hereby provide you with our findings based upon
the Washington State Uniform Fire Code , 1985 Edition .
1 . The exterior east~ wall of the building shall
be protected by a fire resistive material
i Lh a one hour rating .
. The design and operation of the facility
shall be in conformance with the applicable
requirements of
a. Article 25 " Places of Assembly" require-
ments of the Uniform Fire Code ( copy
attached and highlighted ) ; and
b. Appendix I--A " Life Safety Requirements
For Existing - Buildings other Than High
Rise" of the Uniform Fire Code copy
attached and highlighted ) ; and
. Article 1 "Maintenance o Exit Ways" o
the Uniform Fire Code ( copy attached and
highlighted ) .
. The maximum o cupancy load determination for
this proposal is sixt—y- five 5 patrons .
The c #pac i t y ofthe facility shall be posted
and maintained in a conspicuous place on an
approved sign near the main exit/entry= .
. The proposed rear ( south) exit shall be designed
and constructed in compliance with the Uniform
Building Code , 1985 Edition .
Please consult the City ' s Planning and Building Depart-
ment for your proposal ' s applicabillt 'with the Citi Zoning
and Uni orm 'Building Code Permit Requirements , including the
State of Washington Regulations for liandi capped Access .
1310 IX,n%IrIIcv Sin,cl 11'+11.1 980366 i 'I'vIvIditmc: f206) 385-2626
Mr . Michael J . Major
.June 7 , 1988
Page Two
Thank you for the opportunity to review your proposal .
Call on us should you require further assistance in this
matter .
This review was done by Tori Aumock .
Very truly yours ,
110WARD SCOTT, Chiu`
Port Townsend Fire Dept ,
TA : la
t,�c : Michael hlidt , City Hail
Guk4iPst 1_ i��t
P7T-oC 7114198
Do you wish to
NAME [please print) ADDRESS present testimony?
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